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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from C. Jeffery Small, The Libertarian Futurist Society, A.X. Perez,
Brian Singer, Neale Osborn, and Crazy Al
Arma Virumque Cano
by L. Neil Smith
A few days ago, in a peculiar sort of sidebar to an argument I seem to be
having with a handful of trendy lefties who resent the fact that I insist on ownership of what
I write, somebody named Rick over on a blog at the site decided it was time to open
another front.
A response to "Little Criminals" with a challenge...
by Seth Cohn
Mr Smith, you got it right in Hope, and so SO SO wrong this time. The
below challenges you to rethink and rewrite your position.
IP is dead, Long Live Media!
by Theodore Minick
The Internet is a wonderful thing. It has enabled communication in a way no
other invention since the telephone has. It has also enabled the sharing and reproduction of all
kinds of media, from print, to audio and video. The only comparable revolution was the Printing
press. Before the printing press, a copy of a manuscript was only possible through long hours of
manually copying each page. While this resulted in beautiful works of art which are still
cherished today, it also drastically limited the audience for those books. With the advent of the
Printing Press, a book could be completely reproduced in the time it once took to copy a few pages.
Data became less scarce, only as scarce as the resources required to print a book.
The WRONG THINGS are being called "illegals"!
by Dennis Lee Wilson
"Immigration control is UN-Constitutional!" And so is Drug Control, for all
the same reasons! That means that ALL the Federal "laws" regulating immigration and drugs are
themselves ILLEGAL! The PROPER course of action for Arizona and other states is to invoke the
10th Amendment and NULLIFY the Federal drug and travel prohibitions within their state's boundaries.
Conservative Shortcomings
by Sean Gangol
I recently wrote two articles about the controversy surrounding the changes
that were made to the textbooks by the conservative members of the Texas Board of Education. The
first part of the article discussed the rhetoric that conservatives received from the left and
the mainstream media over the changes, which was overblown for the most part. The second part of
my article discussed the left-wing bias which is prevalent in almost all public school textbooks.
After having the second half of my article published, I realized that conservatives have had their
own shortcomings when it comes to education. So I decided that it was only fair to call the
conservatives on their own blunders.
Evil is as Evil does
by Jim Davidson
On the one hand, there are a small number of very wealthy people making
enormous fortunes by selling weapons and ammunition to the military. The military then goes
around the world slaughtering children. For the last nine years, they have been slaughtering
little children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, and they must be getting tired
of it. Or perhaps they are running out of defenceless women and children to attack in these
places, so they have screwed their courage to the sticking point and turned their baleful
glare to Costa Rica.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 86
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 86 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!