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Letters to the Editor
from C. Jeffery Small. Doug Heard, A.X. Perez, and Cathy Smith
From Catalhoyuk to Podunk:
It's Time to Abolish City Government
by L. Neil Smith
Given today's technology, as well as the temper of the times, there is
no longer any justification for the existence of city governments. For maybe as long as
10,000 years, cities, constructed on the sites of resources such as obsidian (in what may
be mankind's earliest city, mentioned in the title, above), metals, fuel, and water, have
served humans as gathering and trading places, refuges of mutual defense, focal-points for
the arts and sciences as they began to develop.
Train WreckHungary
by Jim Davidson
A few weeks back I mentioned that there were many trillions of good reasons
to think that the sovereign debt crisis would spread from Greece to other eurozone countries.
One of the countries mentioned in my analysis was Hungary. And it just blew up, enough to drag
the US stock markets down.
Texas Secession: A New Nation Without Taxes?
by Russell D. Longcore
Can you imagine... in your wildest dreams... life without taxes? No income tax,
property tax, sales tax, ad valorem tax, corporate tax, no Social Security, no Medicare... and the
list goes on and on? What could you do with 100% of the money you earned?
Welfarethe PC way to say "Get Back In The Slave Shack"
by Neale Osborn
Is Welfare the new slave chains, just aimed at the poor, no matter the skin
color? I think so, and here's why. Back when slavery was legal, slaves lived where the master
said, ate what he provided, wore what he supplied, and did what master said. There was an
infinitesimal possibility of getting away from him and running your own life. Families were
broken up at his whim. So how is welfare the new Slave master, with a larger target group?
Here's my take on it, but first some facts. I am white, lower middle-class, and I have never
been on welfare. I do not guarantee that my opinions on this are based on factual info, it
comes from talks with many who have been on welfare, and from long conversations with a
black engineer at Corning, Incorporated, where I used to do contractor work. He grew up on
welfare, and told me how it went for him. We would talk politics, and one day, Teddy Kennedy's
name came up, and a man there said "Well, Teddy is a good friend to Blacks, isn't he?" My
friend said "No, and here's why."
The Essence of Morality
by Rob Sandwell
I have spoken before of rights. I must warn you now that today, I will speak
of sex and morality.
Green as in Money
by Craig Goodrich
I grew up in rural Wisconsin.and spent my adolescent summers at my aunt's place
on the St. Lawrence River. I know and love the people and lifestyle. Not terribly cosmopolitan,
sometimes, but peaceful, close to the earth, and very, very human.
Playfully Roguish
Fun & Games at the 2010 Libertarian National Convention
by Jim Davidson
The tallest national monument in the United States, the Gateway Arch monument
in the Jefferson national expansion memorial is the icon of St. Louis. It is a fitting place for
libertarians to get together, since it is the site of so much history. Jefferson violated the
constitution, in his own words, by finding no power to purchase territory, and purchasing a huge
amount anyway. The Lewis and Clark expedition to map parts of this territory and tell lies to
various native Indian tribes was started near where the arch stands today. And the Dred Scott
decision which would inspire John Brown to insane acts of reckless engagement with government
involved the court house there in St. Louis. As you know, momentous events followed the Dred
Scott ruling, including a war for the independence of the Confederate States which was not
entirely successful. That war shed the blood of about one million and thirty thousand soldiers
on both sides, including more dead than in all the other wars before and since fought by Americans
going back to Jamestown.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 79
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 79 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!