Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Pam Maltzman, Jim Davidson, Scott Graves,
A.X. Perez, Paul Bonneau, and Rex May
"Vote Yourself Rich!"
Reviewed by L. Neil Smith
America's "two-party system" is now a three-party system,
but Americans don't seem to know it. A recent Newsweek, for example,
"covered" [California's] Proposition 13 and the Tax Revolt without once
mentioning the Libertarian Party, Austrianism, anarcho-capitalism, or even
Murray [Rothbard]. We are suffering a calculated, malicious media blackout,
and you don't have to believe in the Bavarian Illuminati to see how those in
power or influence might wish to bury a new anti-authoritarian movement.
Radically Decentralized Defense
by L. Neil Smith
Somehow, we always get stuck with leftovers. Just as a
long history of repressive legislation has left potential libertarian
office-holders with an enormous crime rate to deal with, so past incompetence
has created a necessity that we assure voters concerning national security. No
other issuepossibly excepting nuclear powerhas so continuously absorbed
our intellectual efforts (and rhetorical energies), nor so frequently threatened
to divide us.
Bring Them Home
by Jim Davidson
Recently, I was invited to join a cause. The cause sounds
okay at first glance. "Free postage for all deployed troops."
Energy Is Free
by L. Neil Smith
Elsewhere in this issue of The Libertarian Enterprise
you'll find a couple of things I wrote in 1978 and 1980 predicting certain
unpleasant developments in what we laughingly call our civilization, and
proposing countermeasures that badly needed to be taken to prevent them.
Obviously, those countermeasures weren't taken.
Never Let Anyone Tell Your Story for You
by Bob Wallace
Some years ago a historian told me, "Never let anyone tell
your story for you." He didn't explain, but he didn't have to: I instinctively
knew the unstated rest of his comment: "Because if you do, they will destroy
your culture. They will destroy the myths and rites and rituals that hold it
together. They'll destroy your community, and the meaning and importance that
supports it."
My Question
by A.X. Perez
I'm having a problem believing in the current ammunition
shortage. Yes there are filibusters going on in Iraq and Afghanistan and
undoubtedly covert operations going on to support the War on Terror. And
yes we have an issue with panic buying and hoarding by so called right
wing extremists and other honest Americans.
Oath Keepers: The Sentries On The Wall
by Russell D. Longcore
Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently
serving military, veterans, and peace officers who will fulfill their sworn
oath to "support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign
and domestic, so help me God."
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 27 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!