The Country We All Grew Up In Is Dead!

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
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Simon Jester
Simon Jester


Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 387, October 1, 2006

The Country We All Grew Up In Is Dead!

The Game of Democracy
The Game of Democracy
by Brandyn Webb


"Drive another nail in the coffin, momma!" Come on, children, sing along! Was this the week when the American Government made America illegal? Was this the last nail in the coffin? It's hard to say, since them guys have been driving nails in America's coffin for well over a hundred years now. One of these days they'll decide it's enough and put the poor ol' thing in the ground for good. If they ever get enough guts. . . they're pretty gutless sumbitches, you know.

Anyway, in the true spirit of "if it ain't one thing it's another" I notice it's now time to beg for money again. Pride? Me? Nah. So, you, Dear Reader, can take a hand to supporting this Reader Supported eMagazine by using our Affiliate Links to buy yerself the stuff you are going to buy yerself anyway, so why not do it from here? Or just throw a few coins in the hat. Here's a web page that lists the various ways to do just that:

That will all help us keep putting out this little eMagazine, at least until it's declared illegal. Until then, y'all be good, ya hear?

Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

(This link may not work—we're trying to get it fixed)
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Press, 2004

Bill of Rights Press


Letters to the Editor
from Elizabeth McInnis, Scott Bieser of Big Head Press, Mimbreno Chiricahua, E.J. Totty, Alex Benton, Dr. Julius No, and Lady Liberty

The Country We All Grew Up In Is Dead!
by Ron Beatty
Imagine this for a moment. You are a young man, totally indoctrinated in your religion. Anyone who doesn't follow your religion is evil and is condemned to hell. Those who seem to follow that religion, but are called by a different name are worse than almost anyone else. Got all that?

My Faith is in Freedom
by Lady Liberty
A short story I recently read put a good deal of its focus on some incidents occurring as a direct result of the Inquisition. In the story, a woman was taken into custody and tortured until she confessed to consorting with the devil. Shortly before she died, her tormentors "mercifully" forgave her. Her accuser was a jilted suitor who had no evidence for the inquisitors other than his righteous indignation. The man she truly loved arrived too late to save her; he became her avenger, and he wreaked widespread havoc to ensure her killers paid for her death.

Thoughts on Limited Liability
by Sean Gabb
I was approached yesterday—Monday the 25th Deptember 2006—by an American friend who had just read a piece I wrote in 2005 against limited liability. Because his enquiry was private, I will not give his name. But I feel it would be useful to make my reply public.

"Thank You for Your Service"
by James Glaser
That is what a returning Iraqi vet said to me last Friday after he learned that I was a combat vet too. I never really know what to say when somebody says that to me. To be honest nobody ever thanked me for my service until about twenty years after I left the Nam.

It Takes a Police State to Raise a Child
by Doug Newman
In the aftermath of Wednesday's hostage taking and murder-suicide at Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado, I can just hear all the gun grabbers proclaiming that it only goes to show that we cannot tolerate guns in—or anywhere near—schools. Well, one of their dream bills has just been passed by Congress.

Control-Freak News
the week of 006-09-25

by E.J. Totty
Well, here we go again! More news that's bound to send one into a fit of rage, or cause one to reflect upon the thought that it is—after all—supposedly 'intelligent humans' who are responsible for the idiocy described hereinafter. . .

A Newbie in the Bush
by Vern Trumbly
Yep, that's me. A newbie to Libertarianism, and learning as much as I can as fast as I can about it; lining in �the bush� so to speak, and growing angrier and more confused by the day. Angry that I was lied to all my life by my parents (who probably didn't know they were lying), by a myriad of teachers up through college level (who should have known they were lying even if they didn't), by the news media (who are supposed to know they are lying), the government official (who truly believes she is there to help, and lies despite himself), and of course our favorite people: the politicians (who know they are lying if they have previously won even one election). I'm confused for the same reasons, more or less. I have always tried to be an honest person and generally assumed most other people were as well; keeping in mind, of course, that all politicians lie to get and/or keep their jobs. (After all it is what's expected in politics, in this country at least, is it not?) So I'm confused why so many people have lied to me for so long. I'm also extremely angry and scared over what has happened in the past five years, and what I see happening in the future.

I'm Still a libertarian
by Ron Beatty
Not too long ago, I wrote an article, entitled �I'm A libertarian.� (small l, please) in which I ranted a little bit about some of the things that bother me. Well, I think I'm going to continue in the same vein, just for the heck of it.

Are Civil Courts In Contempt of Justice?
by Wendy McElroy
Corporate lawyer H. Beatty Chadwick has passed 11 years in a Pennsylvania county jail on a contempt of civil court charge relating to his divorce. He 'refuses' to produce $2.5 million that may not exist. If he were in the federal system, the maximum penalty for contempt would be 18 months. As it is, Chadwick—who has never been convicted of a crime or faced a jury—is indefinitely imprisoned without possibility of parole. Has Chadwick fallen through a crack in the legal system or is he proof that family courts are out-of-control, especially regarding 'contempt of court' power?

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