Letters to the Editor
from Carl Bussjaeger, Puck T. Smith, Stephen Carville, Crazy Al,
The Universal Order of Freesapients, A.X. Perez, and Pat Taylor
by L. Neil Smith
I am about to embark upon a new adventure. At my age,
it's important to do that now and again. It's said that new experiences
build new synapses, or something, in the brain, and help to stave off
various forms of dementia. Since there are those who would gladly stand
in line for blocks to attest that I'm plenty enough demented already,
it's always good to take whatever precautions are possible.
The Conflict between Light and shadow
by a dark warrior on the light side Don Meinshausen
From the Prince of Darknessotherwise known as the
Warden To all prisonersEspecially to those who are still not aware
that they are prisoners! It has come to my attention that there has been too
much shady business going on here. Therefore the following rules are coming
into effect.
Sargon and Sennacherib
by Paul Bonneau
It's interesting to go digging through wikipedia, reading
about early civilization (or "syphilization", as Edward Abbey called it).
Mostly what we know (through the historians and archaeologists) is what
kings like Sargon II and Sennacherib did, which seems to have boiled down
mostly to going around, conquering and looting other little city-states,
and then having monuments to their own glory built. Since these monuments
are the sorts of things that survived the ages, our view of these cultures
tends to be a bit king-centric (although that may also reflect the proclivities
of historians and archaeologists). And the kings that get the most attention
are the greatest plunderers and enslavers: the Sargons, the Tiglath-Pilesers.
They built their "shining city on the hill", the hill consisting of human bones,
of individuals who hardly matter in histories.
The Conservative Challenge
by Sean Gabb
On Friday the 16th October 2009, I spoke to a Conservative
Association in the South East of England. Though I did not video the event,
and thoughon account of the heated and not always good natured debate the
followed my speechI was asked not to identify the particular Association
to which I spoke, I think what I said is worth recording. Therefore, I will
write down my words as best I can recall them. I have suppressed all the
questions, but carried some of the answers into the main text. Otherwise,
I will try to keep the flavour of the original.
A Platoon of Spetznaz
by A.X. Perez
It was August of 1991. Misha Gorbachev was being held captive
by Communist Party apparatchiki who wanted to end perestroika.Boris Yeltsin led
the resistance to these Conservative Communists, who included much of the KGB
and GRU. A platoon of Spetnaz was tasked with killing Yeltsin and ending the
resistance to a return to good old fashion Soviet style Communist Party rule.
They refused to carry out the order. Yeltsin remained in power as president of
the Russian Federation and Gorbechev was rescued. Four months later the Soviet
Union ceased to exist.
Writing the New Texas Constitution: Avoiding Inherent Flaws
by Russell D. Longcore
I hear a lot these days about the constitutionality of
secession. In this article, I will prove that the Constitution is without
authority and that the subject of secession related to the Constitution is
entirely irrelevant, and that any states need not concern themselves with
the constitutionality of secession.
Neutering the Net
by Bill St. Clair
L. Neil Smith wrote: Would somebody please write
something about "net neutrality"? I thought it was a bad thing, bit now
I hear that John McCain's against it, and it makes me wonder. I have
always been an opponent of "net neutrality", but mostly because the
proponents of it I've read have taken it to mean unlimited bandwidth
for almost no cost, something that would guarantee the death of the
net. Bandwidth costs money. Somebody has to pay for it. Those who use
it should pay for what they use. Most people view "net neutrality" as
an entitlement, something the internet service providers somehow "owe"
them. Balderdash!
Small business opportunity for libertarians
by socially aware entrepreneur Don Meinshausen
Let's try to fantasize what the ultimate small business
opportunity would be. Low start up cost would be one aspect. Ease of entry
would be another with no government licensing requirements. A high mark-up
would be good as well with little competition in your neighborhood. No Multi
Level Marketing, franchise fees, courses or meetings to attend. You keep all
your profits. No need for advertising, except for word of mouth.
Current Events
by L. Neil Smith
All week. I've had to listen to and watch various accounts
of the adventures, misadventures, and nonadventures of a little kid everybody's
calling "Balloon Boy". The story started right here in my hometown of Fort
Collins, Colorado, took up a lot of time on radio and TV, and everybody seems
to have a theory about what happened, the characters involved, and what should
be done with, to, or about them. Most of these involve fines and imprisonment,
at least for Balloon Dad.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 47 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!