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L. Neil Smith's
Number 169, April 15, 2002

How About a War on Hypocrisy?

by Patrick K Martin
[email protected]

Exclusive to TLE

So, we�re fighting a war on terrorism are we? Well, when will we be seeing Noraid (Irish Northern Aid) on trial? Have all the funds that Noraid uses to buy weapons and explosives for the IRA been confiscated? Are the officers and workers of this terrorist finance committee languishing amidst the rapists and murders in an American prison? Why not? Are we fighting all terrorists, or just some terrorists?

What about our "Allies"?

Afghanistan; Now in the hands of the "Northern Alliance," you know them, they are the people we spent the �80's helping the Muhajadeen to kill. The people we were sending the Taliban money to fight because they grew opium. The remnants of the old communist government combined with various warlords who think life under the old butchers was better than life under the Taliban. Doesn�t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy to know that your government has put the people responsible for thirty years of civil war back in office? Of course they will behave like nice democratic people now, right?

Pakistan; A nation which has been supporting terrorists in India�s Kashmir region for decades and put the Taliban in power. Those terrorists who have been rampaging through India, just look like the same people that Pakistan�s been supporting that�s all.

China; Supported, and still support the madmen in North Korea. Invaded and conquered Tibet, where it still occasionally massacres the natives. Supported untold numbers of insurgents and terrorist organizations in Africa, and still supports several communist killer- republics in Africa, Zimbabwe being one. Supports terrorists in Nepal who like to set villages on fire and shoot the fleeing peasants. Constantly threatens, and occasionally attacks Taiwan. Hell, they even threatened to nuke L.A. (Ok, so maybe they aren�t ALL bad).

Britain; The nation that invented the Concentration Camp (2nd Boer War). Killed more Irishmen than the potato famine. Butchered Scots like sheep, when they weren�t too busy raping the women. Conquered a significant chunk of the planet, slaughtering God knows how many people along the way. Imported opium to China to destabilize the government. Started two World Wars (one by doing too much, the other by doing too little). Helped hand eastern Europe over to the Soviet Union. Handed Rhodesia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire, etc. over to various communists. Not to mention having started both the whole Israeli/Palestinian mess, as well as the India/Pakistan thing through their ineptitude. Currently they provide money, training, and arms to third-world bandits the world around, when they aren�t too busy selling their own country to the Socialists in Brussels.

France; I hesitate to include France as they tend to support Saddam Hussain and Muammer Gaddafi more then they do George Bush (either one), but what do you expect from a country that would make Charles De Gaulle president rather then standing the treasonous SOB against a wall? Don�t forget, these are the people who let the likes of the ETA and �Carlos the Jackal� wander freely, provided they didn�t kill anybody in France. They also blew-up the �Rainbow Warrior� (which shows that they aren�t all bad either).

Germany; Ok stop, stop laughing, we�ll just move on.

Saudi Arabia; Yeah right, a country that lets the cops beat better than a dozen schoolgirls back into a burning building because they forgot their head-scarves, please. We won�t mention where Osama Bin- Laudin is from, nor where umpteen million dollars of his money are at. I will refrain from mentioning where the PLO got fifty-years worth of money, guns, and political support from as well. If you think things have changed since September 11, I suggest you search the net, I don�t think you�ll find much to encourage your view.

Russia; RUSSIA? You mean the country that armed, trained, and supplied 90% of ALL the terrorists on the planet, that Russia? What did you say? That was the USSR, not the Russian Federation? Well, then tell me, how many of the people who ran the USSR have been tried for �Crimes against Humanity�? Who is in jail for disguising explosives as toys to kill Afghan children? When was the trial for chemical weapons use in Afghanistan? What portion of the population of the Gulag Archipelago is made up of people who used to run the USSR? Come on, the people who crushed the �Prague Spring�, starved millions of Ukrainians, invaded Afghanistan, created modern terrorism, killed, intimidated, raped and tortured millions of people at home and abroad must be in jail somewhere, right? Right?

Well skip it. We�ll just stick to the post-Soviet crimes. Like the invasion of Georgia, where they overthrew a democratically elected government, in order to install EX-Soviet mouthpiece Eduard Shevardnadze. Or maybe you prefer the udder barbarity of the war in Chechnya? Don�t forget, this is a country so broke, so awash in debt that they are only fielding one new ICBM (SS-27 TOPAL-M), one new SSMB (SS-X-28), one new ballistic missile submarine class (Borey class), and one new Cruse-Missile (unknown). Not to mention new tanks, planes, helicopters, artillery, and ships. Of course they would never point them at us, right?

To swerve back to the main point, if Russia is so willing to cooperate, why don�t they just hand over the dossiers of the thousands of terrorists they trained from the 1950's to the present? Why don�t they tell us where all the terrorist training camps are? How about they send over all the people who ran the camps, and handled the terrorists back in the day? I hear that one guy who worked in the KGB office in Germany knows all about the terrorist networks in Europe, a guy named Vladimir Putin, but they probably can�t find him, right?

The point of all this is that we are not fighting a war on terrorism. All this antiterrorism nonsense is a smokescreen for the real agenda of intimidating or eliminating those who do not support the (yes, you knew it was coming) New World Order. Our illustrious Fuhrer ... Oops, I mean president, is working day and night to crush the untermenshen ... Doh, I mean the terrorists, who refuse to understand that the Reich ... Damn, the United Nations ... Shoot, the United STATES, will achieve world peace if it has to kill somebody.

If we really cared about terrorists, we wouldn�t be blowing up stone hovels in Afghanistan (and just coincidentally paving the way for an oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea). We would be cutting off the flow of money and technology to states that really support terrorism, like China and Russia. We would be sending Delta Force and SEAL Team 6, or freelance counter-terrorists (like the once well-known Gayle Rivers), to grease the Osama Bin-Laudin�s of the world. We would be putting outfits like Noraid out of business, sending �Diplomats� from places like Libya and Syria packing, and clapping known spies, like Cuba�s UN mission, in irons. Instead you and I get to watch American boys coming home in body-bags and listening to politicians tell us how a national ID and more victim-disarmament will save us from backpack nuclear weapon and Smallpox. Assuming Bill Bennett and his "Americans for Victory Over Terrorism" volunteers, or the Federal Alphabet Ninjas, don�t knock down our doors for daring to dissent. Wait, is that someone at the doo...

The State vs. The People, by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman

Is America becoming a police state? Friends of liberty need to know.

Some say the U.S. is already a police state. Others watch the news for signs that their country is about to cross an indefinable line. Since September 11, 2001, the question has become more urgent. When do roving wiretaps, random checkpoints, mysterious "detentions," and military tribunals cross over from being emergency measures to being the tools of a government permanently and irrevocably out of control?

The State vs. the People examines these crucial issues. But first, it answers this fundamental question: "What is a police state?"

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