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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 571, May 23, 2010 "The old order is clearly dying and a bright, raucous, energetic new disorder being born as we watch." ![]()
Alex Jones Film Fest Part IIThe Police State Films
Attribute to The Libertarian Enterprise Rating Scale
(Alex Jones' films documenting the "Police State" in America are some of the most powerful full length videos available on this subject. As mentioned in my earlier commentary, this is one of the areas that Jones does his best reporting and analysis. Although sometimes stumbling on points of style and presentation, Alex's presentation of the militarization of law enforcement and the devolution of our peace officers into heavily armed thugs is undeniable. Sometimes the documentation of this state of affairs can be overwhelming to some people. Nevertheless, these films can be excellent tools to wake people up from the illusion that we live in a free country. Many of these films are available on youtube or DVDs can be purchased through Infowars.com which include package discounts. RF) Police State 2000 Time 2:02
In the closing summary, Alex only superficially ties his "police state"
observations with the issues of world government, mass gun confiscation
and the elite's plans to take away our freedoms. This film is a youthful
effort by Alex and the production quality is decidedly amateurish--but
consider that at the time this film was made, only a few documentary films
on this subject were available and most were the simple lecture format,
better known as "talking head" videos. Alex's film provides live scenes
of military training exercises in urban environments and photos, news headlines
and interviews that make better use of the video format. Although the film
is somewhat dated, it is still interesting to see how many of Alex's concerns
and predictions have played out a decade later. It is also worth taking
note of government activities that were considered outrageous in 1999 are
now taken for granted by the American people. It is testament to the powerful
influence of the mainstream corporate media and their ability to modify
human beliefs and behavior.
Police State II The Takeover Time 2:02
The second half of this film is a wide ranging discussion of various
oppressive and tyrannical actions by the government. There is coverage
of the phony drug war, additional footage of police checkpoints and military
urban training exercises, and SWAT training. Overall, the last half of
the film is less compelling than the first half, especially since many
of these same ideas were previously covered in Police State 2000.
While the production quality of this video is far superior to previous
efforts, there are still questionable decisions to include segments that
have little or no value in the film. Alex's attempted ambush interview
of General Barry McCaffrey
and his attempt to confront Janet Reno on Waco are two examples that come
to mind. Nevertheless, the valuable insights into the Seattle WTO police
state and the phony pretexts used by the government to deny American's
freedom of assembly and freedom of speech make this film worth watching.
Police State III Total Enslavement Time 2:39
"The greatest evil that mankind has ever faced is among us: a scientifically crafted global dictatorship sworn to enslave every man, woman and child. The United States government, at all levels, has fallen under the control of the desperately wicked New World order clan. The events of Sept 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform earth into a Prison Planet.... The film opens with an initial monologue outlining the major highlights, and then some background history of the New World Order. What follows is rapid fire coverage of dozens and dozens of news articles from around the world, documenting the phony drug war, CIA/Mossad involvement in false flag terror attacks, Homeland Security, Patriot Acts I & II, torture, vaccines, the Total Information Awareness Network, mass surveillance, biometrics, transformation of police into paramilitary oppressors of the citizenry, and implications of government involvement in child kidnapping and sex trafficking... just to name a few. Because there are so many topics being touched upon in this documentary, one wonders if the film would have been more effective covering fewer issues and being more thorough with each. Indeed, many of these topics could become the subject of an entire film each by themselves. The point I am making here is that most people who are not already familiar with these issues are quickly overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the problems Alex presents in this film. The typical human reaction to this onslaught is to shut down the reasoning half of the brain and to just ignore the evidence while dismissing everything as half-baked conspiracy theory. Regretfully, I've observed firsthand such reactions in viewers of these
types of films more often than not. Many of the subjects covered in this
film are such a conceptual leap from the first two police state films that
it is nearly impossible to present as part of the same series as a logical
sequence. Ideally it should have been broken up into two separate films,
especially considering over 30 minutes of the film is dedicated to issues
surrounding the Patriot Acts. I have had the most success educating people
through a gradual step by step process and have found that presenting an
avalanche of information all at once is counterproductive. Having said
that, this film is a convincing and accurate description of our American
dictatorship circa 2003, and presents the full spectrum of the elite's
methods of total enslavement of the population.
Police State IV The Rise of FEMA Time 2:20
The film continues with coverage of various other issues from 2009 and early 2010 related to the police state, including an illegal military checkpoint in Tennessee, the American Police Force story out of Hardin, Montana, and the Christmas 2009 so-called "Panty Bomber" to name a few. The coverage of gun confiscations in the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans is a chilling view of our future. Interspersed throughout the film are several segments from previous films. The production quality is also somewhat economized through the use of extended video segments of Alex's radio shows to provide the ongoing commentary rather than reading from a film script. Portions of the film are a continuation of the style used in Police State III, that of rapid coverage of many different issues. The result is that the film has the potential to overwhelm viewers who were previously unaware of these facts. The film concludes with a long segment that describes the near future
culmination of the control grid, one world government and destruction of
the freedoms and personal wealth of the American people. The use of electronically
modulated narration in this segment seemed corny and seems to detract from
the seriousness of the nightmarish dystopia we all face. Almost as an afterthought,
there is a final segment that illustrates how Glenn Beck spreads disinformation
on his popular Fox news show. Beck is quoted dissing Ron Paul and his supporters,
911 truthers and the spouses of the 911 victims, and his attempt to debunk
the issue of FEMA camps. Alex does a good job debunking the debunker and
aptly counters every point presented on the FEMA camp story. By giving
us a good example of how shamelessly mainstream media lies to the public,
this documentary reinforces the importance of turning to the alternative
media to learn the truth on issues.
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