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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 427, July 22, 2007 "We are in a position to alter history." ![]() ![]() CIA: Rogue Agency Run Amuck
Special to The Libertarian Enterprise The CIA has recently released the 'family jewels' that detail a great number of operations in which the Company offended societal norms or actually violated laws. Even then, it appears to be a mere gloss on their surreptitious actions. Credit must be given to Steve Kangas for compiling a chronology of CIA foreign covert operations based upon William Blum's book Killing Hope. They have interfered with and overthrown many foreign governments using the School of the Americas. The list is available on numerous websites by using CIA ATROCITIES in a search engine. His epic work documenting the death of 100's of thousands shall not be duplicated. One estimate is over six million were killed by 1987. It is impossible to read any candid article on the CIA that does not contain details of actions which are not acceptable with sociological standards. They routinely describe procedures to deceive Congress, to overthrow established governments, to engage in theft and murder without end, and to conceal their nefarious acts behind national security. The instances where affected parties encounter "accidental death" or "suicide" is statistically beyond comparison. Numerous sources link the CIA with JFK's assassination. One source is Plausible Denial by Mark Lane wherein a federal jury in Miami concluded the CIA was involved. One witness testified he had seen a CIA memo relating to the action before the event. Additional testimony was given by a member of the CIA hit team. High Treason by John Groden includes a digital analysis of the police open mike recording given before the Warren Commission rehearing to locate the sources of gun shots. They did not come from the book depository. Act of Treason by Mark North details involvement of the FBI in the cover-up. Regicide by Gregory Douglas purports an eight month log of CIA/FBI/JCS conferences and planning for the event, with the pretext that JFK was committing treason by giving secret information to the USSR. The book is allegedly based upon CIA documents released by a dying CIA Director of Clandestine Operations. A cautious reader should investigate whether the book is fiction or non-fiction. The alleged use of Europeans as high-priced hit men does not appear consistent with CIA practice or other writings. E. Howard Hunt's son recently made public statements that his dying father detailed CIA involvement in the killing. The son identifies his father as one of the tramps escorted from the railroad yard by men costumed as Dallas police officers. CIA agent Margarita Lopez identified Hunt, under oath in federal court, as being at a Dallas motel delivering cash to CIA agent Frank Sturgis. The two had traveled from Miami with other Cuban CIA agents equipped with costumes and a trunk full of firearms the day before the assassination. Ref. Margarita by M. Lopez. There was an item on the internet by a reporter who claimed to be in the basement of the Dallas police building when Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. He claimed there was no blood found on the floor. Strange. The Dallas chief of police was the brother of CIA Deputy Director General P. Cabell who was canned in the purge by JFK after the Bay of Pigs. Strange. It has also been stated that the assistant Dallas police chief, after having failed his responsibility for the safety of both JFK and LHO, was promoted to Chief of Police. Weird. This is the same CIA that has been connected with the trafficking of drugs within the U.S. by Gary Webb in Dark Alliances; Terry Reed in Compromised; Rodney Stich in Drugging America; Jonathan Kwitney in Endless Enemies. Also Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider by Al Martin (including special mention of Robert Gates); Whiteout by Alex Cockburn; The Politics of Heroin: The CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade by Alfred W. McCoy; The Final Judgment by ex-CIA agent Michael Collins Piper. The operation includes the use of military aircraft and facilities. The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & The CIA by Jonathan Kwitney includes the CIA's ownership of the Nugan Hand Bank and the strange death of the owner. Perhaps an individual would want to hear Janet Reno acknowledge the practice, while link gives a time line for CIA involvement in drug trafficking from 1947. The CIA's support for death squads throughout the world is documented in Deadly Deceits, The Memoirs of an Ex-CIA Operative, by Ralph McGehee. Ref. [this link] The CIA's School of the Americas has recently come under attack for teaching torture. The practice of kidnapping individuals in foreign nations and transporting them to third party nations for torture (rendition) is a current issue before congress. The use of torture and assassination has been documented by Douglas Valentine in The Phoenix Program as an ongoing practice during the CIA's created war in Vietnam. The CIA has consistently informed congressional committees that their operation is not hampered by legal restrictions. Terry Reed and others detail thefts of yachts, airplanes, automobiles and anything they want and have insurance companies write it off. Ref. Unchecked and Unbalanced by Frederick Schwarz. As mentioned, Blum's documentation of CIA involvement in the overthrow of foreign governments is on the internet at numerous places. One lengthy tabulation available at [this link] is a capsulation of Killing Hope by William Blum. [link] Ref: In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story by John Stockwell ; Inevitable Revolutions: The U.S. In Central America by Walter Lafeber. CIA economic exploitation and then wet operations (murder) by jackals to obtain CIA objectives is detailed in the recently published Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. The Iran-Contra scandal schemed to give the appearance of not violating the law, as