Letters to the Editor
from Rex May, Andrew G Eggleston Sr., and Paul Bonneau
Murdering the Future
by L. Neil Smith
As I write this, our country is either about to put the
brakes on the Marxism of Barack Obama and his murderous accomplices, or take
an irretrievable plunge over the event horizon into the black hole of
Hemming, Hawing, and Cautionary Statements
by A.X. Perez
One result of the Fort Hood Massacre has been an outpouring
of hatred of Muslims in general and a call to restrict immigration of Moslems
to keep them from becoming a large enough part of the population to think they
can forcibly impose Islam on everyone else.
Who Will Be the New Founding Fathers?
by Russell Longcore
I've been writing about secession now for a while. Recently
my articles have been featured on the LewRockwell.com website. Every time that
a new article is posted, I get tons of emails from readers that I dutifully
answer. I figure if they took the time to write to me, it would be discourteous
of me not to answer. Plus, hundreds of new readers look over my secessionist
website at www.DumpDC.com. It's all good.
Starnesville Health Care, Made in Germany
by Ulrich Biele
January First this year, another health care reform law took
effect in Germany. Another law in a foreign country, yaaaawn! Not really. This
one came right out of Ayn Rand's Novel "Atlas Shrugged".
Secession and the State Militia
by Russell Longcore
Today, I'm going to tread ground upon which many fear to
tread by discussing the first two phrases of the Second Amendment. The Second
Amendment to the United States Constitution states thus: "A Well-Regulated
Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the Right of
the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Seems to me that we
have either ignored or simply missed a very vital component of liberty in our
discussions and writings about secession...or about the Second Amendment. That
very vital component is the existence and use of force.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 51 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!