Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 426, July 15, 2007

"Get a rope."

Letters to the Editor

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Note: All letters to this address will be considered for
publication unless they say explicitly Not For Publication

[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Dick Wetherbee

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Re: "Who Needs City Government?", by L. Neil Smith

Be a sport. Some of the dancing and singing is purty.

But it should be paid for by private subscription.

Sounds like you need to move to some place in Texas where "no one is really sure what the law is and don't give a damn anyhow."

A.X. Perez

I recently had an essay published in TLE. I said that most property was originally stolen and hence none of us really had a moral right to what we believed we owned. I was wrong. One of your readers, in a personal note, introduced me to the works of George Reisman.

He explains it far better than I could and as much as I hate it, I must admit that I was wrong. Thank you DLW and some day I'll get you back for this.

Dick Wetherbee

Dear Neil,

Please do pass this on. I want a large number of entries this year.

First, let me draw your attention to the Libertarian Alliance Conference—to be held at the National Liberal Club in London this coming Saturday 27 October - Sunday 28 October. We are now taking bookings for this.

Now, to the prize:
The 2007 Chris R. Tame Memorial Prize
£1,000 to be Won

In honour of Dr Chris R. Tame (1949-2006), The PROMIS Unit of Primary Care has established a yearly prize of £1,000 for an essay on a subject to be announced by Dr Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance.

By the 1st October 2007, contestants are invited to submit essays to Dr Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance.

Essay Title: "Does Britain Need a Libertarian Party?"
Essay Length: 2,000 words excluding notes


Essays must be submitted in English and typed and in hard copy by sending to The Libertarian Alliance, Suite 35, 2 Lansdowne Row, Mayfair, London W1J 6H, United Kingdom. Files sent through the Internet will not be accepted.

Essays must have been received at the Libertarian address no later than Monday the 1st October 2007.

The winner will be announced on the evening of Saturday the 27th October 2007, at the banquet of the Libertarian Alliance Conference, to be held at the National Liberal Club in London.

The winner will be required to make a ten minute acceptance speech on Saturday the 27th October 2007, at the banquet of the Libertarian Alliance Conference, to be held at the National Liberal Club in London. This speech may be made in person or by pre-recorded video.

The prize will be £1,000, made out to the winner and payable in Sterling by cheque drawn on one of the United Kingdom clearing banks. No other form of payment will be considered.

The winning essay will be published by the Libertarian Alliance. All essays submitted may be published by the Libertarian Alliance.

In all matters of deciding the winner of the Prize and in all associated matters, the decision of Sean Gabb shall be final.

The act of submitting an essay shall constitute full acceptance of these terms

For all questions, please contact Sean Gabb (

Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance

Download my new book—Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get It Back

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

July 13, 2007

JPFO ALERT: Are Things Different Than They Appear?

JPFO's most recent author, L. Neil Smith, has prepared another thought-provoking article for your weekend reading pleasure. In "Bringing the 'Boys' Back Home", Smith ruminates on the possible ramifications of returning 150,000 soldiers from the Middle East. You can read the article here at Feedback is always welcome, whether you agree with Smith or not.

Don't forget to show The Gang ( this week, and alert gunowners in your community about the treachery our "friends" in Congress are supporting with OUR money.

—The Liberty Crew

PS If you enjoy "Bringing the 'Boys' Back Home" or believe in a Bill of Rights Culture, you may want to check out the novel Hope ( by L. Neil Smith and Aaron Zelman.

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Regain your freedom - download the song "Justice Day" today!

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

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