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Letters to the Editor
from Scott Graves, Curt Howland, Neale Osborn, John Taylor,
Derek Benner, Bill St. Clair, Chris Claypoole, and A.X. Perez
The Pot and the Kettle
by L. Neil Smith
Over the past couple of weeks, I have listened to dozens of
hours of talk radio, most of it focused on the effort to impose, by force, a
collectivized medical system on what is clearly no longer a free people.
Fed Exit Strategy: Zero Reserves
by Jim Davidson
You have to ask yourself the question, if the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York imposes a reserve requirement of zero, then what does it mean
"reserve bank"? We all know that the word "federal" actually means "feral" or
wild, out of control, ever since Abraham Lincoln signed executive order number
one on 15 April 1861 and declared war on the separation of powers.
The Foundation of Virtue
by Bob Wallace
I recently read Antonio Damasio's "Looking for Spinoza,"
which is of course about Spinoza (not all that much, really), but more about
how feeling and emotions underlie our lives.
The Wellspring of Sociopathy
by Rob Sandwell
In the absence of the state, I believe that crime would
be practically eliminated. Of course, when I tell people this they bring up
drug crime. But in the absence of drug prohibition, and the profits it
generates, there would be no drug crime. How many Starbucks employees do
you see engaged in gun battles over street corners? How many kids do you
see carrying pistols and pushing Camel lights? All the drug crime, and
the secondary crime that results from the broken homes, child and spousal
abuse, and theft, prostitution, and corruption which occurs as a side
effect of the drug trade would be gone. Overnight.
Once Upon a Time in the Future
by Jim Davidson
Once upon a time in the future, there were to be private
commercial geographical survey satellites. A company named Space Services
Incorporated of America developed a team with Ball Aerospace and other
suppliers to bid as "Space America." The commercialisation of the LANDSAT
satellite system was proposed. It was 1984, and the future was bright.
A Tyrants Nightmare
by A.X. Perez
The other day while driving to work I saw a dog get hit on
the freeway. It never stood a chance, AM traffic rushes and dogs aren't a good
combination. Because I had to watch the road I couldn't look away. I think it
was too fast for the mutt to suffer.
Movie Reviews: "The Hurt Locker" and "The Green Zone"
by Russell D. Longcore
The Hurt Locker This piece of war propaganda won
six Academy Awards a couple of weeks ago. It had no plot, a weak story line,
it started nowhere and went nowhere. The main character takes risk after risk,
placing himself and his squad in mortal danger. Nowhere in this movie does
the story or the director ask the moral question of why America is in Iraq.
A Toast To Love
by Anne Loucks
Do not believe it is impossible to marry someone of the same
sex in the United States. This is simply a lie. It is possible, and has always
been so. One may marry anything: dogs, cats, clouds, toasters, and plush toys,
to name a few.
Dollar DVD's Pt. 1 -- The Critic's Choice
Conspiracy Movie Reviews for the week of March 28, 2010
by Roy L. Fox
Wake Up Call -- John Nada's 2008 film borrows heavily
from an assortment of the popular films in the conspiracy genre... and when I
say "borrows heavily", what I mean to say is that most of the film was made by
linking together segments from Alex Jones documentaries such as "Endgame"
and "Order of Death", David Icke's "Turning The Tide" (1996),
"Zeitgeist", "Monopoly Men", "Illuminati", "The
Capitalist Conspiracy", "911 Loose Change Final Cut", and numerous
other films. But this is not merely a "Top Ten" conspiracy hit list. The film
clips are linked together in a coherent and logical sequence to tell a story
that is compelling and riveting.
The New Corporate Model of Governance
by Russell D. Longcore
The US Constitution is a dead document. It has been dead
nearly from its inception. It is neither contract nor treaty, either of which
would give it the force of law. It does not, and cannot bind any two persons
to each other, nor can it bind any person to the rogue government called "The
United States of America" that is the occupying force in Washington DC.
Rothbard's Button
by Jim Davidson
My friend and mentor, the late Michael van Notten once
asked me about a button. He explained that at a conference, a guy named
Murray Rothbard had spoken about a button of his own invention. You pushed
the button and the entire state disappeared. Every state, everywhere. All
the state agencies. All the state powers. All the state apparatus. One
button, one push, all gone.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.68
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 68 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!