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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 443, November 11, 2007 "A pack of blatant, glaring, ridiculous liars" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Dear Webmaster, Please add www.ReformTheLP.org to the links section of your website. We are discussing possible changes in the LP's platform and we invite others to log on, read the essays and platform planks and join the conversation. Sincerely, Tim Crowley
[We don't have a links section, so this will have to doEditor] Thank You Many readers of TLE have completed or are currently engaged in service in the US Armed Forces. By doing so you have strived to guarantee the territorial integrity of the US and assure the survival of a Nation State under the US Constitution. I would like to thank you for what you have tried to do and promise that I will work to create a country worthy of your efforts both at my day job and my humble contributions to TLE. A.X. Perez
PS: I apologize for the political leaders I may have voted for that betrayed your loyalty. I just recieved this email and I am disturbed. I believe it means if you want a job you cant have one without ID (just a start). I believe we will see a move to force REAL ID down our throats soon as part of this. I believe if you want a job you wont have one without REAL ID (just a start). Next you won't have a bank without REAL ID. Then credit cards, then cars, then you will probably go to jail without REAL ID. This email should be verifiable and if true should be acted upon by all libertarians who deserve the name. I think only you Mr Smith would be able to do this justice and make understood the gravitas of this situation. See: www.numbersusa.com Don Wilson
Re: Global warming "Duke" averred: > Did you ever take an advanced course in physics or chemistry? That's called "argument from intimidation" and it hasn't worked on me since I was 15. I know more about physics and chemistry than the average individualcertainly enough to know when I'm being conned, especially by a mental cripple like Algore. > One basic concept of all reactions is that most are irreversible and
You are misusing the concept of entropy, so maybe it's you who needs "an advanced course in physics or chemistry". The world has been through many phases of warming and cooling, most of them far more severe than recently. The hottest decade of the 20th century was the 1930s, the hottest year was 1934. A minor warming trend that began in 1971 topped out in 1998, and the world is now cooling again. The phenomenon appears to be driven mostly by the sun, not mankind or carbon dioxide. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn shared our recent warm spell. All of this heavily peer-reviewed information is freely available all over the Internet, so dump the phony intellectualism, pull your head out of wherever you've stuck it, and find out what's really going on. Have a nice day, L. Neil Smith
Espada y daga I must disagree with J. Martin's response to Ann Morgan's letter. The distribution of laptops is a useful tool for advancing freedom. So is writing advertisers and informing them that you have problems with the shows and periodicals they are sponsoring. These acts are not mutually exclusive. They can in fact support eachother. No one depends on a single punch to win a fight, I always carry at least one extra knife, most serious gun people should carry a back up gun (or knife, hold out weapons are one of Maeve's better ideas). Defending freedom is serious fight, and in a serious fight one uses more than one strategy or weapon to win. So some of us write letters and others distribute laptops while others come up with a third plan. Tyrannical bastards'll never know what hit them. A.X. Perez
Interesting article. Here's an excellent article about the changes the author sees coming in the next 20 years or so. My favorite quote from the article: "Nothing is sure except death and taxes and people's attempt to cheat both." (Note: despite the title it isn't really all that much about Ron Paul. Only that his candidacy is a first sign of things to come). "Ron Paul vs. the Gatekeepers" Eric Pavao
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