Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 586, September 5, 2010

"Taxation is the fuel of war"

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Run, run, run:

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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[email protected]

Dear Readers and Friends,

My recent essay "The Plan", which offers explicit proposals toward the economic recovery of our culture, seems to have lit up more than a few lights on that vast Switchboard of Life we call the Internet. The last time I looked, "The Plan"+"L. Neil Smith" generated a litte more than a thousand hits.

Not bad for a brand new 3000-word article.

Among those hits, please allow me to direct you to a website I helped to create and which I enjoy very much, "The Heart of The Matter". You'll find a few of my other writings there along with an increasing number opportunities to pass what you like along to others.


Come visit us!


I often tell younger writers to be patient. Sometimes it may take decades for your work to have an effect or even be recognized. But even I underestimated such a phenomenon until my wife Cathy discovered the following:


It even includes a photo of the original Darrel K. Sweet cover!

Please note, however, that The Venus Belt, long out of print at Del Rey Books, is available from Phoenix Pick, through—check it out!


I am long accustomed to generating controversy with my books. Completely unintentionally, of course. I'd never have thought, though, that the physics—some might say metaphysics—underlying them would upset anybody. Here's a fellow, though, disturbed—theologically—at the notion of alternative realities.


I guess somebody oughta tell him that it was the great Jack Williamson (whom I had the pleasure of meeting a few years ago) who thought the idea up, simply as a literary device, for his immortal The Legion of Time, and that I was encouraged in my apostasy at a very early age by Poul Anderson's The Guardians of Time and Andre Norton's The Crossroads of Time.

Later, thanks to Robert Anton Wilson, I learned that the idea had been proposed as a solution to contradictions between Relativity and Quantum Theory. To infinity and eternity, we could now add "alternity". In any case, if the guy has an argument about that, when he reaches the Great Debating Hall in the Sky, he should take it up with Albert Einstein, Nathan Rosen, and Boris Podolsky.

More later,

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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[email protected]


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