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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 436, September 23, 2007 "First Day of Autumn" ![]() ![]()
Some Thoughts on Government Vs. Free-Market Police Services
Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise In a discussion thread at the Mental Militia Forum on private vs. government police services, a lady posted comments (hers are paraphrased and her name changed here because I do not have communication with her anymore) that I responded to as follows: Hi Mergatroyd, In the thread "Popular Mechanics Supercops" you wrote: [start paraphrase]
After serious consideration I can't see how policing could be separated from the state:
[end paraphrase] My short answer is:
And there is much good commentary on your subjects with examples by L.
Neil Smith in his seminal novel My longer answers:
"An armed society is a safe society." (With thanks to Col. Cooper)
We do not need to worry about getting worse results from a "degeneration
into an extortion/protection scheme", as that is exactly what we have now
with the governmental monopoly of police and courts. The present
government system promotes private violent crime and commits vastly more
violent crime than the non-government criminals commit. See Prof. Rummel's
definitive work at < www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/ > which shows what you get
when you give vast power to commit domestic violence (police and taxing
agencies) and war to any government. Prof. Rummel has documented over
305,000,000 murders (and counting!) by government police and military in
the 20th. century alone.
A prime example of government encouragement of violent crime is drug
prohibition. The only drug companies that engage in violence as a part of
their business are those that manufacture and distribute drugs prohibited
by the state. In the Los Angeles area we rarely see turf wars and drive-by
shootings by gangs of pharmacists or liquor store proprietors. Of course,
the liquor store proprietors did engage in just such violence when
liquor was prohibited in the early 20th. century. Please Google on the
drug gangsters Al Capone, Eliot Ness and Pretty-Boy Floyd.
The provision of security services is much like other services provided in
the free market. For a discussion of the self-regulation through negative
feedback of that industry in a free society see "The Probability Broach"
by L. Neil Smith.
Without government we have much less (aprox. 1 or 2 percent) of the
current non-governmental violent crime rate; because, without the police
to protect and encourage the criminals, the victims tend to shoot them
dead at the time and at the scene of the crime. And, by far, most violent
crime is committed by government goons. In a free society there is not
much for police to do, so there is little demand for them.
Don't forget that the state in America sucks-up about 7/8 of all wealth
produced, so those who cannot afford security services here-and-now,
can on current earnings (in a free society that is no more
technically advanced than this one), which are about 8-times more than
present take-home pay at current prices. The free-market "poverty line"
stands at over $100,000 per year per wage earner at current prices in
America. All the above is neglecting the much faster and greater
advance of wealth production and wages in free societies. Please see my
discussion on the basics of economics in "Home of the Slave?" in TLE,
issue 362.
If you look around, you will see that all the "goods" and services that
the state provides to anybody (as opposed to "bads" like non-governmental
violent crime, tax collection, pogrom and law enforcement) are also
provided by private industry in direct competition with governmentfor
about one forth the cost for comparable or better quality under current
conditions. Examples in this area are Pinkerton and the American
Arbitration Association.
Re "who will guard the guardians?"; I think that that is the wrong
question. I prefer "Who will PAY the guardians?". A security company that
must extort its customers is a state; and therefor subject to destruction
by the victims at the time and place of its crimes, along with
decapitation by the Bell Memorial Foundations.
I hope the above may be of some use to you.
Mergatroyd's answer:
[start paraphrase]
Re the rest of your argument. . . [I have since expanded on the above
arguments for this article, so M.'s reply here is related to only part of
the above. M. T. B.], I don't disagree with the points that you raise.
However, it is really an ideal. In an ideal society there would not be
limitations (legal or in equity/tort) on our right to defend ourselves.
Ideally we would not have our money taxed away, ideally we would be able
to choose who to do business with (or not), for services. . . . but we are
quite far from being able to create an ideal society right now. I don't
think it would be practical to try instituting the privatized police force
without the other changes in contextin fact without first creating a
really libertarian society in the first placeso for me it remains an
unobtainable goal, and an interesting theory. I'll read and think about
it, but I'm more interested in questions of how to function day-to-day in
the society we have instead of in what is theoretically possible in a
better one.
