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![]() Simon Jester |
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of NetPlanetNews.com A Reader Supported Web Magazine Who is a libertarian?
![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 375, July 9, 2006 "This insane and petty Prohibitionism" |
Ah, the Arizona Monsoon season has started, so things have cooled off
some here. About time.
I don't know about you, but I am just about worn out. "And so it goes. . . ."
The Libertarian Enterprise is a free reader-supported web
magazine. You can help keep us going by either donating some cash using
the following link or else click on the links to our advertisers or
affiliates and buy yourself the things you know you're going to buy
somewhere. Why not buy 'em from here and help put a little bit of
commission cash in the rather empty treasury of TLE. We will
appreciate it! (And thanks to those of you responding to the call already!)
And so we begin the three-hundred-seventy-fifth edition of The
Libertarian Enterprise! Enjoy!
Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
The Portland Purge
In Defense of Libertarian Purity
Borrowed Trouble
The Future Path of a Libertarian Movement
The Founding Fathers Order Cheesesteaks
New Book Revives Lost Notions of Boyhood
Keep the King of England Out of our Face Day relatedan open invitation to lawlessness
Chuck Bridgeland sent this picture.
He writes:
"In the great state of Illinois, real fireworks, the kind that could hurt
you if you're stupid or careless, are illegal. This store is right on
the state line (notice how the road surface changes), between
Ill-i-noise and Wisconsin, and caters to us deprived residents of the
Land 'o Lincoln.
"Despite being illegal, they've been popping off all last week in our
neighborhood, and I'll be doing my part."
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by BigHead Press, 2004
from L. Neil Smith, valentine michael smith or maybe Bill Koehler,
Roy J. Tellason, Randall D. Langkraehr, Lawrence Lee Rowe Jr., and
Thomas L. Knapp
by L. Neil Smith
By now, most of my readers will be aware that there is no more
Libertarian Party, at least in any philosophical, moral, or ethical
sense. They'll know that, in Portland, Oregon, ironically enough on the
weekend of July 4, 2006, a slathering pack of neolibertariansthe
vicious lowlives who have always placed politics ahead of principleripped
eighty percent of the contents out of the Libertarian Party
national platform. Moreover, they would have obliterated the document
altogether, if they could have mustered a few more gullible fools --
those incapable of the two millimeter intellectual leap required to
understand that there's no point in having a Libertarian Party, if you
abandon the very libertarianism that the party stands forto help
by Anthony Gregory
Many libertarians seem particularly worried about "purity police" within
the libertarian movement. These "purity police" are accused
of over-zealous sectarianism, frightening away potential fellow
travelers with their rabid accusations of statism hurled at those
guilty of the slightest deviation from radical libertarian principle.
Instead of embracing those who believe in liberty for the most part,
they supposedly get bogged down on allegedly minor issues, and their
attachment to libertarian purity thus threatens the growth of the
libertarian movement.
by Lady Liberty
I like to read, and I also like to watch movies. Because
I like doing both of those things so much, I'm happy to encourage others to
enjoy them, too. I have a lot (okay, I have more than a lot) of books, and I
have a few of my favorite movies on DVD. Although I'm fairly careful of these
books and movies because I value them so much, I have been known to loan those
I recommend to good friends. After all, if you can't trust a good friend, who
can you trust?
by Christopher Awuku
As a libertarian, I like to keep abreast of happenings
within the libertarian movements of countries around the world, since they
are naturally seeking to create a freer society and freer world. Within
these nations there are a number of think tanks, political parties and
other organisations dedicated to promoting and disseminating ideas about
liberty. This is all well and good, nonetheless how does the future path
of liberty present itself?
by Jonathan David Morris
THOMAS JEFFERSON: Hey, Madison. Check it out. Only one
more guy ahead of us, and we will finally be able to
sink our wooden teeth into genuine Philadelphia
cheesesteaks. JAMES MADISON: Sweet. I hope these things are all
they're cracked up to be.
by Wendy McElroy
Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails are what
readers of a surprise bestseller are made of. The Dangerous Book for
Boys by the British brothers Conn and Hal Iggulden is a practical
manual that returns boys to the wonder and almost lost world of tree
houses and pirate flags. It celebrates the art of teaching an old mutt
new tricks and accepts skinned knees as an acceptable risk for running
through fields with the same dog yapping along.
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