Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 551, January 3, 2010

"Perpetual tea parties for perpetual peace—and freedom."

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Letters to the Editor

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Michael Badnarik, one of liberty's best friend and a very good friend of the Smith family is in a hospital following a severe heart attack. This was to have been my weekly announcement. However before I prepared it, the message from Dick Boddie Arrived, Courtesy of Scott Bieser. I checked Wikipedia and the news was already there. I'll get to my announcement tomorrow.

L. Neil Smith

From Wikipedia:

Badnarik suffered a heart attack on the morning of December 21, 2009, while in Viroqua, Wisconsin attending a hearing regarding a raw milk case. After the hearing he boarded a car to go to lunch with friends, then slumped over. His friends attempted CPR and contacted the paramedics. They attempted CPR to revive him three times with no success. Upon the fourth attempt his heart was revived yet with erratic behavior. He was taken by helicopter to Gunderson Lutheran Hospital CCU in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.[13] [14]

From Dick Boddie:

p.m. December 28, 2009

I just got off the phone with Michael Badnarik's Mother, Elaine. She informed me that his condition seems to have "backslid". They were were hoping that he would have been released on Wednesday to his Mother's care in Indiana but his condition is still critical.

Michael came out of his unconscious state, unbound his wrists some how, and removed the breathing tube from his throat. His mother remarked that when Michael came to he asked to be released. He doesn't understand how serious his situation is.

The hospital had to sedate him again to put the breathing tube back in because he is having trouble breathing.

They cannot find the reason for his breathing problem... so he is currently sedated to ease the pressure on his lungs and heart.

His heart is still in atrial fibrillation and had to be hit with the AED defibrillator to reset its rhythm.

He will be sedated until his condition can be stabilized...

He is still at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital CCU in Lacrosse, WI. Please do not call or visit the hospital, only family is allowed.

Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

In Freedom,

Gary Franchi
National Director
Restore the Republic

At press time we received this note:

Hi, Neil,

I haven't been able to find anything more than what you've told me, but I did find a way to send Michael a personal message. That is his hospital, and evidently volunteers print and deliver the cards.

I hope lots of folks will send one. The more hugs he gets from friends, the more will to live he will have if he wakes again. Candles are burning here.

Take care and let's all have a prosperous and successful 2010.

Kathryn A. Graham
[email protected]
Follow me on Twitter!

Dear Sir,

(I apologise if this arrived too late. I just read December 20 articles early this am. Letter below.)

In response to Lion F Batoosta's "Liberty does not need Justification"—I understand the rationale behind this argument, but I wonder...

The principles governing liberty seem to me to be an extension of liberty, not justification for it. And they are an explanation of how best to implement liberty, not motivation for believing in it. Liberty is the goal, whereas morality, ethics, utility, private property, and NAP are the means to achieve it, on a personal as well as universal level. Without these principles in practice, liberty would not exist.

I don't believe that I am *justifying* liberty by citing, for example, the non-aggression principle. Nor is it justification to enlist 'private property' as a means of establishing liberty in one's life or in society. These principles merely enhance the definition of liberty, which is every man's natural right.

Mr. Batoosta is correct in saying that liberty itself needs no justification, but the explanatory principles underlying liberty are the foundation for it, not any of them a greater value than the whole.

Pat Taylor

Teal'c: Indeed

Stargate SG-1 ran a total of ten seasons, five on Showtime, five on the Sci-Fi Channel (Renamed lately SyFy Channel by some idiot in marketing who thus demonstrated a total disrespect for their fan base, worse than running Tuesday night rasslin'). It introduced us to the Jaffa, a race of warriors used by the Goa'uld as storm troopers and to serve as living incubators for larval Goa'uld. In exchange for serving as incubators their physical strength, endurance, and resistance to disease was improved. However their own immune systems were suppressed and and the Jaffa died horribly if their symbionts were removed.

