The Cat Came BackOr Tried To, Anyway
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Number 290, September 26, 2004 "Taxation With Representation"
When celebity idiot Jerry Doyle (Babylon 5's "Michael Garibaldi") was exposed as having said, in essence, that firearms rights are all well and good, but nobody should have a gun that will spew "hundreds of rounds" at a time, I suggested the subject of this week's cartoon to my friend Scott Bieser who, as usual, executed it perfectly. But the real conceptual credit, it must be admitted, belongs to another friend of minea great friend to all of us, reallyAaron Zelman, Founder and Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (, who taught every one of us about the relationship between victim disarmament (it becomes pretty clearalmost unremarkablewhen you use that phrase instead of "gun control", doesn't it?) and genocide. Thanks, Aaron! L. Neil Smith, Publisher, The Libertarian Enterprise
Issue 290. Wow, that's a lot of issues! Let the good times roll, my friends, let 'em roll. And roll they do. Several long articles in this issue, all fully worth your time. Thanks to J.R., who donated to the causethe cause of continuing publishing TLE, that is. Got to pay that electric bill, or the computers stop working. And the last few nights the temperature has started falling below freezing up here in the mountains. Fall is already starting to feel like winter. The experts say we'll have a bit more snow this time around. Snowit was fun the first few years we lived here. Now, it's just cold wet stuff. That donation link again: Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
The Cat Came BackOr Tried To, Anyway
Lady Liberty Interviews Michael Badnarik
Taxation With Representation
It's the Government, Stupid!
What Democrats Deserve
Survey of the Bill of Rights: Articles 7 and 8
Wage Gap Reflects Women's Priorities