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Letters to the Editor
from Curt Howland, John Hoffman, Don Childers, Rex "Baloo" May, A.X. Perez,
Richard Bartucci, and Paul Bonneau
Enquiring Minds and the Oil War
by L. Neil Smith
Now and again, I receive e-mail asking me about libertarianism and libertarian
views. Sometimes these questions seem so important that I feel a need to answer them in public, so
others who wonder about the same things, but are too shy to ask, can get an answer, too. My policy
has always been that the only stupid questions are the ones that go unasked. It also affords me an
opportunity to think through another chapter for the book, Where We Stand, I happen to be
writing on libertarian policy.
Not in My Name
by Matthew Sims
Dustin, that is exactly what you are saying. If those people over there are
acting in your behalf as your proxies you are exactly saying that you want to kill innocent people
to effect some kind of outcome. You won't define the outcome as anything other than "win the war
and come home." I asked the question on my blog what do people mean when they say that.
The Palin Years, A History in Newsprint
by Neale Osborn
Washington DC 2008 (NBC News) Tonight, in a surprise victory, the ticket of
John McCain and Sarah Palin has won a landslide victory. Garnering nearly 72% of the popular
vote, and sweeping 37 states electorally. In his acceptance speech, President-elect McCain
said...."I knew Obamba, Osambo, You know who I mean, that black guy ran a good campaign. But
his godless atheists didn't manage to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, who
decided a pair of Mavericks were a better choice for president than Obimba, Osama, you know
who I mean.... that black guy who ran against me." Meanwhile, Sarah Palin dropped to her
knees and exhorted the entire convention room to join her in prayer to: Jeeesus Christ, who
told me to do this!" They announced that they would both take a few days off to consider
anything they wanted Mr. Bush to do to help them prepare the way for their assumption of
power, and to begin the process of fixing the current recession that is rearing it's head.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 84
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 84 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!