On Christmas Eve 2010 the Senate passed its Health Care Reform Act. This Bill must now be reconciled with the House version, and to be honest I hope this effort fails, leading to some portions I don't find too objectionable passing as stand alone bills (hey in a bill this huge it's impossible not to find something to like, just not enough to tolerate the rest!) while the rest is swept into the dustbin of history.

Just for the sake of argument let us say that Obamacare delivers every good thing promised and doesn't crash the economy by raising taxes to Europe's 80% level (as opposed to the 40-45% combined fed, state, and local taxes hit us for in the US, more if your catching up on back taxes.) or by interfering with the insurance companies investing their premiums. More happy, healthy people living longer without going broke if catastrophic illness hits. 30 million Americans finally have proper health coverage without covering the 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants in the country (in other words 4 to 6.67 % of the people living in the US will be denied coverage). No one has to change their doctor or pays more for meds. The course of medical research is not diverted or delayed. The liberals got something right since the (liberal act of your choice). Yay!! Hell, they even cure me of making parenthetical comments.

And people will become that much more dependent on the government. The 22nd Amendment gets repealed and whoever is President replaces law with executive decree. Can't rebel, Grandma needs her Alzheimer medication and we have to pay to fix Johnnie's busted nose (seems head butting a soccer ball with your nose instead of your forehead doesn't work too good.). Well of course you don't have to reduce your carbon footprint and funny how the voucher for the Prozac that you need to control suicidal urges is hung up. Well yes, you do have the right to keep and bear arms, but if you can afford that much ammo we think you can afford a higher co-payment for your insulin.

And the Jaffa all behave because they can't live without their symbionts.

A.X. Perez

To Which L. Neil Smith replied:

You are, of course, completely correct. This is intended as a leash. The good news is that unregulated medicine will flourish as an unintended consequence, and medical progress will leap forward like the U.S.S. Enterprise going into warp drive.

L. Neil Smith

And "RDB" replied:

Al, there is nothing in either version of this Boot On Your Neck Party festival of Marxism that I can find not "too objectionable passing as stand alone bills." It's too much like asking a woman who had been gang-raped "Which one of your assailants screwed you the most enjoyably?"

Pre-paid medical care was originally offered as a "get-around" during World War II, when the progressives of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration locked wage and price controls down on the U.S. economy to hide the impact of their currency counterfeiting. Employers with a need for personnel to fulfill their wartime contracts had to offer non-wage perquisites to attract labor, and "health insurance" as a part of the compensation package was a way of providing desired value that FDR's brain trust hadn't thought to tax or otherwise limit.

The health care system in these United States adjusted itself to this cornucopia of employer-provided employee benefits, and later to King-Anderson (Medicare), expanding far beyond the relatively bare-bones medical service provision mechanisms of my childhood and even my training years.

I grew up into a medical profession where we expected—and we were quite comfortable with—a relatively bare-bones establishment, focused on getting the job done, and who gave a damn about what the place looked like? I can remember the first time I stepped onto a nursing floor and discovered that the place had been set up with wall-to-wall carpeting.

Carpeting? What the hell? On a nursing floor? How the hell is anybody supposed to keep carpeting clean enough to control infections?

And—guess what?—they're not keeping hospitals clean enough to control infections. You can't. Bare linoleum you can swab down with anything up to and including 50% bleach solutions. Carpeting? No goddam way.

I am absolutely certain that, when push comes to shove, American doctors, nurses, and ancillary health care providers can squeeze a helluva lot of cost out of the delivery of health care. We can do it without compromising quality of care, though you can be goddam certain that patients themselves are not going to be happy about it. Comfort levels will go down. But outcomes would stay good.

The problem is that care-oriented people are not in charge as the result of this legislation. The politicians, the bureaucrats, the administrators—the Pointy-Haired Bosses, to give you Dilbert—are the ones making the decisions, and those of us who understand how to get maximal bang for the buck expended....

Well, us common medical grunts have been moved out of the decision loop altogether. The only physicians you're going to see involved here with any kind of authority are going to be the equivalents of Ayn Rand's Dr. Stadler, people who'd done good enough work in their younger years to make themselves "names," and then allowed themselves to be co-opted by the politicians.

