Why I Will Not Vote!

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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Reason Magazine

Number 197, November 4, 2002


Letters To The Editor
Letters from Carl E. Mullin, Ward Griffiths, Susan Wells, Lowell Potter, and Alobar:

Why I Will Not Vote!
by Patrick K Martin
This Tuesday, November 5, a very important event will occur in my life. For the first time since 1984, I will not vote in an election. I have never failed to vote before, not once. If I was eligible to vote, be it a general election, special election, primary, you name it, I voted. However, as of this election, and from now on, unless our political system changes, or unless I and/or L. Neil Smith stand for election, I will not vote.

Searching the Land for a Pro-Gun-Rights Judge
by Vin Suprynowicz
It's unusual for Gun Owners of America, the nation's largest gun- rights lobby, to endorse in a judicial race. But they mailed a little green postcard to all their Nevada members last week, urging a vote for Nevada state Supreme Court candidate Don Chairez. I rang Larry Pratt in Northern Virginia to ask him about that.

by Dennis Kabaczy
New York City: "A federal judge has ordered the deportation of a 79- year-old man who served as an armed guard at slave-labor camps during World War II, the Department of Justice announced Friday (25 Oct 2002). U.S. Immigration Judge Mirlande Tadal ruled Thursday that Mykola Wasylyk, 79, should be deported to the Ukraine, the former Soviet republic he considers his native country." (As reported by the Associated Press)

Three Cheers for Patriotism
by Lorin Nelson
When we Americans talk about patriotism or being patriotic, what are we saying about ourselves?

Flawed Court Report Reveals Feminist Desperation
by Wendy McElroy
What do you call a report that invalidates itself in the introduction and threatens critics with criminal prosecution in the conclusion? Answer: The revised 2002 Family Court Report issued by the California National Organization of Women (CA NOW).

Last Friday
by Mark Lamoree
Last Friday, as I was coming into work, I saw a friend of mine engaged in an animated discussion with the security guard. My friend walked out of the building looking disgusted, and I followed to find out what the trouble was. Turns out that Jim (not his real name) had committed an egregious faux pas: he had brought several shotguns to work in the trunk of his car. No, he was not preparing to go on a killing spree; he was going hunting after work. Because he had several thousand dollars worth of firearms in the car, he asked security to keep an eye on his vehicle. They responded by making him move his car off the property. A guard was dispatched to ensure that he did so.

by the Editor
Items of interest:

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