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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 389, October 15, 2006 Genuine libertarianism is the opposite of an ideology. It's the absence of ideology. ![]()
One Born Every Minute
Attribute to "L. Neil Smith at Random" at www.BigheadPress.com Every now and again, I get a message that is so egregiously stupid, and in so many ways, that it begs to be shared with my readers. This one appeared on my BigHeadPress blog; I have yet to approve
it, although I will just as soon as I finish this column. Its author
is a self-styled "Chris Cocksucker" for reasons that apparently make
some sense to him, with the e-mail address, incongrously enough, of
I've never been popular in NRA circles (having described them in
print as the world's oldest and largest gun control organization, a
phrase I stole from Vin Suprynowicz) but what we have here, I suspect,
is some left wing socialist who has been led to believe that the NRA
is way out there at the end of the pro-gun side of public affairs (it
isn't -- I am), and who imagines that it's clever to have such an
"Excuse me," Mr. Cocksucker begins with a sophomoric counterfeit
politeness that he finds it impossible to sustain for more than one
single, solitary paragraph. "But did you ever think a bunch of scared
shitless bozos with guns are fueling the fire of the problem than the
Well, no, Mr. C., I didn't, because my life experience, the cold,
hard facts, and 6000 years of human history all say loudly and plainly
that you are embarrasingly wrong, and even worse (and possibly more
embarrassing) taking a line of argument that's obsolete and thoroughly
I presume that you're whimpering here about Platte Valley High,
the Amish killings in Pennsylvania, possibly even Columbine. But the
simple truth -- a truth you're struggling desperately and hysterically
to avoid, if only because of the level of personal responsibility it
imposes on all of us -- is that in each of those cases, and the matter
of the hijacked airliners on September 11, 2001, a single individual
with a tiny little five-shot .38 could have changed the course of
A tiny little five-shot .38 denied them by a law that is itself
Pistol fighting isn't any fun, that much is true, and anybody who
isn't worried about the prospect is either crazy or as immature and
inexperienced as you are. But it seems to me that it's a lot easier to
become a "scared shitless bozo" if you don't have a gun when you need
Hundreds of thousands of Americans successfully defend their
lives, their families, and their property with a handgun every year.
It's seldom reported by newspapers or TV, because they're owned and
run by lowlife scumbags who would rather see a woman raped in an alley
and strangled with her own pantyhose than see her with a gun in her
There's a good reason for that: most of the male advocates of gun
control -- more properly termed "victim disarmament" -- I've known
were wife-beaters to whom the idea of armed females in their lives is
"And if you are going to get all smug about your bullshit 'more
guns, less crime' think that Florida is full of senile citizens who
are probably too paralytic to be able to lift a gun, let alone shoot
A non-sequitur, but it's interesting that to Mr. C., everybody
seems to be a "scared shitless bozo" or a paralytic "senile citizen".
That makes it easy to propose stripping them of their only reliable
means of self-defense, even it it means getting the cops to beat them
up, kidnap, or kill them if they continue to exercise their human
Once again, the truth is that, due to personal ownership and
carrying of weapons, violent crime rates in places like Florida have
plummeted over the past couple of decades, to the extent that, for a
while, carjackers were only taking cars with license plates indicating
that they were rentals. The theory, obviously, was that if the renters
were tourists and from out-of-state, or outside the country, they'd be
less likely to be armed -- and therefore unprofitably dangerous
The problem was solved when the special license plates were done
away with, and Florida began offering temporary gun-toting permits to
But Mr. C. is undeterred. "A better example for your more guns
paradigm is Pennsylvania, which is a shall-issue state. Two school
shootings and Philly has seen a rapid rise in violent crime and
Look: I have never heard anything good about Pennsylvania and gun
ownership, especially Philadelphia. America's "cradle of liberty"
became a sinkhole of corrupt disregard for the Bill of Rights long
before either of us was born, and it isn't likely to have changed when
I wasn't watching it. Most likely the hoops a person is required to
jump through are just too difficult or expensive for the ordinary
That's one reason I oppose licensing.
"Hey," Mr. C. continues sockdologizing* nonsensically, "the same
goes for Vermont which isn't even shall issue. Any citizen can pack
Now this is just a lie of sarahbradian proportions. Survey after
survey cites Vermont as the safest state in the U.S to live in. Again,
I would have heard if that had changed. Vermont is a bloody thorn in
the side of victim disarmers everywhere because simply respecting the
individual's rights produces results that all the cops and all the
laws in the world can't approach. Given the Internet to spead the
word, the idea is contagious, and will eventually and inevitably
spread to even the most backward states like Massachussetts and New
And Pennsylvania.
Mr. C. concludes, "The problem is that your guns are just penis
extentions and you keep it up with mutual masturbation sessions where
you scream down anyone who doesn't carry as a pinko, anti-american
I just love this stuff. Contrary to the litany that liberals like
to repeat over and over to themselves in order to feel better about
their own miserable existence, what Sigmund Freud actually wrote is
that it is irrational _fear_ of weapons that is a symptom of sexual
Or as I put it more directly 25 years ago in my first novel _The
Probability Broach_ (doesn't it just drive you crazy that it's still
in print after two and a half decades?), liberals are the only ones
who think guns are penises. They're the only ones who ever bring it
up. Even if it were true, who's sicker: somebody who thinks his gun's
a penis, or somebody like Mr. C. who wants to take everybody's penises
The final simple truth is that in over 40 years of political
activity, I've never met a liberal who possessed the patience, the
self-discipline, or the physical coordination to shoot well. Liberals
live by whim and are deathly afraid everybody else does, too. They
wouldn't trust themselves with a weapon, why should they trust anybody
Fortunately, it isn't up to them.
And by the way, Mr. C., you are a "pinko, anti-american
* I've always wanted to use that word.
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