confessed by Oliver North after Congress granted a "do not go to jail" pass, while the entire CIA operation of running arms and transporting drugs was clearly what Congress had forbidden. Two CIA agents planted on the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq who continually conveyed false information were instrumental in swaying the Commission to support the invasion. Iraq Confidential by Scott Ritter; Cruel and Unusual by Mark Miller. The suspected use of post-hypnotic command with the random sniper killings in D.C. to divert media attention from congressional approval for an Iraqi offensive is presented by Jim Rarey. Ex-CIA agents Ritter and McGhee both assert the objective of the CIA is to perpetuate war. A recent story regards the CIA running a black propaganda operation against Iran, Syria, and Lebanon to initiate military action. [link] If the CIA is for intelligence gathering on foreign nations, why does the Company have a number of Mossad agents who have their salaries paid by the U.S. government? [link] Woodward has declared the CIA started action in Afghanistan in May 2000long before 9/11. [link] Before the CIA was involved, opium production had been virtually destroyed. With the CIA's involvement, production of opium has exploded to become their major export. A web search of the CIA's involvement in the HUD and the savings and loan scandals will produce many hits such as [this one]. Taxpayers will be paying $32 Billion for 30 years. [link]. It has already cost the taxpayers over $400 Billion. [link] Neil Bush's involvement in the Silverado S&L, and a claimed total loss of $1.4 trillion, is claimed at [this link]. The CIA's BBRD&W Hawaiian bank scandal staring CIA agent Ron Rewald was connected with many wet operations. Ref. Disavow; A CIA Saga of Betrayal by Rodney Stich. a href="http://www.newsmakingnews.com/vm,deadly,1991,10,27,04,pt3.htm" target="new">[link] The Mafia, CIA & George Bush by Pete Brewton is only one of many books that detail the CIA and Bush's raiding of the financial institutes of more than a trillion dollars. The CIA's use of banks on Cook Island, with Bush participation, to bilk customers for illegal fees is posted at [this link] Ref. The Paradise Conspiracy by Ian Wishart. This was part of the CIA- BCCI scandal involving a bank heist of $10 to $15 billion with the laundering of drug money, manipulating financial markets, arms trafficking, supporting international terrorism, and funding terrorist organizations. [link] One source accuses the CIA of absconding with $10 Billion from the Iraqi Central Bank before the invasion. Ref. [link] We could speculate on much more. The Bay of Pigs operation was a CIA action started under President Eisenhower. The public is adamantly informed JFK called off the air cover that doomed the invasion. Fletcher Prouty informs us JFK authorized the cover and it was countermanded by the CIA. Ref. JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate JFK by Prouty. Did the CIA sabotage their own paramilitary action and placed the blame on JFK that resulted in JFK declaring he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces??? JFK also purged the leadership of the CIA. One speculation is that the CIA wanted to force JFK to commit the US to a total war and save the invaders but JFK chose a humiliating defeat rather than an all-out war. The investigation of the fiasco ordered by JFK, as extensively documented by Michael D. Morrissey, concludes something happened that JFK did not know about. [link]. The U-2 was also a CIA operation. The public is informed President Eisenhower authorized two unprecedented trans-USSR flights just two weeks before the Paris Peace talks with Khrushchev. Even Khrushchev could not believe that Ike authorized the flights after having grounded all flights for six months to prevent offending the Russian leader. Ike really believed he could negotiate a peace with Khrushchev but that was anathema for the U.S. military-industrial complex. The evidence Power's aircraft was shot down is highly questionable. The U-2 had no fuel gauges and depended upon hydrogen to ignite the low volatile JP-7 fuel. The theory that the hydrogen fuel was not filled before takeoff concludes the flight may have been sabotaged by a replacement CIA ground crew. Ref. Defrauding America by Fletcher Prouty. The October Surprise (by ex-CIA agent Barbara Honegger) operation raises more interesting questions. How was an ex-Director of the CIA who had been canned by the President (but who later became president himself) and the head of the Republican National Party (who was subsequently appointed Director of the CIA and also came up with candidate Carter's play book) able to negotiate with Iranians and to guarantee billions of dollars in military aid to the Iranians if they would hold U.S. hostages until after the presidential elections in the U.S. in order to defeat President Jimmie Carter ?? And to use a secret CIA Blackbird aircraft for transportation from Paris to conceal the meeting ??? Carter was the president who had the audacity to terminate 800 career CIA employees who then campaigned against him. He achieved legislation that required the CIA to have a court order to tap phone communications (FISA) to the anguish of the Company. Carter additionally achieved the Camp David peace accord between Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar Sadat of Egypt. The CIA does not like peace. Does anyone really believe poor-boy CIA agent Ed Wilson could purchase and airlift 20 tons of C-4 explosive (the entire stock in the U.S.) to Libya, with dozens of CIA technicians who taught them how to use it, and make $20 million without it being a CIA operation?? [link] One pound of plastic explosive was linked to the Pan Am flight 103 that was destroyed over Lockerbie killing 270 people. Libya paid $2.7 billion in compensation. [link] How is it that an obscure drug-sniffing, military service avoiding, violent rapist, governor of Arkansas that aided CIA agent Oliver North transport drugs and armament taken from the Arkansas National Guard