On Buttons and Clicks, by L. Neil Smith
Letters to the Editor
from Craig Goodrich, Paul Bonneau, Bryan Potratz,
Andrew G. Eggleston Sr., A.X. Perez, NoTaxesNow.org, Jim Davidson, and Rex May
A Tale of Pot and Kettle
by L. Neil Smith
It is said that, during America's Revolutionary War,
"lobsterback" soldiers took delight in bayonetting pregnant American women
in the belly to prevent the birth of "another rebel whelp", or words to that
Rebooting our System
by Donald Meinshausen
We are facing some big problems now. Somehow we have installed
some big programs on our system that are not working. They are taking up too much
of our memory or even distorting it. It usually starts like this. Spam appears on
our screen in nice graphics, cleverly written bearing the names of institutions
that we trust promising free stuff. Sometimes they want us to answer lots of
questions. We understand that as necessary marketing. So we unwittingly install
it. We find the messages then are empty promises, half-truths and lies. Then
there's the big trouble.
The Cost of Vietnam
by Jim Davidson
The Vietnam war had a very high cost in lives, in treasure,
and in loss of individual liberty at home. It also prompted a series of
protests, including many very violent protests, including some where the
government brutally responded with murder. As a result of these protests
and the general pointlessness of the war, some things changed, for a time.
Welcome to the New Black Market
by Andrew G. Eggleston Sr.
I am what they call a "disabled person" because I have a
condition or two that prevents me from doing certain kinds of work and because
I have medication to take daily. Occasionally this does interfere with my life
slightly, for example I had three hospital stays this winter/spring for
pneumonia. It was a bit of a rough year, but this is not uncommon, ask any
diabetic you know and they'll tell you we have rough years and easy years.
Do Marriage Licenses Automatically Make You a Slave to Government?
Questions on the "practicality" of being a free, sovereign individual
by Dennis Lee Wilson
In an extended discussion on a Yahoo message board regarding
the pros and cons of government marriage permits, the following question was
raised: I don't disagree with what you are saying but is that to imply that
for people who get marriage licenses that they will automatically become slaves
to governments that issue them?
"Is anyone minding the store at the Federal Reserve?"
by Dr. Duck
Check this out ... this video clip called "Is anyone
minding the store at the Federal Reserve ?" ... it's one of the best lube
jobs by the Fed I've seen in a long time .... (see the video before reading
my letter)
No Internal Pass System
by Jim Davidson
The following senators should be shamed out of office.
They are the sponsor and co-sponsors of yet another attempt to impose a
system of internal passes in America. These jerks want to treat Americans
like cattle, branded, limited, harnessed, and bled.
Divided America
by A.X. Perez
Everyone keeps talking about a second civil war starting in
the United States when states seceded over differing interpretation of what
freedom means, what the relation between individual and government should be.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 31 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!