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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from Jim Davidson, Ann Morgan, L. Neil Smith, Ward Griffiths, A.X. Perez,
and Gadget 42
Political Taxonomy
by L. Neil Smith
Okay, class, let's review what we've learned so far. To begin with, forget
the old, conventional right-left political spectrum that has failed so pathetically to describe
or predict actual behavior in the political universe. Yes, I know, it's what we were all taught
in high school and college. It's what they still talk about on TV. But it's TV, get it?
Wield the Sword of Truth
by Jim Davidson
I don't need to hear Noam Chomsky, nor anyone else, explain why the official
whitewash about 11-September-2001 is the only "logical" explanation. The only thing I have to
accept is the word of the 9-11 commissioners. They said the government lied to them. They said they
were not told everything. They still want to know the truth, and so do I.
Misapplication of the notion of "public goods" and the author's extinction paradigm
by Cathy L Z Smith
I've noticed, amidst the extreme assertiveness of the Neo-Austrians, a
reluctance to call non-rivalrous, non-excludable goods by their actual economic name"public
goods". I find this reluctance amusing, but not surprising. You see, the Austrian school rejects
the whole notion of "public goods". The Neo-Austrians apparently reject it only in so far as it
pleases them, but demonstrate no reluctance to use the classical definition of public goods to
define away the property rights of those who are responsible for their creation.
What is the state of things and where do we go from here?
by Edwin E. Smith
Perhaps I should begin with "I" instead of "we" since I long ago discovered
that I am only in control of myself and my body as everyone else is in control of their
respective selves. I know this to be a fact and I've got the AA and CA chips to prove it. To
paraphrase Robert A. Heinlein, "If you think you can control the actions of anyone else then
you should try herding cats." There lies the dilemma.
How one can distinguish real protection from a protection racket
by Paul Bonneau
On a discussion in another forum, it dawned on me that some people still
think government is here to protect them. I think it strange that this delusion still exists,
and thought I'd put together a checklist to help them distinguish true protection from a
protection racket.
Wrong Court Ruled on Arizona Law
by Dr. Duck
In a stunning development that could potentially send the nation into a
Constitutional crisis, an astute attorney who is well-versed in Constitutional law states that
the ruling against the State of Arizona by Judge Susan Bolton concerning its new immigration
law is illegal.
Monsters is People
by A.X. Perez
I happen to have friends who are socialists. The 2008 banking failure is
hailed by them as the failure of capitalism. They turn to statistics of how the middle class
is being squeezed out of existence to prove we must adopt socialism. At least they have the
honesty not to call themselves Progressives. I'm almost tempted to vote for any candidate who
has the testosterone to run as a Socialist instead of calling him(her)self a Democrat. That
almost is a big deal however.
They're Here...
...and Here, and Here
by Jim Davidson
A three-judge panel, consisting of Diarmuid Fionntain O'Scannlain, N. Randy
Smith, Circuit Judges, and Charles R. Wolle, Senior District Judge, voted in the case of U.S.
v. Pineda-Moreno, No. 08-30385 that the DEA and other pigs are not expected to get a warrant
to trespass on the private property of a driveway to attach a GPS device to someone's vehicle and
then follow that person's movements.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 91
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 91 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!