Bill of Rights Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 380, August 13, 2006

"When you let people do whatever they want, you get Woodstock.
When you let governments do whatever they want, you get Auschwitz."

Control-Freak News
For the week of 006-08-07
by E.J. Totty

Credit The Libertarian Enterprise

It's been a busy week for the Control Freaks, and if history is any indicator, it will get very much worse before it gets better! My own comments—if any, are in italics preceding each of the stories.

Gun Control Items

So far as I am concerned, anyone who says that the right to self-defence doesn't exist, should be refused any and all manner of assistance when in dire straights. If one doesn't belief in self-preservation (self-defence is the first nature), then any assistance at all would be a violation of that person's right to die, however miserably—regardless of whatever remonstration otherwise.

The Arizona Republic (US): Criminals won't obey gun laws

How many people are attacked and killed with a knife or even a baseball bat? Are you going to ban these, too?
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The Philadelphia Daily News (US): Letters: Not-so-benign anti-gun group

Well, one man's "gun-violence prevention" is another man's gun control.
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NewsBusters (US): Gun Control: Campaign Finance and ROI

Trigger locks are part of an overall strategy to legislate how people are to safely store firearms in the home. When Lott studied the effect of safe storage laws, including mandatory locking of firearms in the home, he found these laws to have no positive impact on accidental shooting deaths, suicide, or violent crime rates.[5] The Centers for Disease Control also concluded that research hadn't revealed any significant value in such laws.[6] When a research council of the National Academy of Sciences studied these laws, their conclusion was corroborative:
In general, we find that the scientific bases for understanding the impact of different technologies on the rates of injury is sorely lacking. The existing research outlines a number of interesting hypotheses, but, in the end, the extent to which different technologies affect injury remains unknown.[7]
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US NEWSWIRE (US): Jewel/Osco Boycott Supporters Thanked by ISRA-PVF

"I'd like to personally thank all of those who shopped somewhere other than Jewel/Osco during the month of July," said ISRA-PVF spokesman Richard Pearson. "Our office received hundreds of calls and e-mails from around the nation wishing us luck. I think our message hit home."
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Maybe those jerk-offs from Taxachusetts should get a grip and realize that it isn't the object, but rather, it is the 'objective' of the object's possessor.

It seems to me that 'object controllers' can't seem to get that grip—if only that they fear touching the thing they desire to control, will cause them to 'lose' control!

Maybe Maine should have a billboards inviting its citizens to spend their hard-earned money in either neighboring New Hampshire or Canada?

Portland Press Herald (US): Maine gun-sale laws under fire

For the last five months, a 252-foot billboard near Fenway Park has been warning Boston motorists that Maine and its lax gun-control laws help supply local criminals with their weapons.
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If gun laws 'slowed' violent crime, then crime would be nearly non-existent—in the consideration of all the virtually useless laws which have ever been enacted!

The Arizona Republic (US): Gun laws do help slow violent crime

Further evidence shows that gun-control laws work. Great Britain has some of the most restrictive such laws in the world, and the murder rate there is less than 1.3 homicides per 100,000 people. The murder rate in the United States is 5.5 victims per 100,000 people.
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Just because you're the largest, it doesn't mean your the smartest—or the best.

Sometimes being the largest means that you no longer have the ability to think in a logical fashion, and merely react to the most vociferous minority in your organization as a means of appeasement. (No man survives when freedom fails/The best men rot in filthy jails/And those who cry "appease, appease"/Are hanged by those they tried to please.—Hiram Mann)

Religious Action Center (US): Nation's Largest Jewish Organization Reaffirms Support for Gun Control Measures

Saperstein: "It's far past time for this nation, our nation, to follow the voice of the people instead of the voice of the NRA, to enact—and not to stonewall, delay, or water down—common-sense gun control that will help put an end to the relentless stream of tragedy that handguns cause in America."
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Opinion (US): Calling Mr. Obvious

Gun crime is rampant in some parts of the country. Perhaps the most notable at the moment is Washington DC where authorities recently actually went so far as to declare a crime emergency. Obviously, the crime rate is a problem. Just as obviously, there's an easy answer. The bad guys already have guns. Why aren't the good guys able to protect themselves on an equal footing? Because Washington DC has what may be the most draconian gun control laws in the country. Gun ownership in Washington is all but impossible for anyone who isn't either a cop or a criminal.
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[This article is also reprinted in this issue of TLE—:Editor]


I'm not particularly fond of Wikipedia, seeing as how it's a free-for-all regarding the definition of certain things—many of which patently absurd, without any basis in fact, and otherwise questionable.

