Letters to the Editor
from Susan Callaway, Doug Heard, Jim Davidson, Steve Reed,
A.X. Perez, Ian Titter, Sean Gangol, Donald Meinshausen, Crazy Al, and Rex May
Two Items of Interest
by L. Neil Smith
I guess this has been my week to reconsider some judgments
I've made about a couple of people over the last few years, and to point out
work they've done that may ultimately prove to be extremely important in the
cause of individual liberty.
Another Subsidy
by Jim Davidson
I very much enjoyed L. Neil Smith's latest essay on
the Light of Liberty. He is correct throughout about the nature of the
light bulb and its vital importance to free people.
by Person Unknown
Even if you aren't a sports fan this is very interesting!
Re: Andrew G. Eggleston Sr. sent you a message on Facebook...
by Brian Singer
Andrew Eggleston is a friend of mine. He recently wrote a
quick note to me asking, "You sounded a trifle pissed, you okay bro? I know
its probably just SNAFU but you can comm with real people back in The World
if you need to vent. -- Andrew" I began to respond, and by the end, I realized
that I wanted more people than just my friend Andrew to hear what I had to say.
I composed the following:
How do we get there from here?
by Ian Titter
We live in Nation-States and want to live in a Libertarian
society, so, the title question, "How do we get there from here?"
What Gold Says
by Jim Davidson
What is gold telling us? It just went over $1002 on the
Hong Kong market. What does that mean as a practical matter? For one thing,
it means the value of the dollar is declining. The dollar is down against
many other currencies, such as the Japanese yen.
Strange Bedfellows
A single-minded analysis of Gay marriage
by Justin Thyme
When you see two gay guys standing at an altar about to
get hitched, think about it. Would you want anyone's daughter marrying one?
I mean I don't mind allowing gays a little fun but think of the children!
Or think of two lesbians in a relationship. This is a lot easier for us
heterosexual males. After she ends up sleeping with all those women and
ends up pregnant and wondering who the father is. It makes you want to
support mixed marriages -- a male and a female. Or to accommodate lesbians
one man and two women.
The Stockholm Syndrome For States
by Russell D. Longcore
According to Wikipedia, the "Stockholm Syndrome" is a
psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the
hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the
danger or risk in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named
after a 1973 bank robbery in which the bank robbers held bank employees
hostage for six days. In this case, the victims became emotionally
attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed
from their six-day ordeal. This time, the captor is the Federal Government
in Washington, and the 50 states are its captives.
Not Enough Guns
by Jim Davidson
Larken Rose was recently quoted on a friend's profile to
the effect that 90 million Americans own guns. I find this figure laughable.
It is far too low.
I love obscene phone calls!
by phone phreak Don Meinshausen
Nowadays there is no more privacy. So I just might as well
admit it. All my other guilty pleasures are illegal or politically incorrect.
However this one just might get by, at least by liberals. It releases all types
of unhealthy emotions. It's stimulating. It's free. And it's good for everyone.
And best of all they ask for it. They actually beg for it. So here I can give
them all the abuse they have been giving others. They deserve it and it does
give me a sadistic satisfaction even though it's just over the phone.
The Fallacy of Empire
by Jim Davidson
There's a mistaken idea about history that is persisting.
The pursuit of this mistaken idea is ruining many things and destroying many
millions of lives. This idea has to be put to rest.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 41 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!