Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Sean Gabb, Perry E. Metzger, Rex May,
Paul Bonneau, A.X. Perez, and Jim Davidson
Better Radishes than Potato-Heads
by L. Neil Smith
I don't know how tall a soapbox The Libertarian Enterprise
is to stand on, but it has probably saved my life many times over the years by
serving me as a place to vent, when I might otherwise have kept it all inside me
and grown a cancer or an ulcer, or had another heart attack.
Muzzling the Internet
by Jim Davidson
The panic press has been bothering some of my friends with
claims that "Obama will control the Internet." "The Internet will be shut down."
There are things to be concerned about, especially for prominent individuals who
are engaged in actual journalism, or whistle blowing, or innovating. And there
are tools these people can use to protect themselves.
A Little Gun History
Forwarded, probably from JPFO via Chuck Baldwin
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917,
1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and
After Ethics and Morals, an Article on L. Neil Smith's Religion
by Ian Titter
L. Neil Smith tells us that he is an Atheist. He also writes
that he finds all religious ridiculous, yet I have gained the impression that
L. Neil Smith is very religious.
L. Neil Smith's "Religion"
by L. Neil Smith
Elsewhere in this issue of The Libertarian Enterprise,
there is an article from one Ian Titter, accusing me, in essence, of hypocrisy
because, in his view, although I call myself an atheist, I am "very religious".
Frank Frazetta
by A.X. Perez
If you are old enough you remember the old Edgar Rice Burroughs
reprints that Ace published in the early to middle 1960's. They seemed to form
the bulk of the Ace F series ( 40 cents). One of the best things about them were
the covers by Roy Krenkel Jr. and Frank Frazetta, especially Frank Frazetta.
Especially the scantily clad women.
Light of Liberty
by L. Neil Smith
It says here the European Union has begun forcing people
to stop using incandescent lightbulbs, phasing them out one wattage at a time,
from high to low, and compelling the use of fluorescent bulbs, because they use
less energy and will therefore contribute less to global warming. Don't laugh:
the same shakedown is scheduled to happen to Americans in 2012.
Sarah Palin vs. Dr. Death
by Stuart Schwartz
Ezekiel Emanuel is upset. The president's health care
czar sees the growing resistance to his vision, to his brave new world of
government-run "communitarian" health care in which politicians and bureaucrats
control one-sixth of the economy and 100% of our bodies. He doesn't quite
understand how it all came apart on him, but he does know who started the
unraveling: Sarah Palin.
The Drinking Age: One of America's Greatest Hypocrisies
by Sean Gangol
There are many laws in America that seem both ridiculous
and hypocritical. One of them is the drinking laws of this country. At the
age of eighteen an individual is old enough to assume almost any responsibility.
An individual at that age is old enough to hold a job and live out on his own.
At that same age a person is old enough to have consensual sex. If you commit
a crime at the age of eighteen, then you will most certainly be tried as an
adult. If there is a war, an eighteen-year-old can expect to find himself
drafted into the military where he can be forced to fight and possibly die
in some third world hell hole. We can trust an eighteen-year-old to defend
the freedom and security of this country, but we can't trust them to drink
responsibly. This absurd notion fits the very definition of hypocrisy.
It Was Forty Years Ago Today
by Donald Meinshausen, a banned leader
Things aren't much different from forty years ago. We have
an unpopular war, waged by an increasingly unpopular president. He is also
destroying the economy and our civil liberties in his drive to expand the
American state As well we see a huge growth in cultural creativity and greater
questioning of authority. As Nietzsche once said "Great culture happens when
Empires are in decline." There are differences, of course. Change comes in
huge waves after deep seismic moves way below the surface reveal empty sea
beds. That happened then and is happening now. We will internet surf a tsunami.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 40 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!