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Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, Kathryn A. Graham, Bill St. Clair,
Kent McManigal, Dave Earnest, A.X. Perez, Richard Bartucci, Derek Benner,
and Rex May
Can You Hear Me Now?
by L. Neil Smith
It never ceases to disappoint me how many times even the most
articulate writer or speaker has to tell some individuals something -- how many
times he has to break it down into the shortest, simplest paragraphs, the shortest,
simplest sentences, the shortest, simplest words -- before they finally get a
glimmer. Or they have to abandon their deliberate misunderstanding because it's
just making them look stupid.
Left Wing and Right Wing: It is All a Big Lie
by Doug Newman
The mainstream media -- including Fox News, Limbaugh and the
big-time media that calls itself "Christian" -- would have you think that the
grand battle is between the left and the right. This is such a lie.
Secession and Energy Independence: Why Texas Leads The Pack
by Russell D. Longcore
One of the most important strategic plans for any nation, or
any US state that is seriously considering secession, is energy independence
and/or energy planning. Most of the states comprising the United States are not
energy independent. Even states with vast coal reserves like Kentucky or West
Virginia must import oil and natural gas. And many states have to import all
their energy needs.
Atlantea The Beautiful
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 58 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!