Best Wishes,
My reply:
Hi Mergatroyd,
You haven't read Smith yet?!? Heavens!!! Wait just a second. . . I have
"the whip" around here somewhere. . .
Actually, I envy you, as now you can read all that stuff for the first
time and it will be fresh for you. (Someone else said that about the books
and stories of P. G. Wodehouse, and I agree!) Have fun! I think that "The
Probability Broach" is a good starting place. The direct sequel is "The
American Zone" and "The Galatin Divergence" gives good back-story. Farther
forward in time is one of his best, "Pallas". "The Forge of The Elders"
was originally a trilogy and some think that it plods and preaches too
much; but I like it.
You are right about doing things in order. The topic was police functions,
so that is what I addressed. When looking at the over-all political
situationwe will have to have a revolution first (see my 5GW
[Fifth-Generation War] articles at TLE) and then see about stabilizing it
and expanding the present and new private resources to cover the useful
functions that the state used to do. In the realm of policing that will be
up to the management of folks like Pinkerton and Knight (and maybe
Griswald! Brrrrr. . .)and the customers.
As to ideal societies, perfection and utopias, NO THANKS! I am not an
Freedom is messy. (Or, at least it looks that way to an authoritarian.)
If we can kill the state (and keep it dead) we will have something new in
the history of Mana free and high-tech society. No one can say what
that will look like, but we can infer some general trends with some
confidence. It is very hard for folks raised in the Prussian-American
culture (aprox. 1840 to the present) to understand that answers to
specific questions of "What, exactly will [fill in the blank] be like; or
how will it work in your new libertarian heaven?" cannot be answered.
The best we can do is point to history for examples and trends. We see a
range of freedom, from the almost universal slavery of Feudalism and
Communism to the almost free market of Switzerland and the early Unites
States. We see a corresponding range of variables like wealth, crime
rates, fiscal stability, population growth, peace vs. war (and the kind of
war), cultural virtue and advancement or its lack, etc. We see how
relative levels of freedom or its lack affect those variables. That gives
us a general trend-line of history with regard to the relative levels of
freedom versus state power. We see freedom trending toward peace, progress
and increasing wealth; and state power trending toward poverty, slavery,
war and genocide. The choices then become much more clear.
In conclusion, I look at the historical trends and the examples of
relative success in places like Switzerland and America in the 18th. and
early 19th. century Enlightenment; and see that the prize to be gained by
fighting for the right is worth the cost and risk. We get a much better
outcome than we were getting under the feudal states, like England and the
20th century United States. Now that we have 5GW (Fifth-Generation War),
consisting of the distributed top-down order of battle as outlined by John
Ross in his book "Unintended Consequences" and the "assassination
politics" strategy invented by Jim Bell and presented in his paper of the
same name (Google "assassination politics"), we have a very good chance to
abolish the state for all or most of mankind for a goodly-long time.
That 5GW strategy also gives us the ability to achieve the results we want
at the least cost of treasure and blood. In the process we shift the cost
in blood almost entirely from the innocent to the guilty. The United
States may be defeated on the battlefield by a force on the order
of 200 men; and I would be surprised at the need for more than 1,000.
Casualties among the innocent may be reduced from the mountains of corpses
in traditional wars and genocides to the inevitable few targeting errors
or over-penetration of projectiles. These, in my opinion, are good things.
So I do not present idealism or utopia. I only want to offer a choice
between poverty, slavery and death on the one hand, versus freedom, peace
and prosperity on the other; for those are the two opposing general trend
lines that history can take (in my not so humble opinion) from the present
historical cusp.
The fearful, state-worshiping Prussian-Americans will choose the former.
Ethnic Americans of the Enlightenment will choose the latterand pay
the price to get it.
By waging Fifth-Generation War against the forces of evil.
Starting with the governments of the United States.
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