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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 362, April 9, 2006 Free Market Money ![]() Home of the Slave?
Exclusive to TLE Re the article "Home of the Brave?" by John Steinsvold in issue #361: If Master Steinsvold's article is supposed to be an April Fool day joke; it is a day late. If so, please accept my apology and read no further. If not, I wish to address and dismiss it. In TLE #360 Jim Davidson said of John Morris, in his letter to the Editor: "I'm a bit surprised to find his [Mr. Morris's] natterings in The Libertarian Enterprise, though I guess you scrape the bottom of the barrel when you must." I have been, for some time, trying to refrain from saying what Mr. Davidson has said in an effort to remain polite. Now M. Steinsvold had pushed me over the brink. I must heartily concur with Mr. Davidson's observation that Mr. Morris is, indeed, an epitome of barrel-bottom scrapings. His masterful grasp of the obvious, his condescendingly voluminous and maundering output, his vast and sweeping ignorance and self-absorbed meanderings into subjects various and remote from libertarian philosophy or interest have prompted me to ignore his columns entirely. Now, it seems, I must add another to the short list (previously one, now two) of TLE columnists to pass over with a heavy and resigned sigh. M. Steinsvold's "piece" is the most blatant and infantile example of Communist propaganda and apology that it has been my unhappy lot to wade through since my days with the astronomers in a major (and unnamed to save embarrassment for the guilty) university. They taught me astrophysics and I exposed themusually for the first timeto philosophy and economics. Perhaps I should try again. And so, another brief exercise in futility. The Marxism that M. Steinsvold presents to his projected audience of mentally retarded eight-year-olds has not a thing to do with economics. It is a religion originating as a heresy from Christianity; a bastard child, as it were. As such it displays the three earmarks of all religion:
M. Steinsvold places blame for all the troubles in the world on the shoulders of the free market and the use of money. He is unaware of the fact that all wealth (Wealth consists of goods and services, Master John.) above the level of the small animal pelt, the sharp stick and plucked fruit is the result of people trading in the free market. He is unaware that money is a symbol structure that represents value received by a customer; and not a spawn of his devils with purely spiritual attributesfor the corruption of the souls of commoners. If, that is, the low, brutish and sub-human commoners actually have souls; a point that is still under debate among the anointed. He decries social, technological and economic complexity. It therefor follows, as the night the day, that there can be no division of labor. He thereby tells us that choices are bad and that one size of everything fits all. Either that, or all people may only have what they can make for themselves. And under his perfect Marxism there can be no exchange of values among individuals. He condemns competition in business, thereby telling us that all technological progress and improvements in efficiency are bad. He condemns competition in business, telling us that it is "unnecessary duplication of effort". It therefor follows, as the night the day, that all products of a certain kind may only be made in one factorya factory that is owned by the Lords Temporaland worked by their slaves. Either that, or we must reduce our industry to hunting and gathering; and our technology to the sharp stick, the un-tanned animal pelt and the un-modified rock. After all, the chipping of stone arrow heads is a technological skill that only a few can do. And under his perfect Marxism there can be no exchange of values among individuals. He tells us that he, or his Lords, have abolished human nature. That all men henceforth are devided into three races. (Before you condemn me for putting words in his mouth; remember that words mean things and ideas have consequences! Read his catechism with care, and look beyond it to the true history of his church, as exemplified in the German Third Reich and the Russian and Chinese empires.) He tells us that these races are the Lords, the Bureaucrats and the Commoners. That no men have any vestige of self interest. That all men strive only for "the good of the whole". That the Lords have only the best interest of the lower races in mind, always, have no self interestand are the natural owners of all other men. That the Bureaucrats do only what they are ordered to do by the Lords, have no self interest or desire for wealth and have only the best interest of "the whole" in mind, always. That the Commoners are, by nature and right, the property of the Lords, subject in all things to the control of the Bureaucrats, incapable of operating their own lives, without self interest and willing to work without end for the benefit of the superior races. Amen. He then has the temerity and the unmitigated gall to contradict himself completely and tell us that he proposes no substantive change in our economic lives. He says all this, having no idea that the science of economics is really the study of how people get along with each other. Whether money is involved in the relationships or not. In summation, Master John's one thousand, nine hundred, seventy-seven word catechism may be summed up in nine words by George Orwellfrom his seminal warning against Master John and his church: War is peace.
