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L. Neil Smith's
Number 169, April 15, 2002

The Fastest Way to Freedom

by Corey Langeslay
[email protected]

Special to TLE

We all have our pet freedoms, some it is speech and religion, others the second amendment, others it may be freedom from search or asset forfeiture. The fastest path to what we all want, hopefully, of true freedom and full enforcement of the bill of rights is by taking back our Government. We need to get good candidates and back them with grass roots support. Talking to our neighbors whom we may have never spent any time in talking to is a start. Finding good people that hold with our beliefs are a necessity. Then we must promote and market out people and ideas. We have failed so often in getting people elected to office -- any office -- that we continue to "Preach to the Choir". We have a few "names" in the popular culture to push our ideology. Socialist Hollywood is a write off unless we become popular. We do need to get more of the culture on our side.

Conviction is the basis of our fight, but truth is the second punch. Lies and arrogance only breed contempt, we have an easy fight in the battle of ideals, proof of the failure of collectivism is readily shown in the fall of the Soviet Union and by telling people to go read Anthem by Ayn Rand. We need to show our evidence of a growing police state and collectivist ideology and get children to learn about freedom. We need to gain in size and add those that are finally getting disillusioned with the Democrat or Republican parties and their wrong headed thinking on freedom. Simple solutions to getting our ideas into the mainstream are all around us with rock artists RUSH or Bob Marley and books by L. Neil Smith, Ayn Rand, James Bovard, or essays and articles by Claire Wolfe and Charles Curley, or the ever popular Vin Suprynowicz, to radio programs by Neil Boortz and Jason Lewis. As we talk to our fellows and amongst ourselves we should identify those that wish to seek office, those that wish to help move opinion in the public, and those that are activists for campaigns. The attack on freedom is multifaceted and eroding what we have. Elections of Libertarians to offices both small and large allow for us to cut taxes, remove regulations, and reform public policy, by elimination of socialist agenda laws until the elected office itself can be eliminated as well.

The lack of suitable candidates, lack of people helping to campaign, lack of money, are all major factors in why freedom isn�t being restored and our liberty is being dissolved. Small things can be put forth to mass audiences for little or no cost. Local cable access channels that allow you to make your own television shows are there for you to publicly voice the libertarian ideas. Submitting letters to the editor of the local newspaper with libertarian ideas for the socialists to try to sidestep are also an easy way to sway an educated group of people into rethinking their politics. If you aren�t already writing letters to newspapers you should begin! If you aren�t working for a libertarian campaign, find one you can support and help! If you want to be elected to an office to remove bad law and bad people, get on the ballot! I want the libertarian cause to succeed, I know you do too. Some of our fellows don�t know who to help, where to start, how to write a good letter, or how to get on a ballot. Let those who know help those who do not. Network on the Internet, or locally to get us the point where their lies can not stand against our truth.

What we need and what we have are two separate things, we need people to join us, we need candidates, we need good press, and we need to push freedom as the agenda. Let our stars shine let our side be told from our mouths, let our candidates get elected and we can end the socialist agenda. Shake some hands and ask about what people in your area really want. Put out signs supporting Libertarian candidates, donate to the cause with what time or money you can afford. I think that is well spent because you will get it back when your taxes are going away sooner rather than later! And you are allowed to keep more of your money.

I know we have many fellows that have left the public to become reclusive and have opted out of all public discussion or interaction, as is their right. I feel we need all the people we can muster for every fight, those that are passive and unsure the time to vote, help on campaigns, or write letters has come. I�d rather we turn the tide than fail because of silent disgust with the current leadership. We can agree we don�t like what is going on today with the rapid destruction of our liberty, but we need all the help we can get and we need it BEFORE the next election in November. I make sure people know I vote, and I make sure I help in any way I can. I write, I complain, I converse, I advance the cause everyday. Small battles can sway the effort in large ways. Fight along side with me. Fight for freedom.

Corey Langeslay is a Libertarian that left the lakes and rivers of Minnesota and moved to Central Texas and works hard at converting the masses from Socialists drones to freethinking Libertarians. Writes essays about humor and freedom, and generally tries to live free in any way he can. He has dogs, cats and a wife that for some unknown reason love him anyway. You can e-mail him at [email protected].

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