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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 455, February 10, 2008 .455 Webley ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Letter from Robert Jackman a.k.a. Julius No I am very sorry for you, is a pity that this is how your life is going to end as soon as you don't comply. As you can see there is no need of introducing myself to you because I don't have any business with you, my duty as I am mailing you now is just to KILL you and I have to do it as I have already been paid for that. Someone you call a friend wants you Dead by all means, and the person have spent a lot of money on this, the person also came to us and told me that he want you dead and he provided us with your name, picture and other necessary information's we needed about you. So I sent my boys to track you down and they have carried out the necessary investigation needed for the operation on you, and they have done that but I told them not to kill you that I will like to contact you and see if your life is Important to you or not since their findings shows that you are innocent. I called my client back and ask him of you email address which I didn't tell him what I wanted to do with it and he gave it to me and I am using it to contact you now. As I am writing to you now my men are monitoring you and they are telling me everything about you. Now do you want to LIVE OR DIE? As someone has paid us to kill you. Get back to me now if you are ready to pay some fees to spare your life, $30,000 is all you need to spend You will first of all pay $15,000 then I will send the tape to you and when the tape get to you, you will pay the remaining $15,000. If you are not ready for my help, then I will carry on with my job straight-up. WARNING: DO NOT THINK OF CONTACTING THE POLICE OR EVEN TELL ANYONE BECAUSE I WILL KNOW. REMEMBER, SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU VERY WELL WANT YOU DEAD! I WILL EXTEND IT TO YOUR FAMILY, INCASE I NOTICE SOMETHING FUNNY. DO NOT COME OUT ONCE IT IS 7:PM UNTIL I MAKE OUT TIME TO SEE YOU AND GIVE YOU THE TAPE OF MY DISCUSSION WITH THE PERSON WHO WANT YOU DEAD THEN YOU CAN USE IT TO TAKE ANY LEGAL ACTION. GOOD LUCK AS I AWAIT YOUR REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL CONTACT William Agent
[Well golly, feller! I ain't got no $30,000. Heck, I ain't hardly got no $30. I conclude you are not a nice person. Does your mother know about this?Editor] Back towards the end of World War Two my Uncle Manuel got a guided tour of Dachau after it was liberated. There are two stories current in the family as to how he earned this honor. In one version he expressed disbelief about what was happening there when his unit was briefed and it was decided to show him his officers don't lie. The other version is more relevant to this publication. Apparently Manny observed the liberated prisoners beating up German civilians and said it wasn't right. This earned him a tour of Dachau. After seeing the camp (an experience that has left a haunted look in his eyes to this day) he said "It still isn't right." For the sake of argument let us concede that 9/11 happened the way the Bosses say it did and that Dubya really did have a good reason to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam. I know many of you reject one or both of these notions, but bear with me. Many people, including many people I respect and admire and whose friendship I value reject these notions. They claim Bush, or at least the "them" that control him faked 9/11 and the evidence used to justify the invasion of Iraq as an excuse to junk the American Bill of Rights and international law aimed at guaranteeing human rights. Does this mean that if these events happened the destruction of human rights is justified? I don't think so. So let us tell those who would use the threat of Terrorism and Islamofascism to strip honest men of their freedom that what they are doing is wrong. And if they dig up reliable, nay, let us concede irrefutable, evidence that 9/11 happened and that America's filibuster in Iraq is just and necessary we must be prepared to tell them that it is still no excuse to make war on freedom. What they want to do is wrong and nothing can justify it. A.X. Perez
Re: "On the Completion of Roswell, Texas" by L. Neil Smith
I really wanted to like it. I like the art a lot. I get many of the jokes and suspect there are more I don't have the background to get. All of the heroes are stand-up, honorable people, within the limits of their received mini-statist worldview. The women are gorgeous and comely. It has a happy ending. But it was the same old socialist horrorshow: Suppress innovation to freeze civilization's progress, maintaining the current ruling clique at the top. The constitution is DOA, government has created the largest destruction of prosperity in human history, and nobody in the story understands that.
