Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 493, November 16, 2008

"They Wanted Obama but voted for O'bomber"

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The Crimes of Sarah Palin
by L. Neil Smith

Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

Unless you happen to have been jerked out from under a cabbage leaf during the last decade or so, you'll remember a time when anyone who criticized Hillary Clinton was customarily accused by her admirers of resenting—or even being afraid of—a woman with political power.

My own soon-to-be former sister-in-law levelled this charge at me; it sounded, coming out of her mouth, as prerecorded as the utterances of the dolls that "talk" when you pull the string. Never mind that Hillary Clinton had no political power she hadn't borrowed from her husband.

Never mind that Hillary Clinton was (and remains to this day) an unpleasant, unsavory, dictatorial screamer, pathological liar, and crooked lawyer who aches in every cell of her flesh to shut down right wing talk radio and somehow "filter" what you and I have to say on the Internet.

Never mind that Hillary Clinton devised a scheme—or had it devised for her—to take care of all your medical needs by having you arrested and jailed should you attempt to pay your physician privately.

Never mind that Hillary Clinton and her pals in the Senate like Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein want you stripped of every means of self-defense you possess so that she can do anything to you she likes.

Never mind that Hillary Clinton and her aspirin factory bombing husband left a trail of corpses behind them, like stepping stones, on their way to the White House and that the Waco Massacre and Oklahoma City Murrah Building explosion happened on their co-presidential watch.

Never mind all of that. If you couldn't stand Hillary Clinton, her ideas, or her socialist politics, you were merely another misogynist, a male chauvinist pig who "just can't handle the idea of a woman with power."

But that was then, and this is now. Apparently liberals can't handle the idea of a woman with power if that woman isn't another liberal.

Enter Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. When Mad Jack McCain announced the choice he'd made of Palin as a running mate late last summer, I was delighted and surprised. It wasn't simply the only smart move the Hanoi Senator had made during his campaign, it was probably the only smart move any Republican had made since Eisenhower ended the Korean War.

High on the list of reasons I was delighted and surprised was that we'd have an excellent chance now to see clearly just how sisterly all those left-wing socialist feminists could be toward the third woman in American history likely to score herself a vote in the Electoral College.

The first, of course, being Tonie Nathan, a Libertarian.

What I saw and heard during the next three months exceeded even my wildest imaginings—and remember, I'm an imaginer by profession—a vitriolic spew of blind, visceral, dogmatic hatred that the nation's "progressives" hadn't lavished even on Randy Weaver, back when Ruby Ridge was in the headlines, nor on Timothy McVeigh after the explosion in Oklahoma City. Some feminists even claimed that, somehow, Palin wasn't a woman. Meaning, of course, that she dared to cherish values differing from those a woman, in their demented view, is supposed to cherish.

One so-called female so-called comedian referred to Palin as a "...little freaked out, intimidated, frightened, right-wing Republican, thin-lipped bitch", unintentionally describing herself by temperament, if not by political persuasion. She also warned the vice presidential candidate that she (Palin) would be gang-raped by her (the comedian's) "big black brothers" if she (Palin) visited Manhattan.

This to a real woman who, at least by implication, knows how to deal with a rapist the way a rapist ought to be dealt with, not with a little plastic whistle or a sisterly candlelight vigil, but with... well, let's just put it this way: there are places in Alaska where you're not allowed to venture unless you're carrying at least a .357 Magnum.

Same way the streets and subways of New York should be.

The so-called female so-called comedian also warned Palin to "stay away from the Old Testament", whatever that means, and referred to Palin's religion as "new goyish crappy shiksa funky bullshit!" Then, not realizing how funny she was being unintentionally, she added, "I'd just like [Palin] to explain to me how she can hold such outrageous views." I believe this calls for a new category of bigotry. How about "anti-Gentilism"?

Observers as disparate as freethinking liberal Camille Paglia and conservative Michael Barone have suggested that Palin became a target for bitter militant feminist hatred not simply because she opposes abortion, but because she declined to abort her own fifth child when she learned, in advance, that he would be afflicted with Down's Syndrome.

However not everything is about fetuses, and I believe there is a much wider and deeper reason that the left have unzipped and exposed themselves this way. There is a war going on, after all, between the so-called "dominant culture"—for which read the Parasitic Class—and the American Productive Class that clothes, feeds, and houses this country and much of the world and generally keeps the whole thing running.

The Parasitic Class decided for themselves long ago that we, the members of the Productive Class, should keep our places, work hard, turn over all our money to our "betters", and shut up. They, the Parasitic Class, for the most part alumni of Ivy League universities—alma maters of most of the morons who got us into, not only the current economic, military, and constitutional mess we find ourselves in today, but all of the economic, military, and constitutional messes of the 20th century, as well—would do the thinking, planning, and ruling.

Unannointed by such an Ivy League education or even the minimum requirement for membership in good standing in the Parasitic Class, a law degree (after trying other schools she graduated in media from the University of Idaho), Palin's an upstart, a usurper, a bounder, crimes that transcend even her protected status as a female. She isn't even from "Flyover Country"—nobody who's anybody ever flies over Alaska.

Perhaps as important, Palin isn't some pallid East-coast hotel dweller, accustomed to room service, but a real human being, a real live female who can do all of the things listed in the song "I'm A Woman"—she can handle a rifle, hunt, fish, clean and cut up wild game, make something edible out of it, keep house, raise five kids, keep her husband interested since they were in high school together, plus run a city and run a state—and most of the things any human being should be able to do, according to The Notebooks of Lazarus Long.

In short, she's a Heinlein woman.

That, I submit, is why she's hated by those females who are not Heinlein women, and by those Milquetoast males who are desperately afraid of the kind of real woman she is. That's why she was betrayed by her own party—Mit Romney's faction—which was the source, as it develops, of many of the most vicious falsehoods that were spread about her. That's why she's being blamed for McCain's pathetic failures, in an attempt to make sure she won't have a political future.

And that the peasants won't revolt.

The 2008 election is behind us now, a part of history, and the collectivists who triumphed are going to enjoy it while they can. The observations I've made here might be unimportant, except that, owing to the ascension of their god-king, we're going to be living with these animals for a while. In the end, it may be that the best thing Sarah Palin's candidacy accomplished is exposing them for what they are.

Four-time Prometheus Award-winner L. Neil Smith has been called one of the world's foremost authorities on the ethics of self-defense. He is the author of 25 books, including The American Zone, Forge of the Elders, Pallas, The Probability Broach, Hope (with Aaron Zelman), and his collected articles and speeches, Lever Action, all of which may be purchased through his website "The Webley Page" at

Ceres, an exciting sequel to Neil's 1993 Ngu family novel Pallas was recently completed and is presently looking for a literary home.

Neil is presently working on Ares, the middle volume of the epic Ngu Family Cycle, and on Roswell, Texas, with Rex F. "Baloo" May.

The stunning 185-page full-color graphic-novelized version of The Probability Broach, which features the art of Scott Bieser and was published by BigHead Press has recently won a Special Prometheus Award. It may be had through the publisher, or at


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