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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from E.J. Totty, A.X. Perez, Derek Benner, Neale Osborn, Boyd W. Smith,
Curt Howland, Kent McManigal, Sean Gangol, Paul Bonneau, Rex "Baloo" May, Crazy Al, and Ken Valentine
Back to the Trees!
by L. Neil Smith
I was rummaging around the kitchen this afternoon, as I often do, looking
for bugs to eat, when I was suddenly stricken with a peculiar thought. Bugs? Don't worry, I'll
get back to them in a minute.
The Fatal Flaw
by Rocky Frisco
Here's a quote for you from C. S. Lewis: "That is the key to history.
Terrific energy is expended -- civilizations are built up -- excellent institutions devised;
but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and cruel people
to the top, and then it all slides back into misery and ruin. In fact, the machine conks. It
seems to start up all right and runs a few yards, and then it breaks down." -- C. S. Lewis
(1898-1963), British novelist. I think that "fatal flaw" is the presence of psychopaths in
our midst.
Two Songs
revised by Jim Davidson
Fifty ways to leave your lover is a song by Paul Simon from the album
"Still Crazy After All these Years." It was re-released in July 2004, digitally re-mastered,
by Warner Brothers. Various rights reserved. Below are lyrics from the song modified by me
and some of my friends, complete with extra chorus lines just for fun. You might like it
better this way. I call the revision: Fifty Ways to Leave Big Brother
Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity and Liberty
A Book Review
by Sean Gangol
In Recarving Rushmore Ivan Eland evaluates the performance of
every president from George Washington to George W. Bush based on
factors such as economic stability, peace, attitudes toward minorities
(blacks and Native Americans), and how each of the presidents upheld the
Constitution. The presidents were given rankings of Bad, Poor, Average,
Good and Excellent. Some of the rankings seemed typical and there were
others that were quite surprising. The object of the evaluations is to
decide which president actually deserves a place on Mount Rushmore.
"When they say why, why? Tell them that it's human nature."
by Rob Sandwell
Human nature. You hear it all the time. People are inherently bad. They're
inherently evil, or greedy, or violent. And that's why we need a government. To protect us from
all the nasty bad people. Because they can't help themselves. It's just human nature.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.71
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 71 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!