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Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, A.X. Perez, and Ward Griffiths
Dancing in the Dark
An excerpt from the forthcoming novel Sweeter Than Wine
by L. Neil Smith
Exclusive to The Libertarian Enterprise.
It Does Not Look Like a Trading Error
by Jim Davidson
It looks like a huge profit taking. They sell high, buy low, and make billions.
at all.
Where's the birth certificate?
by Richard Bartucci
Every lawyer plays the "good case/bad case" game. The procedural Kabuki theater
ritualism of American law invites all sorts of mental contortionism, its purpose invariably to enable
the lawyer in question to use language for what Orwell had described as political purposes, " make
lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." That
lawyers hold physicians in contempt is understandable.
There's a Hole in My Bucket
by Rob Sandwell
There's a lot of discussion about economic recovery these days. In the mainstream
media, it's all about how the recession, they never actually call it a depression regardless of how it
drags on, has ended. We've turned a corner. There are green shoots. New growth. Good times are here again.
Gulf Oil Spill Disaster: The Trigger of American Economic Collapse?
by Russell D. Longcore
This article is written to analyze the potential economic fallout of the Gulf of
Mexico oil rig explosion that occurred on April 20, 2010. I maintain that this incident could be the
trigger of the American economic collapse. My expertise is in the insurance risk management and claims
field. So, let's look at what is going to happen as this disaster unfolds over time.
The Libertarian Free Lunch
by Paul Bonneau
Libertarians commonly assert "there's no free lunch", but there is a sense in
which almost all of them do believe in a free lunch.
We Need A Strong Federal Government To Protect Us From Our
Strong... Federal ...OH SHIT!!!! We Don't Need A Strong
Federal Government At All!
by Neale Osborn
Scary, isn't it?? To think the title of this article actually makes sense scares
the shit out of me, that's for sure! Today, on another post, I made this comment to an article by
ECONOMICS101. Then, a little later, it hit me. It's true, the thing we actually need the most
protecting FROM is the very government that always claims it's trying to "protect" us! The really
sad thing is the older I get, the more I see our government "Protecting" us out of everything we
own, and every right we have, and all in the name of "Safety, Security, and Health". Think I'm
wrong?? Read on, and see if you can at least see my reasoning.
Locking Down the Border
by Mike Blessing
Remember that any State that can lock down the border sufficiently to keep people
out can also do so to keep people in.
He's Beginning to Believe
by Jim Davidson
Actually, as I write this essay, the fifth of November is about six months from
today. I am putting together a conference, concert, and celebration to be held in Tampa, Florida.
Perhaps you'll be there.
Maybe I shall, as well.
Alex Jones And His Critics
by Roy L. Fox
This movie critic has previously reviewed six documentary films by radio talk show
host Alex Jones from Austin, Texas. There were a few subsequent email comments that I received about
some of Alex's films and whether he was credible. Before reviewing some of Mr. Jones' other films, it
might be best to address some of those concerns. Many readers of this website are probably familiar
with Alex Jones and have already formed opinions about his "ministry." The Libertarian Enterprise
is a website that appeals to a more intellectual audience whereas Alex Jones' core audience is more
populist. Nevertheless, I believe many of his films are useful tools for initiating our "government
schooled and news media fooled" friends to the ideas of liberty. But it is important to identify the
strengths and weaknesses in his films, and be aware that his style does not appeal to everyone.
Arizona, Immigration and Racial Profiling: Liberal Panties are in a Wad
by Russell D. Longcore
Ok, my friends. It's time for some truth about the law, truth about human nature
and some desperately needed perspective.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.75
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 75 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!