L. Neil Smith's Ramblingby Carl Bussjaeger
Special to TLE
I'm going to borrow a page from ol' Minority Mike and touch on a few different items that have caught my notice lately. On the Second Amendment front, we still have the usual insanity. From an administration that's doing its best to render the friendly skies even more friendly - for terrorists, that is - by raping passengers and the Bill of Rights alike in a criminal effort to render everyone but the bad guys defenseless: "The current position of the United States ... is that the Second Amendment more broadly protects the rights of individuals, including persons who are not members of any militia or engaged in active military service or training, to possess and bear their own firearms." -- Solicitor General Theodore Olson (reported by FoxNews) Hey, Olson! Does this mean you'll be filing suit against Transportation Secretary Mineta any time soon? Unfortunately, I'm sure that my more conservative-type acquaintances will treat this just like Ashcroft's earlier token show of familiarity with the Constitution -- convinced this means we've won, they'll support the rest of the feds' criminal activities. And just to keep their oars in the water, the Violence Protection Center chimed in with this: "This potentially makes it harder to prosecute criminals when they have equipped them with arguments that give criminals a sweeping, individual right to bear and keep arms." -- Mathew Nosanchuk, litigation director, Violence Policy Center. (Reported by ABC) Yo, dipstick! If we have a right to keep and bear arms, then we aren't criminals for doing so. I think what you meant to say was, "This makes it tougher to persecute honest people for exercising their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights." I'll believe Olson when the feds start filing suits to have every one of the country's 20,000+ gun control laws tossed out as unconstitutional. And then there's Dubya's new and improved Axis of Evil, which the BBC reports has been expanded to include Cuba, Libya, and Syria, for "seeking to obtain chemical or biological weapons...". Of course, one place they've reportedly been trying to get biological agents is the... wait for it... United States, which has its own biowarfare program going. Remember the reports that the anthrax used in the post office mailing attacks came from the US Army? Oh yeah, I forgot, we're only trying to develop a vaccine. Uh huh. Right. Sure. And what about the US's stock of nerve agents, which for some reason still hasn't been destroyed? Okay, enough of the the scary news. Time for some comic relief. TheNewsMexico.com reports that Mexico's defense secretary, Gen. Gerardo Vega, was flying to Washington last week to discuss military cooperation that might link U.S., Mexican and Canadian forces in the same way that NAFTA has economically linked North America. Oh, boy. The military equivalent of NAFTA. Considering how that has been working, I can only assume that we'll be at war within a few months of closing this new deal. I've gotta stop following the news.
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