to the Contras find himself as President??? But to ask the question appears to answer it. The CIA is accused of using a concentrated strain of hyper-weaponized powdered anthrax available only from a U.S. government research lab in mailings to non-compliant congressmen to promote terrorism by doctor Leonard Horowitz. [link] Connection of the CIA with the origin of man-made HIV/AIDS is apparently gaining public acceptance. [link] When Air Force Two carried Ron Brown and a group of business men into a mountain in Europe after he informed President Clinton that he was not going to go down alone for indictments that several Congressional committees were preparing, the airplane that had carried Mrs. Clinton the week before was found to not have a flight recorder on-board, the cause of the crash was not investigated, the fair weather was reported by the media to be foul, the three electronic guidance systems were reported to have malfunctioned at the same time or been altered to guide the airplane into a mountain, and individuals who might have known too much ended up dead. Strange. Some say Ron had a bullet hole. [link] Whatever else we may conclude from the Watergate escapade, we must accept the fact that it was preformed by individuals who have been conclusively connected with the CIA. Watergate became a household name only after prolonged months of publication by Bob Woodward who is accused of being a CIA operative and worked for the mouthpiece of the CIA, the Washington Post. Phil Brennan writes Watergate was conclusively a CIA operation. [link] It is written by David Rivera: "Nixon aide Bruce Herschenson said that the Watergate plot was deliberately sabotaged 'by a non-elected coalition of power groups.' Former CIA agent James W. McCord, Jr., the security chief for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, has been accused of being a double agent and used to bring Nixon down by sabotaging the break-in at the Watergate Hotel." He includes extensive detailing of deliberate bungling by professionals. [Link. Concurring conclusions are presented by Len Colodny at [this link] Had Nixon offended the wrong people? It is claimed Nixon tried to remove control of foreign policy from the CIA, and had also taken measures to initiate control over the entire CIA . Some sources claim Nixon was threatening to reveal the Bay of Pigs fiasco was caused by the CIA. Nixon fired Director Richard Helms in retaliation for not covering up Watergate. The CIA clearly did a hatchet job on Nixon. Why?? Several sources on the internet claim the CIA is the agency responsible for the WTC destruction. One source identifies the current Director of the CIA and a past Director as the largest handlers of tens of millions of dollars of short sells of airline stock through their two Wall Street investment firms. [link] But how many other organizations have the where-with-all to pull-off such an operation and plant explosives, gag New York City police and firemen, order the Air Force to stand down, have the FBI confiscate surveillance videos, control demolition removal to avoid investigation, control damage reports by Congressional commissions, obtain compliance from commercial airlines, slant all media coverage, have federal judges gag whistle-blowers, etc.?? Ref. David Ray Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking. Senator Frank Church and Representative Otis Pike chaired 1975 congressional committees to investigate CIA illegal operations. Church informed the public of the CIA's attempts to assassinate foreign leadersto the CIA's displeasure. Both seasoned incumbents are defeated in their reelection bidsagainst a 98% return rate. The CIA is suspected of assisting in their opponent's campaigns. The death of Bobby Kennedy has been questioned by several investigators [link1] ; [link2] and the CIA has been linked to his death. The destruction of the evidence by the LAPD was protected by Governor Ronald Reagan and is credited by some as the reason he became president. The death of Vince Foster, who was intimately linked with the Clinton ascension, fails to satisfy individuals who review the documentation of his death. [link] The question becomes "Who had the manpower and expertise to execute him and get away with it? And who would have cause to silence him?" But Vince is only one of innumerable strange deaths. James Earl Ray vigorously protested that he was the victim and patsy for the CIA's assassination of Martin Luther King. [link1] ; [link2] There are even claims that the CIA funded GOOGLE. Would the CIA want to know what you are investigating???? Operation CHAOS illegally eavesdropped on thousands of U.S. citizens for years. . The CIA cutout company, Hadron Corp., has been connected with the theft of PROMIS software from the Inslaw company and sold as a backdoor access to computer software by Jim Rarey. [link]. WINDOWS 95 and later Microsoft products have been claimed to have a back door for the CIA (CryptoAPI _NSAKEY, [link]) but a web search reveals numerous counter-arguments. Microsoft had declined to respond for denial or confirmation. Operation ECHELON uses satellites to snoop on all telephone calls and emails. CARNIVORE has recently been acknowledged to use ISP's to intercept and review email. Big Brother is watching. Have you considered how ironic it is that the government which stonewalls every effort for the public to be informed of their actions wants to know the most intimate detail of the citizen's life, usually under oath, and even a misrepresentation to a bureaucrat is cause for incarceration ???? Even a claim of Fifth Amendment right to silence can result in incarceration while members of government claim they are above the law or will be mildly censured, if not pardoned, for their iniquity. The servant of the people has become the master. But then again, the CIA may be only a small component of a much larger cabal. And I have undoubtedly overlooked many of the blatant CIA nefarious operations. Maybe the CIA has too much money. Way too much money.
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