The way I figure it, things are going to go sour at a progressive rate. It'll take some years to shake the slack out of the system, but when it does you can bet that it will not be the politicians, the bureaucrats, or the administrators who are going to take the blame for it.

Guess who will.

Right. Us damned greedy doctors.

Jeez, how dare we?


Articles that "call" for the Covenant of Unanimous Consent

In my TLE article "Why I think the Covenant is more important than the Constitution" I quote from an article by William Buppert titled "Question Authority: Always and Forever Hereafter" that summarizes why I think it important to explore the virtues of and possible applications for the Covenant of Unanimous Consent. I also note that Buppert's article was obviously NOT written with the Covenant in mind—BUT IT AND MANY MORE LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!

The same points that I made in my article also apply to the excellent TLE article "Smashing: Fail; Withdrawing: Epic Win" by Jim Davidson.

L. Neil Smith's 1985 Covenant of Unanimous Consent is a timely method, tactic or tool that people can utilize to withdraw support from tyranny as described by Etienne de la Boetie and to attempt to achieve the Agorism that Jim describes.

Dennis Lee Wilson
Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

To which Jim Davidson replied:

Dear Editor,

Dennis makes a compelling point. The covenant of unanimous consent is an excellent document, thoughtfully written, and composed to generate many opportunities for the first time reader to actually think about what it means to consent to be governed.

I have often been remiss in mentioning it in my various essays, though I've done my best in several cases. In some ways, I simply assume that people who are really determined to be free are going to find the covenant's terms agreeable.

Making any assumption about people is usually a poor choice. Or, as several people have pointed out, no one has ever gone broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people.


Jim Davidson

Reply to Letters 20091227

Dear Editor,

In my "The Issue of Copyright", I used the phrase, "don't quit your day job." I'm afraid that the hesitation I felt in using that phrase has come back to haunt me.

What I was trying to convey was simply that not everyone can make a living doing professionally what they can enjoy doing as a hobby. Few avid model makers go on to work in model making, and I have seen model trains of spectacular quality and size created purely for the enjoyment of making.

Mr. Bussjaeger wrote, "I went back to my day job", but what I was really thinking of was something like Conrad Janis, actor, but also leader of The Unlisted Jazz Band. He didn't "go back" to his day job, he simply did more than one thing in his life. Garage bands, home vintners, community theater.

R.A.Heinlein said that writers are driven to write. El Neil, Carl Bussjaeger, others who have written books, stories, articles, music, poetry (all of which I've tried, and I suck at it), these individuals have enriched humanity with their works. I am in awe of people who can write.

My sincere hope is that those of us who love to read and those who write can get together, to not think less because of a few spelling errors, to not expect the hobby to pay the bills. As Derek Benner said, to help each other. The big publishing houses have one power that is very elusive: Marketing.

Can "micropayments" and an adjustment to all our expectations take the place of the monopoly grants of copyright? Let's find out what works, for everyone. And maybe by doing so we can release the sequels to Net Assets and Ceres from their cocoons.

Curt Howland

Know Thy Enemy

So it seems a Nigerian national tried to blow up a plane on the way to Detroit on Christmas while over the United States. He managed to burn his pants off and not much else. He claims he was acting on instructions received in Yemen from Al Qaida.

The "attack" stinks of Al Qaida. During the Uprising (or Resistance) in Iraq the predominantly Sunni Al Qaida in Iraq made a point of attacking Shi'a Mosques and religious ceremonies. Dishonoring Christmas is exactly their style. Both attacks served multiple purposes. Dishonoring Christian and Shi'a observances is always "good" thing from a Wahhabi point of view. They make their enemies look incapable of protecting their people, thus weakening popular support for the US Government and the American imposed government in Iraq. And they provoke payback, leading to the creation of martyr's for their cause, gaining support and radicalizing victimized (in their minds' eyes) Muslims around the world.

