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Some Thoughts About Censorship

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of
A Reader Supported Web Magazine

Simon Jester
Simon Jester


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Big Head Press

Number 405, February 11, 2007

"When you end up having to force people to behave
as if they agreed with you, it's almost certainly
because what you're peddling is horseshit."



Heat wave! Yes, indeed, Readers, we finally got some of that Globular Warming up here in the Arizona mountains. Highs running in the 65-degree range, and the next few days are predicted that it's not even going to get below freezing at night. In February! Blessed relief! I just hope this Globular Warming continues and we don't slide into an ice age. That would put a crimp in a feller's life, eh?

The "Letter from A Reader" in last issue's. . . er. . . issue, bought a lot of comment, including seven letters and an article from Our Publisher Mr. L. Neil Smith. Life is good, yes?

In addition to a heat wave, we're having a bills wave, so if you, Good Reader, are able to throw a few coins into the tin can to help support this Reader Supported eMagazine, please do so at this web page here:

Every little bit helps, so don't hesitate. Remember, he who hesitates is a hesitater. Or however that old saying goes. That's the best part about getting old, you can make up old sayings and who's to know you're actually full of it?

By the way, let me apologize for that "cartoon/picture" up above these words—it like to scared the poop out of me when I first saw it, and I still shudder every time I look at it. Hoping you are the same. . . .

Ken Holder

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
Download for $5.00, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, eCheck, or PayPal

(This link may not work—we're trying to get it fixed)
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Press, 2004


Letters to the Editor
from Bill St. Clair, Kent McManigal, Dennis Kabaczy, Bill Koehler, Jay P. Hailey, Christian Butterbach, Jim Davidson, Rich Loether, and Sean Gabb

Some Thoughts About Censorship
by L. Neil Smith
A reader wrote anonymously last week, "looking for any scholarly libertarian ('initiation of force') arguments" to counter certain advocates of censorship. One of the statements that our reader quoted held that, somehow—the precise mechanism was left suspiciously unclear—one individual's interest in, and consumption of, sexually- oriented material adversely affects others who choose not to consume it.

The Worst Person In The World
by Francis A Ney Jr.
Forget the "Ugly American" tourist overseas. There are a number of ugly Americans right here in America, a good number of them government employees of one form or another. Leaving aside the usual suspects (King George III and his merry band of Death Eaters), I am taking a page from MS-NBC commentator Keith Olberman and presenting for your consideration a number of ugly Americans that need to step away from the crack pipe.

On Biden and Obama
by Jonathan David Morris
Senator Joe Biden shot his presidential campaign squarely in the foot recently when he referred to fellow senator and Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Spare the Rod
by Lady Liberty
I've said it before, and I'll doubtless say it again: There's not a problem we have in this country that couldn't be solved with the application of a healthy dose of personal responsibility. After all, when you get down to the root of everything good or bad, personal responsibility or the lack of it is almost universally either to credit or to blame. Unfortunately, there's a sad lack of any inclination these days to accept personal responsibility. Instead, blame for even the most obviously personal of problems is spread thickly across almost everything that we see and do.

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