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![]() L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 204, December 23, 2002 WASSAIL! ![]() LibBytes/LibBits
"... NOW WE WILL DEAL WORSE WITH YOU THAN WITH THEM." [GEN. 19:9] It's hard to defend Trent Lott on any grounds. He's as smarmy a politician as ever emanated from the South, and I trust him as far as I can throw the occupied Capitol. But look at the soft parade of hypocrites lining up to pillory Mississippi's Good Old Boy. It takes a special kind of chutzpah for Jesse Jackson or Ted Kennedy to open their pie holes against Lott -- or anyone else for that matter. But I do have a solution to propose. Send Lott home. Then, send home every Senator who has ever said anything comparable. Then, send home every Senator who has ever said anything unbefitting a representative of his state. Then, send home every Senator who has ever violated his oath to the Constitution of the united States and/or of his home State. Then, start on the House of Representatives. Then, on all other elected feral officials. Then, the executive, judicial, and all "lettered" bureaucratic branches. Then, state, county, parish, and local. Stir until done. If we are going to have a representative republic, then let's get busy making it representative. Otherwise, let's just shut down the Fever Swamp on the Potomac until we can figure out how to make it work. And if it's our lot [sic] to live without government, so be it. [See also GEN. 19:24] CALL ME A RELIC, CALL ME WHAT YOU WILL Ever notice how "progressive" music has gone all whiney and has all become the same droning mud? Sort of like a Seattle winter .. or summer ... or srping ... or fall? I'm tempted to call it the feminization of rock-and-roll, but that would probably make somebody mad. So I'll counter that gaffe with the observation that through the long and awful transition to morose, pap-like grunge oatmeal conformity, some of the brighter lights have been held by females and female bands. Even the so-called rockers are far closer to balladeers than to balls-out thrashers. Not that there's anything wrong with a good ballad. But if you're going to lay down a decent backbeat, a driving bass line, and some thunderous precussion, then you ought to have the lyrics to set it off. Now this is not the same rant the fathers of my generation issued forth against rock-and-roll music. Though they did succeed in ruining R&R -- not by their rantings, but by focusing their wrath on white boys and girls who were who were just aping, albeit more "acceptably", what black boys and girls had been doing just fine below the radar screen. No, this rant is against the banality that rock has become. Oh sure, there are bright spots. But tune in your local "clear channel" megawattomerate, and listen closely. Everything sounds pretty much the same. Whatever happened to underground radio? Oh yeah, that's right, "profit" happened. "Demographics" happened. "Focus groups" happened. And when you get right down to it, maybe that's what's really wrong with libertarianism. Watch TV? No? Good for you. Now, go away! Still here? So you do indulge? Good. Gather 'round! Seen "Firefly" yet? Need to catch it. It's good viewin', I'm thinkin'. All about space, and freedom, and such. Oops ... been cancelled! Probably made the government nervous, what with its anti-authoritarian viewpoint and all. Too bad Fox dumped 'em. Maybe Paramount will pick 'em up. That'd be good. HOW DO YOU SAY "NISEI" IN FARSI?
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