You make your own decisions.

Gun politics—Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term gun politics refers to the various public policy debates surrounding the freedom or restriction (gun rights versus gun control) of private ownership and usage of firearms, and to what extent such policy influences crime and the balance of power between the individual and the state.
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Knife/Weapons Culture/Control Item


When malum prohibitum exceeds malum in se:

This one is interesting! A special court for just those who carry anything which might be considered a bladed arm of whatever sort. No such 'special court' for other crimes?!

As if all those 'other crimes' are less onerous?

File this under the heading: Make an example of them—just because!

Evening Times (UK): Call for specialist court to curb knife offenders

A SPECIALIST court that quickly deals with people caught carrying knives should be introduced in Glasgow, say the city's MSPs.
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Amazing, isn't it? The once proud Scots have been so tamed by the English, such that they are now implementing the same hideous nonsensical English laws regarding what they used to carry without a second thought yesteryear. I guess it must be true: A once proud people brought to their knees, now embrace the ideas of their oppressors.

Scottish Executive news (UK): Further measures to tackle weapons culture

Ministers have already consulted, as part of the police bill consultation, on doubling the maximum sentence for carrying a knife, giving the police an unconditional power of arrest when they suspect someone of carrying a knife or offensive weapon, and increasing the age for buying a non-domestic knife from 16 to 18.
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DO take note of the picture used in the following article.

DO take note that no 'ash trays' or 'belt buckles' are exhibited.

DO take note of all those terrible, ugly, awesome looking blades exhibited. . .

Scotsman (UK): Scotland in grip of 'weapons culture'

* Arrests by Scottish police for weapon possession increase since last year
* Use of ad hoc weapons such as ash trays and belt buckles on the rise
* Forthcoming Police Bill will introduce hasher penalties for possession
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30,000 knives? Why not more, or less?

What's the deal with that 'magic' number?

NCPA (UK): Britain's "Knife Culture"

Police hope to collect 30,000 knives that will be turned in at police stations, churches, supermarkets and schools around the country.
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Oooooo, 75 knives! Well only 29,925 more to go!

Scotsman (UK): Police lock up 75 in knife crime crackdown

A CRACKDOWN on knife crime in Edinburgh has resulted in 75 people being locked up by police using tough new powers.
The majority of those put behind bars were arrested in the streets outside pubs and clubs, where officers stopped and searched suspects for knives and other weapons during a five-week campaign.
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Have you ever noticed that when government can't control a thing, it invariably resorts to some kind of 'special' program? And, when the special program fails, it resorts to some idiot augmentation of the law in the vein hope of achieving the impossible?

Oxford Mail (UK): Report: knife amnesty hasn't worked

The national knife amnesty has had a "negligible effect" on stabbings and knife point robberies, according to experts.
During the five-week amnesty, which ended on June 30, 1,838 potentially lethal weapons from Samurai swords to pen knives were handed in at Oxfordshire police stations.
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This is what happens when you can't put a finger on the problem, because you've put that finger where the sun don't shine and expect magic to happen. . .

Remember, now, they can't figure out what the problem is, so 'take your pick.'

Times online (UK): When did good old-fashioned office politics become bullying?

From the first it seemed that politicians and the police treated Damilola's death less as the rare murder of a schoolboy than as a symbol of all that's wrong with our society—of thug culture, knife culture, bullying in schools, inner-city decay, take your pick.
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Mind/Thought Control Items

This might explain a few things about Democrats, and not a few Republicans. . . .

7DAYS (UAE): Beware of the cat people!

Men become jealous and abandon personal hygiene. Women become promiscuous. And, in chilling confirmation of his theory, toxoplasmosis is indeed absolutely rife in France (where 85 per cent of the population are exposed).
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I'd not heard of 'kosher propaganda'—until now.

Al-Jazeerah (?): The Dirty Work Of Zionism is Unfinished

Once one has come to accept this reality, one can begin to break free from the negative effects of this kosher propaganda. Make no mistake about it—this is pernicious mind control at its finest.
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ChronWatch (US): Globally-Acceptable Truths in the Land of Eden

I've written many times of the assault on individual thought through behavior modification techniques such as "Critical Thinking" as a tool to lash out at one's values system, and the use of "situation ethics" problems to challenge attitudes, values, and beliefs.
These tools are fully employed in today's government school classrooms as a means to create a new kind of thinking that is coordinated to fit a specific worldview. "Thought control" is a much easier way to describe it.
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--------- (US): Radical Feminists: Useful Idiots

