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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from Paul Bonneau, Richard Bartucci, Crazy Al, Gadget42, A.X. Perez, and
Rex "Baloo" May
Maury Chaykin, 1949-2010
by L. Neil Smith
Maury Chaykin died this week on his 61st birthday, long before his time.
On Plagiarism
by Richard Bartucci
Ideas tend reliably to fail of qualification for intellectual property rights
(IPR) protection for the perfectly practical and plausible reason that it is extremely difficult
to prove innovation in an idea as such. One of the curious things about getting a broad and
continually expanding education is that one tends to realize that there is really very little
in the conceptual realm that can be accurately described as genuinely novel. The more you know
about history, the more likely it is that you can put your finger accurately on something in
the past that is bodaciously similar to what seems (to the less literate) to be brand spankin'
new and never-been-seen-before.
1776 Part Deux. Is It Time?
by Neale Osborn
"When in the course of human events" begins THE most important document in
the history of this country. It is the ONLY document we have that was adopted unanimously by
every state/colony in existence at the time. It set forth the legitimate reasons the 13 colonies
set forth as the justification for open revolt against the established government. Among the
mentioned grievances were two that stick out in my mind as relevant in todays America. They are
as follows.
Tyranny's Collapse
by A.X. Perez and Richard Bartucci
It may seem that I am beating a dead horse when I continue to go on about the
totally insane murder rate in Juarez. However, the fate of that city on the border is a foreshadowing
of where I fear corruption and disregard for personal liberty is taking America's cities, and
eventually the whole United States.
Thinking About Character
by L. Neil Smith
For the next few days I will be carefully rereading my 1993 novel Pallas,
which I didn't know at the time would become the foundation for the four-volume "Ngu Family Saga" I'm
in the middle of writing now.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 87
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 87 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!