Yes, Virginia, There Is Individual Liberty

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

Information Awareness Office Website (before)

Information Awareness Office Website (now)

Hum ... they must have finally noticed they were creeping people out?

Number 204, December 23, 2002


Free State 
Free State Project

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SPECIAL NOTICE: The Libertarian Enterprise will be "on holiday" until January 5th. From all of us at TLE to all of you, we wish you a peaceful holiday season, and share our hopes for a freer year, through each of our individual efforts, in 2003 ... and beyond.

Letters To The Editor
Letters from John A. Lappart, Jeff Colonnesi, Dennis Kabaczy, Curt Howland, Caleb Paul, Doug Spittler, Dennis Baron, Sam, E.J. Totty, Dennis Kabaczy, Carl Bussjaeger, and Curt Howland:

Zapping The ZAP?
by Kevin M. Crady
The ZAP, as formulated by El Neil, offers the prospect of defining what a "libertarian" is, and encapsulating the entire libertarian political philosophy (according to El Neil) in a single, short paragraph. But is it a workable principle to base libertarianism on? In order to qualify, it must be both logically consistent and possible to apply in reality.

Yes, Virginia, There Is Individual Liberty
by William Stone, III
In 1897, eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote to the New York Sun: "Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, 'If you see it in The Sun, it's so.' Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

It's The End Of The Church As We Know It. (I Don't Feel Fine.)
by Doug Newman
Am I the only person outraged by this? Future generations will look back on December 12, 2002 as a bleak day in the history of Christianity in America. On this day, President Bush signed an executive order allowing churches and other religious organizations to compete for federal funds for charitable purposes. This is a horrendously bad thing for a variety of reasons.

"School Daze"
by Lowell Potter
Why would anybody listen to me? Actually, there was a time when I thought I was quite smart. Well, I was ...sort of, a youthfully innocent, alert, commonsensical kind of way, but as far as book learning was concerned, I was irretrievably enrolled in government schools at the tender age of five.

Compassion, Kindness Killed By Fear, Paranoia
by Wendy McElroy
Terrorists wish to destroy the social fabric of the West by instilling a paranoia that makes us destroy ourselves. A new fortress mentality is being stoked by a media that dwells incessantly on every terrorist possibility, on every awful news story from anthrax to Catholic sex scandals. And, so, we begin to view each stranger as a threat and each neighbor with suspicion.

by The Editor
Items of Interest:

Free State 
Free State Project

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