Or the Islamofascists? There could be a war, so the constitution is suspended for the duration of the present emergency. As usual, there is a government agency to spy on citizens, run at apparent arm's length through a deniable legal shell. One of the fundamental attitudes that justifies government to some peoplethe elites must manage the peasants' lives, because they can't handle it themselvesis never questioned. This material fits fist in glove with the early National Review. The main remover of human misery is the compound interest effect of technological improvements over time. The spacefaring alien technology should have been the introduction of a stunning amount of capital into this compounding. Note the breeding ranch for gray alien robot labor at the end. What should have been the effect of this new technology on human misery? The end of the need for humans to work to survive? All human beings independently wealthy? The government has created a destruction in human prosperity equal to all the human technological progress that would have occurred using the alien technology, had the news of the crash not been censored. Yet, the reporter who would expose the government's lies and break one of the most important stories in all of human history is considered by everyone to be acting contrary to the ruled peoples' interests. Within this fictional story universe, R,T is a portrayal of the largest destruction of human prosperity that any government anywhere has ever achieved. The reporter is a hero. All the other "heroes" are useful idiots, or worse. This story should find favor among "libertarians" who can't read the plain words of the ZAP any better than gun banners can read the plain words of the 2nd amendment. J. Martin
Ethanol, one buck a gallon, no yeast ma! and More! http://roberto-de-sonora.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html Robert Jackman a.k.a. Julius No
Re: "Letter from Andrew G. Eggleston Sr."
I've worked as a paramedic since the dark ages and in the ER for almost as long. If you are so darn ill or injured that you can't tell the hospital which number to call, you have a lot of other major problems that need to be dealt with first. And I don't fool around with patient's belongings on scene except as required for proper patient care--like to cutting off your clothes. Other valid reasons can be found at:
Joe Collins
Re: "South Wins!!" by Russell D. Longcore Wow! What a powerful article. Thanks Mr. Longcore! When I speak of Lincoln's war, I ask this: If Portugal and Spain decide to secede from the E.U. and form the Iberian Union, the I.U., should the forces of the E.U. invade, burn their cities, march to the sea, and waste 620,000 lives to keep them from leaving? That would be ridiculous. Some, determined to defend Lincoln, will say yes. Gotta love it. Also, when confronted with some European nation's great socialized health care system, I ask: How would Wales react if forced to adopt France's health care system? "Forced" being the optimal word. Nydra
Re: "South Wins!!" by Russell D. Longcore Russell D. Longcore's article about the CSA winning the War of the Secession and its consequences reminds me of two things. As he mentioned the Yankees confiscated Arlington (Lee's plantation) from "Master Robert" for his support of the CSA. They then turned it into Arlington National Cemetery, a resting place for the Nation's heroes. I'm sure that Lee hated having his land taken from him. And I'm also sure that he appreciated the backhanded complement implicit in how it was used. It tells me more than I need to know about how wrong spirited the Radical Republicans were in thinking that the man who believed that duty is the most sublime word in the English language would begrudge a resting place on his land for those who completed their duty at the expense of their lives. It happens that one of the entries into Fort Bliss is the Robert E. Lee Gate. A statue honoring the Buffalo Soldiers has been placed at that gate. This may offend certain racists who feel that Robert E. Lee is their hero. Those who study the histories involved may know that Lee sought permission to recruit Black troops for the CSA and that the Soldiers of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries did their duty heroically in the Indian Wars and other places. I'm sure Master Robert would feel honored to have their memorial statue in his gate. The crooks who used Radical Reconstruction to nail down Yankee factory owner rule and those who promote racism are enemies of freedom. It makes my day more pleasant to know that Robert E. Lee has inadvertently made such a mockery of those who understand neither liberty or duty. A.X. Perez
Our Money At this writing it appears that the US Senate can not resist the temptation to mess around with Bush's anti-recession economic stimulus program. This is a shame, as nipping a recession in the bud will prevent the 2008 election from being influenced by the politics of invidiousness, i.e., rich trying to use Congress to keep poor from robbing them and poor trying to get Congress to play Robin Hood. While many of us object to government intervention in the economy, from what I'm seeing and hearing is that a homeopathic intervention now will prevent a more intrusive intervention in a year. If and when tax rebates are turned loose do not hesitate to enjoy the money. Some of you may have scruples about accepting money from the government but they do not apply. the average American spends about 40% of his income paying taxes. The big G is not giving you anything, they are returning your own money back to you, so enjoy. By the way, while you should spend a lot of your rebate immediately to stimulate the economy do not hesitate to use some to pay debts and or invest. This will improve your solvency in the future and put money in your pocket to help prevent or shorten the next recession (There will always be a next recession, both good and bad times are temporary.) Remember, preventing or shortening the Recession of Spring 2008 is possible to a certain degree,and it beats putting up with a government that uses recession as an excuse to trammel liberty. P.S.: As soon as original of "Our Money" was sent to TLE and I returned to MSN from Hotmail an article was posted saying that the Senate had decided to behave and accept the original Bush stimulus package. This does not change the fact that purchase and investment decisions you make from now through June or July can help deny the advocates of neosocialism a chance to gain more power. Take advantage of this chance to strand the Demican and Replicats without issues!!! A. X. Perez
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