Letters to the Editor
from Mike Blessing, A.X. Perez, Jim Davidson, Bill Koehler,
Kent McManigal, Scott Graves, Pam Maltzman, and Rex May
The Smoking Goons
by L. Neil Smith
I haven't smoked a cigarette since 1993, when I had two mild
heart attacks and had to quit. Before then, I had smoked two packs a day for thirty
years, having started back when I was a freshman in college.
Nukes and the Second Amendment
by Mike Blessing
I'm sure that we've all heard it before when discussing the
right to own and carry weapons (especially handguns) with hoplophobes and
by L. Neil Smith
When are people going to learn that everything government
touches turns towell, not anything as valuable as organic fertilizer,
certainly. I happen live in Fort Collins, a small city on I-25, about 60
miles north of Denver, Colorado and about 40 miles south of Cheyenne, Wyoming.
A Perfect Storm
by A.X. Perez
According to MSNBC Mayor Nagin of New Orleans was stuck in
China under quarantine for the swine flu on the 7th of June 2009. Please keep
in mind that this is the same man who screwed up preparing New Orleans for
Katrina and evacuating his people to safety, has spent the last four years
waiting for a federal handout to rebuild and turned the police forces under
his control out to beat up and disarm little old ladies who were trying to
defend their lives and property. As far as I can tell his greatest accomplishment
is getting reelected instead of ridden out of the parish on a rail. Please keep
this in mind.
"Are you proud to be white?": Uh, no.
by Mike Vanderboegh
Folks, I despise the obsession with race that is forced upon
us by the nanny state. I'm always having to fill out these forms that ask my race.
Liberals are so fixated on race that they would make a Nazi Gauleiter proud.
Whatever They Do Out of Fear, We Overcome with Love
by Jim Davidson
There are two things you must understand about the war on
terror. First, it is very, very profitable. Second it is the last gasp of a
dying culture.
Let's Be Tolerant
by Paul Bonneau
This is one of those sore points that have bugged me at times.
There is a website named tolerance.org, run by Morris Dees, that should be
definitive, don't you think? Let's look at the SPLC/Morris Dees definition of
the word "tolerance":
The Illusion of Liberty
by Russell D. Longcore
The illusion of liberty is the oil that makes the gears of
American politics mesh. Without this grand illusion, citizens might actually
wrest government control away from the political criminal class and demand
Constitutional governance.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 28 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!