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Victim Disarmament Kills Again
(The Feature Article)

 L. Neil Smith's 
Simon Jester
Simon Jester
The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of
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Simon Jester
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Big Head Press

Number 414, April 22, 2007

That Stupid Git

How to Win Friends
Self-Help book

TPM cover thumnail
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Cover by Scott Bieser
First uncensored edition.
Originally published by Del Rey Books, 1984.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file, 1,845,243-bytes, 283 pages.
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"My feelings are hurt! Nobody likes me because I'm unlikable! I have no friends because I'm unfriendly! I hate everybody! Poor Me! Boo hoo! It's not my fault!" But of course, it IS your fault, you stupid git. Yes, you failed to learn to be friendly, to become likable, but IT IS YOUR fault, you stupid git! Why didn't you read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"? Eh? Eh? I've got a copy I picked up for 25-cents at a thrift store.

I'm hearby kicking off the campaign to always and forever more refer to that stupid git at Virginia Tech as "Stupid Git"—never speak his name, whatever it was; let it be lost to history. Just call him "That Stupid Git." Steal his tombstone and replace it with one that says "Here lies That Supid Git." Okay, that would violate the Z.A.P., so don't do that.

"That's not very charitable," you say? Speaking of charity, we here at TLE are having our twice-a-year financial panic when property taxes come due, along with insurance premiums. Your donations will help us through:

And so begins the 422nd edition of TLE, on the web for more than ten years. Ten years! Golly.

Next issue (probably): all the articles I've received about Don Imus, whoever the heck that is. Some radio bozo. I don't listen to radio, especially not "talk" shows. People who talk all the time give me the pip.

Ken Holder


Letters to the Editor
in Three Parts, from Kent Van Cleave, Curt Howland, Albert Perez, Scott Bieser, Thomas A. Olson, Kevin Van Horn, Brian Nickerson, Jim Davidson, the Second Amendment Foundation, Marcus Belcher, L. Neil Smith, Marc V. Ridenour, Dennis Kabaczy, and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Victim Disarmament Kills Again
by L. Neil Smith
I have something very difficult and unpleasant to say. I promise you're not going to like it. Believe me, I don't like having to say it. But it _is_ the truth, it has to be said, so I'm going to get it over with right up front: the deaths and woundings at Virginia Tech this week were in fact—each and every one of them—self-inflicted.

The Law Failed
by Gabe Suarez
By now the news about the shootings at Virginia Tech have reached everyone. I hate hearing about things like this. I hate it not only because some probably good people were killed (I say probably because I didn't know any of them), but because those who hate us and our way of life will seek to use these events to further their political agendas. I can almost see Pelosi and Hillary snickering over their bubbling cauldrons at their "good fortune"

Why Did So Many Die?
by Jim Davidson
Last night was very difficult. Many people died at Virginia Tech due to a shooting rampage by a maladjusted student.

Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine and Virginia Tech
by Anthony Gregory
This week in April marks the fourteenth anniversary of the Waco massacre, the eighth anniversary of Columbine, and, in years to come, the anniversary of the largest mass shooting in American history—the massacre at Virginia Tech

What An Individual Chooses To Do, They Are Responsible For
by Curt Howland
I would like to state a logical axiom right up front, to be kept in mind throughout the entirety of my statement here: What an individual chooses to do, they are responsible for.

Protection, Disarmament and Massacre
by Anthony Gregory
After the largest school shooting in American history, the massacre at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that has taken the lives of more than 30 students and faculty and injured many more, we can expect to hear calls for more regulations and controls on the weapons Americans are permitted to purchase, own and carry. Just a couple years after Clinton's Assault Weapons ban lapsed, we will probably be bombarded with the consensus of most politicians, talking heads and journalists—especially on the left and in the respectable center—that what the Virginia Tech shootings show is the need for more gun laws.

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