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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 502, January 18, 2009 "Politicians must be taught, in no uncertain terms, that the only real way to economically "stimulate" the Productive Class is to stop stealing their fucking money!" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Letter from Puck Smith with Reply from Bill St. Clair Another Letter from A.X. Perez with Reply from L. Neil Smith Response to "Letter from Paul Bonneau"
I used to try that. I got walked on for decades. Anybody says "Praise God" or "thank God", I respond with "Fuck your imaginary friend". I am not merely an atheist or agnostic, I am an antitheistif G-D shows up, I'll kick his ass. HE can kill me, or send me to his Guantanamo if the Jesus fanboys are right, but "faith" will still be the nastiest four-phoneme word in the anglic language.
No, it isn't.
It is often a reason to eliminate idiots from that pool (since it's illegal to drown them in it). Many "Potential Friends" are government agents or idiots or both.
Religious idiots harm anybody who isn't a member of their club (and themselves as well). When government (and the religions associated with it, in the US that's generally protestant) claims "God is on Our Side", any opposition can be killed without crime or sin. (In other demesmes, these actions are called terrorist).
Like Neil, I have people knocking on my door every day trying to convert me to their particular imaginary friend. We're not allowed to shoot them (I dunno whether Neil wants to) and in New Jersey I'm not going to admit having the means to do so.
It harms me a shitload, they get laws passed that mean I can't have sex with who I want or marry who I want (and I'm straight, got no interest in underage girls, just happen to be polyandrousif you don't know what that means, neither did any of the fifty-one or more governments who think it's illegal).
I let them talk as they want. They don't return the favor. But one baseball bat upside the head, and I'm accused of a Hate Crime. Even if the bat is against my head. Ward Griffiths
Re: "Letter from Curt Howland" OK, you got me dead to rights. Mr. Howland is absolutely correct in saying that conceding anything to the government is admitting they have the right to exist. If nothing else one is setting oneself up to go down a slippery slope of "well if you admit this then you must admit ...". On the other hand if you can actually afford nuclear weapons larger than five megatons please introduce me to your portfolio manager so we can see if he can help me achieve your level of financial comfort. Then again, if we can get rid of all the frakking taxes thermonuclear devices may become relatively cheap enough for regular folks to buy. It would make for interesting fireworks display on New Years, Guy Fawkes Day, and the Fourth of July. A.X. Perez
RE The 2009 Declaration of Independence Dear Mr. Longcore, Regarding your article "The 2009 Declaration of Independence" in the Jan 11, 2009 issue of The Libertarian Enterprise: You have done a fine job with your update to the Declaration. Upon first reading, the one item that stands out as error to me is the following:
In the June 10, 2007 issue of The Libertarian Enterprise, I pointed out in detail that "Immigration Control is UN-Constitutional". If any mention of the Federal Government's actions with regard to immigration is to be made at all, it should be that it has far overstepped its authority in this area, as I point out in my article. Best regards,
Re: "Letter from Bill St. Clair" While I hold no illusions that Obama is going to be anything other than business as usual, I'm willing to let him be inaugurated before I blame him for the continued war crime of Iraq. Perhaps ObamaBodyCount.org should bet set to 0 until the 21st. Puck Smith
To Which Mr. St. Clair Replied: You're right, of course. I considered that, but decided I had the motivation to set it up when I did, and might not later. Nobody's paying me for this, though it would be lovely to receive some donations. So the counts will be a little higher than they would have been had I waited until the inauguration. We got a similar complaint about the "America in Chains" counter, which counts since the November 2006 election. 2 years later, the small difference doesn't really matter. The Democrat Congress made no real changes. I sincerely hope that the Obama administration gets the US out of Iraq, and that my Obama Body Counts stop increasing. Time will tell. Bill St. Clair
Re: "The Randomness of the Cosmic Comedy, by Dave Earnest"
Imagine a place where this is not only encouraged, but enshrined in the Construction. See signature. Pretty soon, the works of Heinlien, Piper, and others will be seen as probable cause that the reader is a terrorist, much as a copy of Shotgun News was for the Branch Davidians. Frank Ney
SIG: "Apparently on New Texas, killing a politician wasn't regarded as malum in se, and was malum prohibitorum only to the extent that what the politician got was in excess of what he deserved." H. Beam Piper, Lone Star Planet (a.k.a. A Planet For Texans Obama's "health care czar," Tom Daschle ADVOCATES the creation of a federal health care bureaucracy whose decrees will SUPERSEDE the judgment and decisions of physicians and their patients. In other words, if a medicine or treatment protocol will "cost too much", you won't get it! Just like Great Britain's "N.I.C.E." (Don't they have cute little acronym euphemisms? Because nice it definitely IS NOT!) So that could well mean YOU WILL DIE! Because some health-system bureaucrat in a Washington DC office disapproves a medicine or treatment protocol because "it's too expensive." Well, folks, most of you voted for it. I just hope it won't KILL youor ME! Marc V. Ridenour
No books for kids under twelve
Why isn't this "General Counsel" hanging from a lamp post in front of his office? Frank Ney
Knives and fire are two of the tools separating humans from really smart sub-sapient primates. The TSA bans carrying knives and fire starting tools onto airplanes. Imagine: a government agency is actually trying to reverse evolution. A.X. Perez
To which Mr. Smith Replied: And have apparently succeeded, where TSA employees are concerned. L. Neil Smith
For your culinary enjoyment, a CBS video about an interesting place to have a light snack. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4632991n Chris Claypoole
Read: "Amazing Private Pilot" by Lew Rockwell. This is exactly the kind of person I want flying airplanes. Responsible, rational, considerate. Chesley Sullenberger sets the bar higher for all pilots.
Curt Howland
Thanks Glenn! That was not only informative it was effin hilarious! When speaking of anything numerical after 10xe9 just gets silly. Trazillion gaquillion frijillion indeed! David Earnest
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