My first two experiences with radical feminists in academia didn't make much of an impact on me until later. The first was in Fall 1987 at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. It was my first full-time job out of graduate school, and I was making a presentation on what was then my area of expertise: theories about the conceptual foundations of science and the dynamics of scientific change. After outlining four such theories, I took questions. At one point a female graduate student put up her hand and wanted to know to what extent I could relate the scarcity of women in science to scientific method. [. . .]
My politically incorrect answer caused me no problems at the time. This was, after all, before the main wave of feminist incursions into academia and the rise of political correctness (speech control, thought control).
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The Empire Page (US): Editorial

You are jolted awake at 1:00 a.m. by loud knocking on the door. Alarmed, you and your girlfriend rise to answer. The police barge in and arrest you both on suspicion of having had premarital sex. Sound like something that would happen only in a dictatorship like Iraq's or China's? This week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that if not overturned will grant legitimacy to such governmental power. (In a disturbing 1986 decision the Court upheld the constitutionality of such power.)
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And now for something completely different. . . (US): In Tribute to Fidel Castro

A measure of Fidel Castro's greatness can be seen in the quick, revolutionary transformations in Cuba from downtrodden ignorance, poverty and exploitation to social security, education, and one of the best medical systems in the world (substantially better for people's health than that found in the United States).
[. . .]
The chief dispenser of Thought Control is the genuinely vile, Orwellian machine called TELEVISION. It is an addiction far worse than heroin, and the ignorant, ethically passive Silent Majority gape at it daily hour-after-hour and absorb its many forms of Propaganda.
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Remember that kid named Elian Gonzales?

Can you say mind control? I know you can!

News With Views (US): Elian Gonzales, Bill Clinton & US Storm Troopers

A little Cuban boy named Elian, who in 1999 was scooped up by a federal SWAT team in Miami and shipped back to Cuba, is in the news again for the get well card he and his family sent to communist dictator Fidel Castro.
The youngster addressed the 79-year-old as my "Dear Grandfather" and wished Castro a happy 80th birthday.
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One wonders what they will be discussing. No doubt something Orwellian. . .

SPY (US): Announcing the first ever RFID event

"The entire conference is off limits to the press, so you can be sure you'll get candid insider insight that you can't hear anywhere else."
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When I was just a wee one, my Mum told me this: "You may be offended—only if you desire to be." If that bon mot is true—and it is, then any law regarding 'offensive language' pretends to be a mathematical construction having absolute validity in whatever place and/or time. Such a law would be a total absurdity—right along with all other laws of man.

The main point: Visually, and/or verbally offending someone cannot in any way, manner, fashion, shape, or form, be an attack upon their life, liberty, or property—unless it perpetrates a lie, in which case it is a fraud, and is therefore a theft.

The Register (UK): Lords rule on 'grossly offensive' phone calls

"Usages and sensitivities may change over time," he wrote. "Language otherwise insulting may be used in an unpejorative, even affectionate, way, or may be adopted as a badge of honour".
"There can be no yardstick of gross offensiveness otherwise than by the application of reasonably enlightened, but not perfectionist, contemporary standards to the particular message sent in its particular context," he continued. "The test is whether a message is couched in terms liable to cause gross offence to those to whom it relates."
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Thought Crime Items


Think about this: Just because he 'thought' she was as young as she said, he was indicted, tried, and found guilty for that 'thought'—even though he never had contact with a girl the age he imagined he'd meet.

Now, I ask: What if the same guy had picked up a woman in a bar, because she implied that she was as young as she looked, but really wasn't?

If 'looks' may kill—or be used to indict, should they be able to?

Beyond that, it pays to understand that the worst of laws are validated by the prosecution of the worst of men, and are then subsequently employed through fiat, connivance, perfidy and/or mere caprice against the most ordinary and innocent of them, if only to ensnare and/or denounce for political purposes.

No man-made law has ever stopped anything from happening.

Ergo, virtually every law of man is a failure.

And that being the case, then every prosecution based upon that law is an obscenity.

If one cannot stop a thing from happening by dint of verse, prose, or other conceptually elucidated grammatical construction, then how can one condone a punishment for that failure?

Is one to be punished for the failure of the law itself?

It would seem so. . .

WTAP (US): Online Crime Yields Prison Time

A crackdown on Internet sex predators yields Washington County's first prison sentence.
The criminal behind the computer screen was in front of the courts Thursday morning.
"I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened."
Sorry didn't work for 28-year-old Raymond White. He was sentenced to nine months in prison for an online crime White committed six months ago.
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