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Letters to the Editor
from Jim Keech, Scott Bieser, and A.X. Perez
Only Nixon
by L. Neil Smith
Unless you've spent the past couple of weeks hermetically sealed
in a mayonnaise jar under Funk & Wagnalls' porch, you know the state
of Arizona has been doing some interesting and possibly historical
Community and Reputation, or, Network Effects
by Curt Howland
I am repeatedly asked how a network of reputation might work in the
"real world", and I've been giving some thought to the matter.
Train Wreckage Toting
by Jim Davidson
So, did you see the rally engineered even before the open on Monday
10 May? Astounding how the futures markets were up by over 300
points on the Dow before the opening bell.
Community, Meaning, Importance
by Bob Wallace
In some ways people aren't that hard to understand, if you have some
of the keys. One of those keys is that everyone, in varying degrees
but not any difference of kind, seeks community, meaning and
importance. Those three things make people feel alive.
by Sean Gangol
There are many people who refer to themselves as libertarians, even
though their philosophies actually fall short of a true libertarian.
Not to say that all libertarians are always in agreement with each
other. I have heard libertarians disagree on various issues, such as,
immigration, taxation and the death penalty.
The Hard Work
by Rob Sandwell
Libertarians and anarchists get called a lot of nasty names. Idealist. Romantic.
Utopian Dreamer. I even had a boss say to me once, and I swear this is a direct quote, "The problem
with you Rob is that you think people should treat you with respect." Those words cut deep.
Alex Jones Film Fest Part I
Conspiracy Movie Reviews for the week of 5-16-2010
by Roy L. Fox
Matrix Of Evil.. ExposedTime 2:00 This film was produced
by Alex Jones in 2004 soon after his Masters Of Terror documentary about 911. The
precise 2 hour feature length was due to its original release on VHS cassette format. The
film features speeches and interviews by various well known names in the political arena
and patriot community. Unlike previous films that feature Alex Jones frantically reporting
on the misdeeds of the U.S. government, the effort is made here to gather a cross section
of opinions on the loss of our freedoms and descent into tyranny.
Times Square Bomber Incident: A False Flag Operation?
by Russell D. Longcore
Faisal Shahzad is the newest and dumbest terrorist since the Christmas Underwear
Igniter. More on that later. Ever hear the term "false flag operation?" The term is derived from
the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other
than one's own... like in a naval attack on an enemy. False flag operations are not limited to
war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time. False flag operations
are meant to deceive observers or enemies to think that another attacker is perpetrating the attack.
Slavery Is Involuntary Labor. Slavery Is Illegal. Taxation is
Involuntary Surrender of Labor. Does It Not Follow That Taxation
is Illegal, As A Form Of Slavery?
by Neale Osborn
Laugh if you want to. It is still true. Income tax is
not a voluntary system, even though it is classified by the
government as such. If it was voluntary, then why do they
jail tax evaders??? Since it is not voluntary, and
compulsory labor is slavery, hence illegal, taxation is
slavery in my book. So, how about we fight it on those
grounds? And why am I asking these questions? Well, I'll tell you the
answers to these questions.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.76
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 76 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!