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Letters to the Editor
from Kent McManigal, A.X. Perez, Curt Howland, Rocky Frisco,
Rex "Baloo" May, L. Neil Smith, Richard Bartucci, The Editor, John Taylor, and
Crazy Al
And You Doubted Me
by L. Neil Smith
The headline reads: "The Next Anti-Choice Target: Miscarriage".
The source is, which advises us, "A new Utah law could charge women
with homicide if they miscarry, making women's rights advocates concerned that
women will be brought up on murder charges for drinking, failing to wear a
seatbelt, or falling down the stairs.
Robert Heinlein Remembered
by L. Neil Smith
Imagine a lonely kid, undersized and overbright, living on an
American air base overseas. Comic books taught him to read years before he started
school and he'd tackle anything that fell open under his eyes. Anything about
science or space travel leaped off the page as if printed in boldfaced italic. A
neighbor's medical texts had such delightfully disgusting diseases you could
practice having, and radio magazines ... in those days radios had vacuum-filled
glass cylinders, see, andradio? You know, TV for blind people?
The Res Nostra Part 2
by A.X. Perez
Way back when I submitted an article to TLE entitled "The
Res Nostra". In it I argued that governments establish themselves by force.
However, they often discover that the intended subjects have the ability to
resist so they make a counter offer promising to protect and guarantee rights
in exchange for submission. In effect they negotiate terms of surrender.
One Nation? Under God? Indivisible?
by Russell D. Longcore
If you grew up in America, you learned the Pledge of Allegiance
pretty early in your life. And if you emigrated here, you learned it, either to
fit in or before you tried to become an American citizen.
The Star Spangled Banner: A Flag and Song For a Warrior Nation
by Russell D. Longcore
Throughout human history, flags were visual identification of
leaders, groups, armies, monarchs or nations. A flag flying usually meant some
sort of control. The flag of a monarch flying over a castle could mean that the
monarch is in residence or that the monarch owns the castle. A flag flying over
a certain building could simply denote that a government owns it.
Orange County Officials Sue Couple Who Removed Their Lawn
by L. Neil Smith, Steve Lynes, and other authors
Okay, neighbors, this one is a little complicated. The original
source is a story in the Los Angeles Times online by Amina Khan, repeated
Stephen Frank on his blog California Political News and Views.
911 Film Fest part 3
Conspiracy Movie Reviews for the week of March 7, 2010
by Roy L. Fox
911 What's The TruthTime 1:26
This film is mostly pieced together from other 911 films and various
television news segments during and after 911. It begins with documented
evidence of multiple explosions in the towers using an abundant selection
of video clips and eyewitness accounts. The controlled demolition
of WTC Building 7 is thoroughly covered. Later in the film, Dr. Steven
Jones is shown discussing the evidence of thermite being used in the World
Trade Center on 9-11. The film also contains long segments of speeches
by David Ray Griffin and by Dr. Robert Bowman. Bad points in the
film are the amateurish thermite demo on a junk vehicle and an MSNBC interview
of Dr. Jones which was clearly a hatchet job. If the intent was to
illustrate how the mainstream media treats 911 truthers unfairly, then
the film should have made that point. Otherwise, the interview does
not help make Dr. Jones case. Bottom line, there is nothing unique
about this film.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.66
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 66 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!