Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 504, February 1, 2009

"Their dream is the impossible one, as
they must Control 300 million Americans"

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Conservatives... Aren't
by Russell D. Longcore
russlongcore -+at+-

Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise

The old adage, "Actions speak louder than words," has never been truer as it relates to the idea and ideal of conservatism.

Scores of books have been written about conservatism and liberalism, and more will be written. In my view, they mostly cloud the issues and make the definitions fuzzy at best.

Here is my definition of true Conservatism.

Conservatism is a political philosophy that stands for a Federal government that functions within the strictures and boundaries of the US Constitution.

That's it. Anything less than that definition is not true Conservatism.

Now, in light of that definition, look at what the people who call themselves Conservatives today believe and do. Remember, forget what they say, watch what they do.

The Constitution does not allow for a standing army. Conservatives support unlimited amounts of tax money for standing armies, air forces and military bases in over 130 foreign countries.

The Constitution does not allow for war to be declared by anyone other than Congress, nor military invasions of sovereign nations. Conservatives have supported undeclared wars and invasions abroad since Lincoln invaded the Confederate States of America.

The Constitution does not provide for all of the various Cabinet departments, like Labor, Energy, Education, Commerce, Health and Human Services, etc. The only Cabinet departments I can see authorized in the Constitution are Treasury, War, and State. Conservatives not only like all of the various departments...they willingly fund them and fight over their control.

The Constitution does not provide for the Federal Reserve or a national bank. Conservatives work hard to place their own favorite guy as the Chairman, and manipulate the currency as they choose.

The Constitution does not promote nor restrict any faith or the practice of any religion, leaving any religious concerns to the states. Conservatives promote nearly exclusively in the religions of Western Civilization, which are Judaism and Christianity. Conservatives have always been in favor of the tax-exempt status of the Church.

The Constitution does not allow for a personal income tax or the Internal Revenue Service. Conservatives rely on tax revenues to fund the unconstitutional things they love.

The Constitution does not allow for the vast array of regulations of every facet of human existence. Conservatives in Congress have helped pass all of the regulatory legislation and regulations. They have kept most regulation in place, and only in rare exceptions have repealed regulations and law.

The Constitution does not provide for any immigration law, leaving immigration policy to the states. Conservatives are hostile to nearly everyone who wants to come to America.

The Constitution promotes small Federal government. Conservatives promote huge federal government.

So, we can see that those who call themselves Conservatives today... aren't. They are big-government state worshippers. Those who embrace true conservatism today are usually labeled anarchists or libertarians... or just simply ignored.

Isn't that right, Ron Paul?

Copyright © 2008 Russell D. Longcore, All Rights Reserved

Russell D. Longcore is one of those rare individuals who found the perfect career and loves every minute of his work. Russell has an insurance claims practice in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In his career, he has handled claims as simple as a water leak in a home, and as complicated as multi-million dollar commercial property and liability losses. Russell has a breadth of knowledge and wisdom about insurance, money and life, and writes widely about those issues in publications, newspapers, magazines and blogs. He is married to "his redhead" Julie, and has three wonderful children, and three even more wonderful grandchildren.

Russell can be reached at:

Abigail Morgan Austin Publishing Company
1750 Powder Springs Road, Suite 190
Marietta, Georgia 30064
Nationwide toll free voice and fax 877-688-5879
Email: russlongcore -+at+-


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