L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 345, November 13, 2005 "Plant the Spirit of the Rifleman" Project Appleseed: Planting the Spirit of the American Rifleman
Special to TLE The Revolutionary War Veterans Association is launching a nationwide effort to re-establish what once stood as the primary protection of our unalienable liberties. Through Project Appleseed, their goal is to "plant the Spirit of the Rifleman" across America, working together to find or create facilities and resources to allow every able and willing citizen to learn to shoot a rifle safely and well, and to do so close to home. JPFO congratulates RWVA on this laudable project and encourages our supporters to help. RWVA has already sponsored two Appleseed shoots this year and want to have sixor morearound the country in 2006. In each shoot, RWVA provides a full team of instructors and brings their own insurance, along with targets, etc. It's essentially a turn-key operation needing only a range (which can be on unimproved land). Putting on one of these events would be MUCH easier with local assistance. If you'd like to be part of Project Appleseed, or can help locate local ranges to host Appleseed shoots in your state, please contact [email protected]. (And if you're looking for a fun target to use in your shoot, JPFO has the perfect one, FREE for download! www.jpfo.org/hitlertarget.pdf (Adobe Acrobat required)) For more information on Project Appleseed, go to www.rwva.org and click on "Project Appleseed" in the left sidebar. With your help, trained citizens will once again stand ready in every city, town and village across America, equipped and trained to defend their homes, their families and their communities against those who would take away our birthrights. The Liberty Crew P.S. Only 35 days until Bill of Rights Day (www.jpfo.org/bord.htm) on December 15! Download our FREE Uncle Sam Poster from www.jpfo.org/unclesamcolor.pdf, and let us know how you celebrate this special day!
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