The attack was timed for Christmas because they know that is when it would have created the best combination of rage and fear among the Americans. Al Qaida knows us, they understand our beliefs, they know what buttons to push. They even know how exploit anti government sentiment on both left and right in this country.

We don't know them. We can't even agree on how many virgins a suicide bomber gets in Paradise. I swear I've read everything from 70 to 100. I've had people quote me chapter and verse on why Muslims should be hated and not extended the same rights as everyone else. I've been told about how the Muslims want to conquer us and force us to join their faith, be their slaves, or die. I have not had one message on how to get into a Muslim's head and get them to live by the Zero Aggression Principal or live with a decent regard for the rights of people who do not belong to their particular branch of Islam.

They know how to mess with our minds, to get us to create a situation where a Jihad that will empower Muslim fanatics is necessary. We don't understand the culture of the Middle East well enough to consistently describe how the interaction of religion, desert, politics, and distribution of wealth interact and how to use this to our advantage.

If we don't correct this two things will happen. The first is that those who use terror to advance radical Islamic politics will always be ahead of the curve on us, able to turn even our military victories into political defeats. The second is that, with the full support and at the request of the American people, our government will become ever more repressive.

It's time to stop letting tyrants and terrorists make the rules. We must properly learn the minds of both so that we can ultimately free ourselves of them.

A.X. Perez

To which "RDB" replied:

Feh. I tend to favor armed preparedness. If firearms and edged weapons aren't allowed on airline flights, blunt instruments cannot be prevented, and ought to be encouraged.

Karate—literally "empty hand"—got its start as an improvisation to permit common people (who had been denied the ownership and carriage of military weapons) to turn their bare hands and whatever other implements they were allowed to the purpose of self-defense.

That included walking staffs, the oriental equivalent of hay-hooks, scythes, and other farm implements. For contemporary Americans, think garden spades, hatchets, canes, even ballpoint pens. We need disciplines of armed combat that rely only upon found objects commonplace (and innocuous in appearance) in our everyday lives, and we need the willingness to use them on anybody we personally "profile" as potentially dangerous.

As if the private citizen isn't going to "profile" somebody who looks like that Islamic whackjob on the airplane, especially if he's named "Slave of Allah."


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Guys, Gals, undecideds, it's all a big happy damn tent....

Did You Know This About Leather Dresses?

Do you know that when a woman wears a leather dress, a man's heart beats quicker, his throat gets dry, he gets weak in the knees, and he begins to think irrationally???

Ever wonder why?

It's because she smells like a new Truck.

Smells like a new truck?

Dave Earnest

It's hard to find decent help

So first Barrack Obama had to slap down Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder when they proposed reimposing the ugly gun ban to stop the flow of smuggled guns into Mexico. Then he had to tell his people that he would not support raising taxes on the middleclass to pay for "health care reform" (OK, so that's what's going to end up happening, but at least for the time being it isn't policy). Now after Janet Napolitano has stated that US security agencies did not screw up when the Flaming Self Pantser managed to get on a plane to the States BHO has come out and stated that American security agencies screwed up.

To add insult to injury in two of these cases he has been forced to bust his people for being too "liberal." Meanwhile in spite of having a partisan majority in Congress he still hasn't passed his Heath Care Reform. He had to go along with a progun rider to the Credit card Holders' "Bill of Rights" Law, thus having to support gun rights twice in his first year as President (compare this to Dubya who was conspicuously silent on gun rights in spite of bein elected with NRA money).

Not since Henry II had to tell his knights that's not what he meant when he asked them to rid him of that troublesome priest has any leader had to disavow his supporters so thoroughly. Neither can I remember any president in my lifetime, including Jack Kennedy, who had so little control of Congress, and a Congress that supposedly shares his agenda to boot.

The only questions that remains are whether the Republicans or a more radical Democrats take control of congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012 and whether a more profreedom third party can get a noticeable number of votes in these circumstances.

A.X. Perez


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