The following six economic principles should help Master John (and, perhaps, others) to get started understanding the basics of economics by observing them in the world in which he lives (the REAL one, not his religious fantasies as expressed in his catechism) and applying them to his life. 1. The nature of property:
2. The nature of money:
3. The law of supply and demand (another nine words):
4. The law of price (which follows from supply and demand and is also
called "the invisible hand" of the free market):
5. The forge of adversity:
If a species is not fit it will go extinct and leave that ecological niche open for a better one. If an individual is not fit he will die (and, we may hope, before he can reproduce) thereby leaving "his share" of resources for others and cleansing the gene pool of his inferior inheritance. If a business firm is not fit it will go broke and out of business, thereby freeing-up market share and production resources (plant, equipment and labor) for more efficient businesses to use. This is technically know as "recycling". In that way the market eliminates inferior goods and services and promotes the better and more efficient ones. The best businesses receive the most business and make the most profit. They then invest some of the profits into more business expansion (capital investment); thereby making more of the best for the customers at the lowest practical prices. Not being the best does not kill you. If you are only fit to survive, it just keeps you humble. This constant challenge to survive in competition with others, whether they are species, individuals or businesses, puts stress on the participants in the system of life. It is stress (exercise) that makes us stronger than before and reduces our weaknesses. This has been compared to heating and then rapidly cooling (quenching) steel in a forge and water bath; thereby setting up stresses in the metal and making it harder or stronger. That is why the tempering of our minds and ambitions in the free market has been compared to the blacksmith tempering the steel. Thus we speak of "The Forge of Adversity". And that is why it is good. 6. The ZAP (Zero Aggression Principle):
The ZAP boils down tens of thousands of years of head-scratching and experimenting (and failure and trying again... ) into a single principleexpressed in a single statement: "No one has the right, under any circumstances, to INITIATE force against anyone else." If we want to expand that a little to cover all the cases, we may point out that fraud is theft by guile or trickery, instead of direct physical forceand has the same result for the same reasons. The credible threat of force that has not yet been applied is an initiation of force that saves ammunition. Hiring someone else to do your stealing or murder for you is still stealing or murder on your part. Therefor all those things come under the definition of "initiating force". Please note the word "INITIATE" with regard to force or violence. The libertarian philosophy is not one of non-violence or pacifism. The ZAP means that decent people do not start fights. However, they may certainly end fights by any meansspecifically including killing the criminals. That is because violence is morally neutral. It may be used for either good or evil. M. John's church uses it for evil. Decent people use it for good. Over six thousand years of human history, and especially the last few hundred years of American history, prove that non-aggressive, competitive cooperation through production and trade in the free market (the practical and empirical development of the ZAP) produce peace, progress and prosperity, while political aggression (government by a political state) produce robbery, rape, slavery and genocide. That is why the ZAP is goodand political government (most especially including Marxism, M. John) is bad. And that is why I invented Fifth-Generation War. To solve the problem of the political state for good and all. With thanks to my predecessors:
References: To see where Master John wants to take us (or, at least, those few that he
doesn't murder in the process), see the history of the Soviet Union and/or
Communist Chinaor in a fictional rendition (easier and MUCH more fun
to wade through as a novella) read "Anthem" by Ayn Rand at:
To see where Master John is coming from with regard to his "philosophy"
and the crimes that he wants to commit, see Prof. R. J. Rummel's rather
conservative research on the history of M. John's "Church of the Holy
State" (Over 300,000,000 murdered in the 20th. century alone, only
one-seventh of them in warand counting!) at:
To learn about Fifth-Generation War and how to avoid Master John's Final
Solution to the American Problem see my articles "Election and Revolution"
in TLE issue 295 at
and "Teaching the ZAP to the 4GW Crowd" in issue 345 at
And to see an example of where decent people might want to go from here, read "The Probability Broach" or "Pallas" by L. Neil Smith. For an in-depth study of a REAL philosophy (libertarian) read "The Ethics
of Liberty" by Murray Rothbard
If Dr. Rothbard is too heavy-going for you, start at the Advocates for
Self Government and take the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" at:
For the tools you need (You REALLY need these!) to preserve your freedom
and defend your self, family, property and country against M. John and his
"friends" see (along with many other good companies at other addresses)
I recommend the M1A rifle and the M1911-A1 (big or small) pistol. Don't leave home without one!
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