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Instead of a Speech
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The Libertarian Enterprise
A Feature of NetPlanetNews.com A Reader Supported Web Magazine |
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Number 417, May 13, 2007 "Hi Mom!" |
Republican Stooges
It's probably not the usual thing for the publisher of a journal that always needs money very badly itself to appeal to his readers for monetary contributions to another journal. But in this case, it's important. Antiwar.com, guided by the clear eye and the steady hand of Justin Raimondoone of the very few "dinosaurs" who's been working in the libertarian movement as long as I havehas maintained a passionate and principled struggle against the Boot On Your Neck party and its insane and violent flailings for as long as most people on the 'Net remember. However, it's about to go under. That would not only be tragic, it would be unspeakably dangerous for each of us who desires the peace, freedom, progress, and prosperity that only a libertarian society can offer. I urge everyone to go to http://www.antiwar.com right nowyes, before you read the rest of today's The Libertarian Enterprise. Read Justin's appeal, and please do whatever you can about it. While you're over there, thank him for what he's already done, and help him to do more. Your children and grandchildren will thank you for it. Thanks, L. Neil Smith
After donating some of your hard-earned cash to Antiwar.com, please (if you can) donate a bit to The Libertarian Enterprise. It really is getting so the ol' piggy-bank doesn't even clank when shook. And we can't make a TLE without electricity and phone service! Everywhere I look I see people getting broker. What will it be this time, recession-yet-again or depression?. It's enough to make yer depressed. So to speak. Anyway, that "Donate to TLE Link" again: http://www.ncc-1776.org/donate.html And don't forget you can get your mom a nifty present from one of our affiliate links (that will get us (eventually) a small commission payment also). And now, welcome to the 417th issue of this Reader Supported Magazine. It's an eMagazine. Or is it an iMagazine? How do you tell? Ken Holder
Letters to the Editor
Instead of a Speech
G-boys Roust Liberty Merchant
Second Open Letter: To All News Media Disenfranchising Ron Paul's Supporters
Presidential Elections: America's Nasty Habit
An Open Letter to Republicans
Time to Wake Up
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