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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from Derek Benner, Curt Howland, L. Neil Smith, Michael White, A.X. Perez,
Ward Griffiths, Matt Sims, Ken Valentine, Richard Bartucci, and Rex "Baloo" May
A Rare TLE Endorsement:
Anna Chapman for U.S. Senate
by L. Neil Smith
He pissed me off. I'm pretty sure you've been through exactly the same thing
yourself. I sent e-mail, courtesy of Gun Owners of America, to the United States Senators from
Colorado, Michael Bennet and Mark Udall, opposing the latest legislative travesty, the so-called
"Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections" (DISCLOSE) Act (S.3295).
Foxworthy Authoritarians
by Jim Davidson
Some people in the freedom movement talk about a big umbrella, about a big
tent, about including people instead of excluding them, and about working together for a common
cause. Some of the prominent people now talking in this way include J. Neil Schulman, who would
like to assure you that Glenn Beck is a libertarian, and Wayne Root, who would like to assure
you that Wayne Root, the running mate of Bob Barr, is a libertarian. I think Bill Redpath still
wants you to be convinced that Barr is a libertarian, since he had him paid the big bucks to be
keynote speaker for this year's LP convention, I gather. Though Barr has not paid his ghost
writer for the 2008 book, nor Angelia O'Dell for her work as a paid staffer in West Virginia.
Girl kills attackers, but statists miss the point
by Kent McManigal
I got an email that I would like to share. Along with my commentary. First,
the email: BUTTE, MONTANA, Shotgun preteen vs. Home Invaders : Illegal alien Butte, Montana,
November 5 , 2009. Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably
believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her
father had left their two-story home.
Borderline Libertarianism
by Donald Meinshausen
My father was an illegal alien who came from Germany during the 1920's. I
know that many of us had ancestors who never needed to fill out papers. I'm hoping that those
who move anywhere do make the effort to learn about where they are moving to and try to
understand and be part of it, even if the history is not pretty and it usually isn't.
It's About Damned Time
by L. Lawrence Baird
Today the California Secretary of State announced the assignment of
PROPOSITION 19 to the cannabis legalization initiative which will be on the ballot in
November. This amazing turn of events makes me reflect back on the sixties when I not
only bought into the "Reefer Madness" mind set, but actively promoted it.
The Second Amendment, The Shooting Range, And The Race Card
by Neale Osborn
Recently, the Supreme Court gave us Hoplophiles (gun people) a half-assed
victory. They acknowledged that the 2nd Amendment is about an individual right, and applies
to the states as well as the federal government. Of course, they failed to go far enough,
but it is a start. Then Obama made his speech about illegal aliens, and that brought to
my mind the HUGE divide between the races. These two un-related ideas then met an article
about liquor stores, gun shops, and minority areas of town. It made me think about all the
different ranges I've shot at over the last 46 years.
Born on the What of Who?
A Blast From The Past
by L. Neil Smith
Another Fourth of July is upon us, the 230th. By rights, and to paraphrase
an inscription on the sideplate of one of my Ruger sixguns, manufactured in 1976, it should
have been "the 230th year of American liberty". Sad to say, it is far from that.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 83
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 83 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!