Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, A.X. Perez, Russell Longcore, Dave Nalle,
Crazy Al, and Rex May
Nobel Peace Prize
by Kent McManigal
The recent Nobel Prize awarded to Obama means that I
misunderstood the criteria for the award. Silly me, I thought it was for
advancing peacefulness among living, breathing people.
Bars and Stripes for Algore
by L. Neil Smith
Here's an idea... Maybe the news hasn't reached the
immediate neighborhood of your braincase, yet, but over the past couple
of years, the bizarre conceit of man-made global warmingrecently
euphemized to "climate change"has been thoroughly discredited. I
won't say that "the science is settled"properly speaking, science
is never settledbut every item of "science" its proponents claimed
to stand on has been knocked out from under them. So-called global
warming has been demonstrated, beyond the palest possible shadow of
a doubt to be a pseudoscientific hoax.
Mann Lies: Global Warming Unremarkable
by Jim Davidson
Ross McKitrick writing in the Financial Post about work
performed by himself and Stephen McIntyre had this to say about the tree
ring data used to allegedly support wild claims of a "hockey stick" in
global temperatures by liar Michael Mann.
Wild Men Needed!
by Paul Bonneau
With all the usual forum talk about what is going on
lately, this thought occurred to me. What we need is wild men. Not completely
wild of course. The Vikings were pretty darn wild. That might be going a bit
Morpheus Reloaded
by Jim Davidson
Recently, a correspondent sent me a message about my
essay "The Morpheus Proposal" which you can find on various sites using
Google. My correspondent wrote in to mention that Beardsley Ruml had
proposed that the purpose for taxes is to redistribute money from those
who produce it to those who can't or won't. After all, he wrote, rather
more honestly than the average government stooge, since the government
can print money, it doesn't actually need to impose taxes.
Why Our Manufacturing Sector Is Disappearing (Hint: It's Not Free Trade)
by Andrew Syrios
While our dwindling manufacturing sector is not in the
news like it used to be, given the current financial crisis, it's gradual,
albeit often overstated), disappearance seems to be no mystery to anyone.
Just pose the following question: "Why has the U.S. lost over 3 million
manufacturing jobs in the last 15 years?... I'd bet good money that the
answer would be free trade, or maybe, NAFTA. It's just common knowledge.
Duh. As paleoconservative Pat Buchanan puts it, "Between January 2002 and
January 2007, the gargantuan U.S. trade deficit set five straight world
records... If this is the fruit of a successful trade policy, what would
a failed trade policy look like?... Or Barack Obama, who agrees with Pat
on approximately nothing, is actually in perfect harmony with him here.
"It's a game where trade deals like NAFTA ship jobs overseas and force
parents to compete with their teenagers to work for minimum wage at
Wal-Mart.... I've even heard Lou Dobbs isn't a fan. I guess John McCain
gave free trade some modest support while he was running for president,
but rarely gave much of a rationale for it. That seems pretty standard
these days. I mean, look at the embarrassing attempts the guy defending
free trade makes in this debate. Countries like China have much lower
wages, fewer labor protections and significantly less environmental
regulations. Of course every company that could, would up and leave the
United States if there were no trade barriers. It's that simple.
Barack Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize
by Russell Longcore
The Nobel Peace Prize continues its tradition of being
a completely meaningless award with no basis in reality. Here are some of
the more "interesting" past award winners:
Mandatory National Service
by C. Jeffery Small
The reason I am writing is that I want to bring another
important issue to everyone's attention. During his presidential campaign,
Barack Obama repeatedly spoke about his deep commitment to national service.
In our President's view, we are not sovereign individuals possessing unalienable
rights protected by the Constitution. Instead, as a thoroughgoing
collectivist, he views "society" as the fundamental political unit and
the sole repository of rights, with people as merely the raw material of
that societya natural resource to be applied by the collective's whim
and will to those societal issues and problems deemed by the controlling
elite (i.e., by him) to be worth addressing. If you think about this for
a moment, I believe that you will see that this perspective makes sense of
every one of his subsequent actions, from his calmly believing that he can
make all of our personal decision for us, whether in the realm of executive
pay or health care, to his belief that he has the power and authority to
control every aspects of our economy. And as we are the clay in his hands,
he intends to shape us as required to achieving his purpose, by instituting
mandatory service requirements for every citizen, effectively making us
all slaves of the state. Here is what Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had to
No One Ever Asks Why I Carry a Gun
by Paul Bonneau
There is a long thread on the Free State Wyoming forum
called "Open Carry Experience stories" (visible only to those who join the
forum, I believe). Just to cut to the chase, almost all the stories in this
43-page thread are essentially this: "I tried open carry in my Wyoming town
today. Went all over town, took care of lots of chores. Nothing happened,
and no one noticed or cared."
What the Other Side Is Maybe Thinking
by A.X. Perez
Gun owners and supporters of gun rights know we're right.
The gun is a tool for defending life, liberty and property, a necessity to
maintaining our proper independence, a symbol of our freedom and a reminder
to those who control the government that we will resist their abuse of power.
Of course to hunters, target shooters and collectors guns have other lesser
meanings, but to an urban guy tight for money and free time to do more than
maintain skills these are the primary meaning of personal weapons. I suspect
that to sport users and collectors weapons as tools to defend rights is a
high priority.
A Defense of Fractional Reserve Banking and other notes etc.
by Warren Tilson
In regards to Russell D. Longcore's Secession and the Gold
Standard I would like to point out a few things. These comments all concern the
last third of Mr. Longcore's article starting with: "In my opinion, the best
solution for a new nation would be to allow every individual bank to issue bank
notes based upon its deposits of gold and silver."
A Sour Old Left Wing Fart
by L. Neil Smith
Surfing the web a while back, I ended up on a site that
offered, among other things, a recent Sydney Morning Herald interview
with Tom Lehrer. There was a time in my lifemore than forty years ago, I
am deeply astonished to discoverwhen Tom was one of my biggest heroes.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 45 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!