The End
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

A Feature of
A Reader Supported Web Magazine

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Number 439, October 14, 2007
"Yet another good reason to avoid world government."

Delacroix: Liberty Leading the People
"Liberty Leading the People"
by Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix (1798 - 1863)



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Speaking of support. You wouldn't believe the number of people I've met who "want to be a writer." Well, friends, if you want to be a writer, here's how to do it: write. Write some every day. Keep that up and after a while, you find you've written something. One place to send your writings to is us! We need articles, reviews, commentaries, and rants. Enough said.

And now on to issue Number 439. Enjoy.

Ken Holder


Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez, Sue the Libertarian, John Taylor, J. Martin, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Jesse Lambert, and Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.

The End
by L. Neil Smith
In my fourth novel, The Nagasaki Vector (Random House/Del Rey Books, 1983), I predicted that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics wouldn't be around to celebrate its centennial in 2017. I was wrong only with regard to how little time it took their house of cards to collapse.

Free Parking for Me, but Not for Thee
by Jim Lesczynski
For the nearly 20 years I have lived and worked in New York City, one of my biggest pet peeves has been the double standard by which parking regulations are enforced—and for most of those years, I didn't even own a car. Anyone who has ever tried to navigate a sidewalk near a police precinct knows what I'm talking about. Cops feel their badge is a license to park their cars wherever they want, on-duty or off-duty. Middle of the sidewalk, no problem. Blocking an intersection, no problem. Blocking a fire hydrant, no problem.

And Sow Salt on the Ruins
by L. Neil Smith
When I was a kid, about a thousand years ago, I made a terrible vow never to forget what it was like, having your life—your body, your belongings, everything about you—controlled by another human being. That, more than anything else, is probably what made me a libertarian.

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