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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 571, May 23, 2010 "The old order is clearly dying and a bright, raucous, energetic new disorder being born as we watch." ![]()
Rand Paul: The Tea Party Can Have Him
Special to The Libertarian Enterprise So Dr. Rand Paul, son of Texas Congressman Ron Paul, is the newly nominated Kentucky Republican candidate for US Senate. Dr. Paul wants to be a DC criminal and is fighting hard to get his chance. Think that's too harsh? Sorry to ruffle your delicate sensibilities. In my article entitled "Criminal Congressional Compromise", I show that accomplices and accessories to crime are entitled to the same sentence as the main perpetrators. And plenty of crimes come out of the US Senate. The drive-by media has had its collective panties in a big wad since Tuesday's primaries. Paul has been labeled the "Tea Party Candidate." From what I've seen of the Tea Party movement, and the things that Rand Paul believes, they seem to be made for each other. But not made for individual liberty and property rights. Dr. Paul still thinks that the nation can be saved. He believes that the solution is to simply get the Federal Government to operate within the limits of the Constitution, and then everything will work out all right. That's the message coming from the Tea Party movement. Seldom mentioned are the seditious words "secession" and "nullification." Oh mercy, no. Electing better politicians is the Tea Party answer, and that's right up Rand Paul's alley. I went to Rand Paul's candidate website and read his positions on various issues. Here are some quotes from his posted positions, followed by my caustic comments: Rand on Immigration: "Millions crossing our border without our knowledge constitutes a clear threat to our nation's security. I will work to secure our borders immediately. My plans include an underground electric fence, with helicopter stations to respond quickly to breaches of the border. Instead of closing military bases at home and renting space in Europe, I am open to the construction of bases to protect our border." Longcore: So clearly you favor spending money the Federal Government doesn't have. This administration is overdrawn just this year by a couple TRILLION dollars. There is no money for an underground fence, Rand... any more than there was money to build a fence along the length of the Mexican border. There is no money to build new military bases along the border with Mexico, either. Closing the foreign bases is good, but spending the savings is bad. Rand on the Federal Reserve: "For too long the Federal Reserve has operated behind a shroud of mystery. As Senator I would make sure that all Americans understand the dangers of unsound monetary policy and shed light on this secretive organization. Given this incredible power given to a semi-private institution, one wonders why we don't hear more about the Fed and its actions from the Congress. As Senator I would make sure that the Federal Reserve is held accountable and restore transparency to our monetary system." Longcore: How exactly are you going to "make sure ALL Americans understand" ANYTHING? We don't need transparency, Rand. America needs to abolish the Fed. Period. And from the news reports about HR 1207, the Transparency Act your father sponsored is dead... smothered to death by the guys you're going to be working with. The Federal Reserve is the world's largest counterfeiter, and the funny money needs to stop... even though it's too late. If the Fed stopped printing money today, the money in circulation is guaranteed to cause hyperinflation soon. Rand on National Defense: "I believe that the primary Constitutional function of the federal government is national defense, bar none. I believe we try the terrorists captured on the battlefield in military tribunals at GITMO. I do not believe in trying them in civilian court. I believe that when we must fight, we declare war as the Constitution mandates and we fight to win. That we fight only under US Commander and not the UN. I believe that defending this country is the primary and most important Constitutional function of our federal government." Longcore: My God, where do I start? (a) "National defense" is not invading other nations or having over 130 military bases in other countries. (b) People defending their own countries are not terrorists. America invaded THEM. (c) When has the US actually needed to defend its own borders since 1812? Rand, you've drunk deeply of the neocon Kool-Aid. (d) Tea Party member love guys who love the military, and you're their guy. (e) GITMO is one of the blackest marks on the American character since Japanese-American internment during WWII. By supporting GITMO, you also support torture, since torture is a daily functional tool at GITMO. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Rand on Energy Policy: "As Senator, the only question I will consider is whether government involvement is the most efficient approach to energy innovation. I will vote to cut taxes and lift regulations on companies developing new sources of energy." Longcore: The only question you should consider is how quickly you can sponsor legislation to dissolve the Department of Energy, Rand. Washington has no Constitutional authority to regulate the exploration and production of any type of energy whatsoever. It is usurpation of state sovereignty. Did you miss that when last you read the Constitution? Rand on Sovereignty: "We are a nation of laws. Our allegiance to foreign institutions sacrifices our autonomy as a nation by transferring our legal authority to unelected and unaccountable leaders. Our fiscal, trade, and monetary policy should be in the hands and best interest of 'We the People.' The US Government must answer only to the Constitution and the citizens protected by it. Longcore: We started as a "nation" of states. Now we are a nation governed by elected and unaccountable "leaders"... a position to which you wish to attain. The US government should be tightly controlled by the states and operate within the strictures of the Constitution. Even better would be the states simply opting out of "the Union" and becoming sovereign nations themselves. But Dr. Paul wants to be a part of the criminal element of Washington, not a state patriot. Remember, the moment Rand is elected and sworn in, he gets his paycheck from Washington, not Kentucky. Rand on Inflation: "Dr. Paul will demand far greater transparency and accountability from the Federal Reserve, whose monetary policy has devalued our Dollar by approximately 95% since its inception in 1913. By restoring fiscal responsibility and honest monetary policy, we can regain our financial independence from China and other foreign lenders. Rand will fight to strengthen the value of our Dollar so our purchasing power is not destroyed by the sneakiest tax of all: inflation." Longcore: Like the Federal Reserve item above, Rand... you need to dissolve the Federal Reserve's authority to print money and manage monetary policy. Who cares about accountability? Get rid of the counterfeiters! And another thing... China holds $877 billion in US debt, and Japan holds $769 billion. "Transparency" at the Fed is not going to pay off the total American debt load of over $14 TRILLION that many say can never be repaid, even if the IRS collected 100% of the income from all Americans for years into the future. Rand on Campaign Finance: "I propose mandating a clause in all federal contracts over $1 million that requires the recipient to pledge not to lobby government or contribute to campaigns during the terms of the contract. Companies that have willingly entered the public sphere by taking taxpayer funds should not be allowed to use part of that money to secure more funds. But this proposal is only part of the answer. While it is important to cut down on the demand for lobbyists, the supply side is even more important. Washington, D.C. has a supply of money and power that it can dole out to the highest bidder. As long as this golden goose exists, people will find ways to take advantage of it. The problem is not the abuse of power, but rather the power to abuse. The only answer to that problem is for Congress to reduce severely the size and scope of the federal government, so that the market is allowed to operate according to the free forces of a laissez-faire economy. Regulations, price controls, and political cronyism only distort the economy, foster corruption, and decrease our wealth as a nation." Longcore: Forget campaign finance, Rand. That's the least of your worries. Besides, you're not going to change anything as a freshman Senator. DC does not have a "supply of money" of their own. DC plunders the American taxpayers and then prints fiat money to make up the difference. Concentrate on forcing the Federal Government to only spend money on Constitutional things. Better yet, lead Kentucky to draft a Declaration of Independence and Ordinance of Secession and leave the Federal Government altogether. That would solve all the problems you naively enumerate at the Federal level. Dr. Rand Paul may become the next Senator from Kentucky, but he will not lead Kentuckians into more individual liberty. He will be just like all the other Senators... receiving lobbyist funds, raising campaign cash for himself and others, and presiding over the last days of The United States of America. Isn't it amazing, friends? There is still a long line of people at the employment office of the USS United States... eager to be an employee on the last voyage of the ship as it sinks. Secession... not new Senators... is the hope for humanity. Who will be first? DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.
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