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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 441, October 28, 2007 "The best idea since sliced bread!" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
I've seen you nude before, but this is the first time I've seen you naked.
We're not naked, We're wearing rings.
A naked person is vulnerable, so much so that socially naked has become slang for unarmed. Gymnophobia is aimed at making people feel vulnerable and weak, and that means human nudity to celebrate and display of God's greatest creation (according to many religious fundamentalists and fans of ecdysiastic display) must be verboten. This reinforces our need for big tough tyrants to protect us. At 5'7" and about 215 pounds and 53 years I'm not much to look at (I hear the echoes of women and gay men yelling "Put it on! Put it on!"). However, while I would not wished to be displayed naked in public, I do not hate my body or myself for having an admittedly corpulent male body. But if I can be taught to hate myself I can learn to hate others easier. And if the tyrants can teach me to hate myself they can tell me who to hate, when and what to do about it. Look at me. I am a Son of Man.
It would have been nice if the latest well publicized victim of "Unauthorized release of private photos" (Haven't seen them and don't really plan to, to spite who ever invaded the young lady's privacy) had dared to pick the one she liked best, published it, and said, "Look at me. I am a Daughter of Woman." One day we will be free to be nude and dare to be naked. A.X. Perez
Mr. Perez can be seen far away from any gym doing not a whole lot to make his physique more aesthetically pleasing.
Re: "On the Cultivation and Exploitation of Gymnophobia by Tyrants" by Ann Morgan The title says the article is about 'gymnophobia', and indeed the article is about the fear of being or being seen naked. However, the article itself does not refer to 'gymnophobia' but rather to 'gynophobia', which is a fear of women. It's all really quite confusing. Rick Pasotto
Alert from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
October 22, 2007 JPFO ALERT: Goody Guns Garner Positive Reviews Our Goody Guns project (www.goodyguns.com) continues making waves throughout the firearms community. Blogger Sunni Maravillosa has published an article, "Who's Afraid of the Gun-Shaped Cookie Cutter?" at www.sunnimaravillosa.com/node/1219. And Tom Kampert of the Arizona Outdoorsman calls it "the best idea since sliced bread!" (www.azod.com/Newsrelease/goodyguns.htm). The Goody Guns project was designed to counteract the unceasingly lies and dangerous propaganda of the victim disarmament (aka "gun control") lobbylies and propaganda mostly aimed at a captive audience of children in the public school system, and spread like a disease by the mass media. With the supervision and help of the adults in their lives, boys and girls can turn their own kitchens into "Arsenals of Liberty" by making gun-shaped cookies to keep and share, while absorbing firearms safety lessons the public schools would never teach them, and which the mass media don't want to see taught. Get your own Goody Gun today. They are available in both semi-automatic pistol and revolver shapes. Visit www.goodyguns.com! The Liberty Crew
PS We have updated last Thursday's "Repudiate and Humiliate" handbill. Please download the latest version at www.jpfo.org/handbill-atf.jpg. Visit our alert archive / sign up to receive email alerts www.jpfo.org/alerts.htm JPFO mirror site: www.jpfo.net The Supreme Court has scheduled its hearing of Heller v Washington and Parker v Washington until after the 2008 Federal election. The candidates will not be able to duck questions about their stand on the Second Amendment by referring us to the Court's decision. Besides being stuck on the spot of whether or not they believe the Right to keep and bear arms is an individual right they are now stuck on what "reasonable regulation" to which this right is subject (For example, I will concede that people hallucinating from fever and ingestion of toxins should be disarmed until they are well. That's and, not or). More importantly we can use this as a yardstick as to how "flexible" they are on their interpretation of the other nine Amendments of the Bill of Rights and other portions of the Constitution and Court precedents guaranteeing the people's rights. Do they embrace these joyfully or view them as obstacles to be overcome? Pay attention to what the Presidential and Congressional candidates say and remember that you may not trust their positive statements but that you should take their negative (anti freedom) statements at face value. A.X Perez
Alert from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
October 25, 2007 JPFO ALERT: A Glimmer of Hope L. Neil Smith is back with a new article for JPFO readers! "A Glimmer of Hope" can be found at www.jpfo.org/smith-glimmer.htm. Based on the novel Hope, which Smith penned in conjunction with JPFO's own Aaron Zelman, "A Glimmer of Hope" details the qualities of the novel's protagonist (and presidential candidate) Alexander Hope. Is it possible to find such a candidate today? Read "A Glimmer of Hope" and decide whether 2008 will give us hope. The Liberty Crew
PS We have updated last Thursday's "Repudiate and Humiliate" handbill. Please download the latest version at www.jpfo.org/handbill-atf.jpg. Visit our alert archive / sign up to receive email alerts www.jpfo.org/alerts.htm JPFO mirror site: www.jpfo.net
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